Title: Customer Survey Feedback
1Customer Survey Feedback
- East of England
- Sept 2008
2Mapping feedback on importance and quality of
support for different activitiesEast of England
results compared to the national average
Average scores for Question 2 (TDA performance)
vs. Question 3 (Importance to LA) for each
Quality of support (Question 2 average score)
Importance to LAs/GOs (Question 3 average score)
Source TDA customer feedback survey May 2008,
analysis of 372 responses received (56 response
rate) . Excludes question responses if left
blank Note Qu.2 "Based upon your own
experience, how well does the TDA as a whole do
each of the following?, Qu.3 "How important to
your work is it that the TDA performs the
following activities?. Average score weighted
average of scores from responses received
(excluding blank responses)
3Areas where the RDP is doing well
- Helps to develop the skills and capabilities of
people in your organisation - Helps you to network and share information with
people in other organisations - Gives you new ideas and examples of good practice
- Helps to ensure that central Government policies
and targets are met
4Areas where the RDP is doing okay
- Has a strong and productive relationship with you
- Provides helpful and constructive challenge to
your work - Brokers senior level support and endorsement of
your work within your organisation - Provides a mechanism for you to feedback and
influence national policy. - Provides you with support that is carefully
tailored to your needs - Enhances the capacity and capability of local
authorities to deliver reform
5Areas where the RDP needs to improve
- Responds quickly to issues and queries that arise
- Understands your perspective and the challenges
that you face - Ensures that you have up-to-date information on
important developments - Promotes coherence and connections between
different agendas - Provides strategic level insights and foresight