Title: Search for New Physics in Rare Decays
1Search for New Physics in Rare Decays
- Sridhara DasuRepresenting BaBar
CollaborationUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison
- Topics for this talk
- Flavor Changing Neutral Current Leptonic B
decays - B decay rate to rare final states
- Direct CP violation in rare decays
- B-factories also produce t and charm profusely
- Lepton Flavor Violation in t decays, D mixing
- Other B-Factory talks
- CP Violation in B system (Masashi Hazumis talk
after the break) - New physics effects in time-dependent
asymmetries - BaBar Rare B Decays Teela Pulliams talk this
afternoon - BaBar Asymmetries Giampiero Mancinellis talk
this afternoon - Global Unitarity Triangle Fits Maurizio
Pierinis talk this afternoon
2Weak B Decays
Vub Al3(r-ih)
New physics enters through loop effects
3B-Factories e e- ? b b
ee? s(nb)
bb 1.05
cc 1.30
ss 0.39
uu 1.39
dd 0.35
tt 0.94
mm 1.16
ee 40
On peak ? B mesons Off peak ? Background
Although MU(4S) 2MB, U(4S) boost enables
time-dependent measurements
4B-Factory Performance
Luminosity (cm-2 s-1) SLAC KEK
Design 3.0 x 1033 1.0 x 1034
Record Peak L 9.2 x 1033 1.4 x 1034
5BaBar and Belle
High resolution energy and momentum measurement
down to 30 MeV with good particle ID g, e,
m, p, K, KL (direction only)? 4-vector
6EM Penguin Analyses
- Fully Inclusive Analysis (b?sg)
- Off resonance data subtraction
- B background subtraction using MC data
- Smallest B-meson model dependence
- Inclusive branching fraction well predicted
- Deviations point to new physics
- Extract B-meson model parameters, e.g., for
improving Vub - Semi-Inclusive (Sum of exclusive modes) Analysis
(B?Xsg) - B mass reconstruction (higher precision
kinematics) - Self flavor-tagging for direct CP asymmetry
- Many experimental and theoretical uncertainties
cancel in ratio - Exclusive Analysis (B?Kg, B?rg, B?wg)
- Cleaner signals, but have most model dependence
- Direct CP and isospin asymmetry
- Use ratios to obtain Vtd/Vts
7Belle b?sg (140 fb-1)
Photon E in c.m. (GeV)
Eg spectrum moments related to B-meson model
parameters - reduce Vub uncertainty
8b?sg Branching Fraction
Semi-inclusive 20fb-1
Fully-inclusive (lepton tag) 50fb-1
Fully-inclusive others 9 fb-1
Fully-inclusive 140 fb-1
0.8 TeV
- Experimental results are consistent with SM
- Limits on SUSY parameter space
- Ellis, et al. hep-ph/0305212
- Green shaded exclusion region is due to b?sg
Universal sScalar mass
1 TeV
Universal sFermion Mass
9EM Penguins Direct CP Asymmetry
Weak phase difference
Strong phase difference
- Direct CP asymmetry can be non-zero when two or
more amplitudes contribute to the decay process - For b?sg, a single penguin amplitude dominates
- Predicted Standard Model asymmetry is 0 - new
physics ?10 - A measurement significantly above zero, points to
new physics! - Many experimental and theoretical uncertainties
cancel in ratios - Semi-inclusive Analysis (B?Xsg)
- Exclusive Analysis (B?Kg, B?rg, B?wg)
10BaBar Semi-inclusive B?Xsg
82 fb-1
- Reconstruct from sum of 12 exclusive hadronic
modes - Require K or Ks and up to 3 pions (np01)
- Extract signal in bins of hadronic mass Mhad
- Also useful for B-meson model parameter
extraction - Published only ACP so far
11 Direct CP asymmetry in b?sg
BaBar 82 fb-1
Belle 140 fb-1
Can be a clear sign of new physics
12Exclusive Decay B ? Kg
82 fb-1
Teela Pulliams talkTime dependent CP
- First observation of B?K(892)g and B?K2(1430)g
by CLEO (1993 and 2000) - Much higher statistics now
- Theory errors are larger than experimental errors
- Study CP asymmetries and isospin asymmetry
13Direct CP Isospin Asymmetry
DI improvement determines sign of C7
Standard Model ACP prediction is accurate and
smallMeasurements are consistent with zero,
dominated by statistical errors Future
measurements can point to new physics
14B ? r g, B ? w g
No evidence w/ 78 fb-1
- Motivation
- Measure the least well known side of Unitarity
Triangle - Vtd/Vts alternative to DMd/DMs
B?rg, r?pp0
B0?r0g, r0?pp-
B0?wg, w?pp-p0
15B ? r g, B ? w g
Updated with L140 fb-1
16B ? r g, B ? w g
- BaBar
CLEO Theory - PRL (92, 111801) (PRL 84, 5283)
(Ali Parkhomenko) -
C23 (2002) 89-112 - B(B0?r0g) lt 1.210-6 lt 1710-6
(0.490.18)10-6 - B(B?rg) lt 2.110-6 lt 1310-6
(0.900.34)10-6 - B(B0?wg) lt 1.010-6 lt 9.210-6
78 fb-1
9.2 fb-1
Previous Upper limits at 90 CL
New Belle Preliminary Results (140 fb-1)
Signal B0?r0g B?rg B0?w g
Yield 6.3 15.2 5.9
Efficiency 5.0 5.9 4.7
Branching Fraction 1.8 0.6 0.1 x 10-63.5 s significance 1.8 0.6 0.1 x 10-63.5 s significance 1.8 0.6 0.1 x 10-63.5 s significance
17b ? s l l
Forward l along BBackward l opp. B
Zero x-ing point
18b ? s l l
- Exclusive Modes
- B?Kee, B?Kee, B?Kmm, B?Kmm
- Semi-inclusive
- Use sum of exclusive modes techniques a la b?s g
analysis - Hadronic component, Xs, has one K and up to 2 p
Belle 140 fb-1
BaBar 82 fb-1
s e m
s e es m m
We are beginning to see higher hadronic mass
19b ? s l l results
- Rarest B branching ratios observed consistent
with SM predictions - New observables (asymmetries) available for
future studies - New physics effects more dramatic
Complementary to Bs?mmCDF Limit B(Bs?mm)lt
5.8 x 10-7 _at_ 90 CL
20B? ll
- Low SM predictions
- B(B?ee)10-15
- B(B? m m)10-10
- For B?em channel SM 0
- Sensitive to new physics, e.g., lepto-quarks
Mode Branching Fraction x 107 (_at_90 CL) Branching Fraction x 107 (_at_90 CL)
Mode Belle 78 fb1 BaBar 54 fb1
B?ee lt 1.9 lt 3.3
B?mm lt 1.6 lt 2.0
B?em lt 1.7 lt 2.1
CDF Limit B(Bd?mm) lt 1.5 x 107 _at_ 90
- Experimentally more challenging
- Recoil B technique
- Fully reconstruct one B
- Semi-leptonic B??D()ln
- Hadronic B??D()X
- Study the other B
- SM Predictions are more accurate than for B?Kll
- More sensitive to new physics
- Experimentally more challenging
- Recoil B technique
- Fully reconstruct one B
- Study the other
24BaBar Invisible decay B?nn
- B(B?nn) suppressed by(mn/mb)2
- B(B?nng) SM prediction is lt 10-9
- Reconstruct one B - study other B
- 126K B ?Dln events reconstructed
- 82 fb-1 data used
- Search for events with extra energy
25Lepton Flavor Violation t?lll
- Neutrino less decay - highly suppressed in SM
- ee- ? t(?lnn) t(?lll)
- Some new physics models allow rates within
reach - Six modes considered
- t?eee, t?emm, t?emm
- t?mmm, t?mee, t?mee
- Previous limits lt 10-6
26LFV t?lll
MC signal clusters at 0 in both DM (measured
PDG t mass) and DE (measured t energy beam
No data (black dots) seen in the signal box for
all six modes searched
Upper limits lt x 10-7 _at_ 90 CL
Mode t-? eee mee mee emm mmm
BaBar 2.0 1.1 2.7 1.3 3.3 1.9
Belle 3.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0
e mm
92 fb1
87 fb1
27LFV t?mg
MC Signal Expectation
Belle Data
28Hadronic Charmless Decays
- Numerous final states possible
- B?pp, B?pK
- B?rp, B?rr
- B?hK, B?fK
- Multiple diagrams
- Find penguin dominated channels
- Especially, those suppressed otherwise in SM
isolate new physics effects - CP asymmetries most sensitive observables
- Time-dependent studies for CP eigen states
29Rare Hadronic Decays
30Direct CP Asymmetry
Belle (140fb-1) Cpp 0.58 0.15
0.07 (direct CPV _at_ 3.2s !)
Consistent with zero for almost all modes - lt 2s
31D Mixing
Mixing implies that the physical states are not
pure flavor states
SM Mixing box diagram
d, s, b
Charm mixing values most often quoted using
scaled parameters x, y
d, s, b
Standard Model x, y predictions are small
Rmix1010 (Datta Kumbhakar, Z.Phys. C27, 515,
1985) Rmix1010 (Petrov, PRD 56, 1685,
1997) Recent SM predictions can accommodate high
(1) mixing rate (Falk et al, PRD, 65,
054034, 2002,
hep-ph/0402204, 2004)
SM di-penguin diagram
Opportunity to search for new physics
Few mixing possible (Petrov, hep-ph/0311271)
d, s, b
d, s, b
32D Mixing Results
with dKp being the relative strong phase between
DCS and mixing amplitudes
Year Exper. y (95 CL) x2/2 (95 CL)
2003 Babar -5.6 lt y lt 3.9 lt 0.11
2001 FOCUS -12.4lt ylt -0.5 lt 0.076
2000 CLEO -5.8 lt y lt 1.0 lt 0.041
Year Exper. Final State(s) Rmix (95 CL)
2002 FOCUS Km-n lt 0.13
2002 CLEO Ke-n lt 0.86
2004 Babar Ke-n (incl.) 0.12 (1s sens.)
2004 Babar Ke-n (incl.double tag) 0.06 (1s sens.)
Plot courtesy of G. Burdman I. Shipsey
No mixing seen yet
- Electro-weak penguins (b ? sg) are sensitive to
new physics - Branching Fractions (especially inclusive modes)
- Consistent with Standard Model - limits on SUSY
- CP asymmetries (deviations from SM0 ? new
physics) - Will remain of interest for a while
- Evidence for b ? dg
- Allows measurement of Vtd/Vts complementary to
DMd/DMs - Discovered b ? s l l- (More data needed to test
new physics) - Forward-backward asymmetry is sensitive to new
physics - No new physics seen in other search windows
- Pure leptonic B decays, lepton flavor violating t
decays, D mixing - Many more analysis in progress
- Integrated Luminosity 250 fb-1 by 2004 and
500 fb-1
by 2006!