Title: ANOVA Using Matrix Algebra
1ANOVAUsing Matrix Algebra
2Single Classification
3Experimental Study
4Improving Memory
- Population Patients Suffering from Korsakoff
Psychosis - Randomly Select Nine Patients
5Random Assignment
6Experimental Treatments
Group 1 Placebo Group 2 Dexfermetrazine
Group 3 Physostigmine
7Dependent Variable
- Number of Nonsense Syllabi Remembered
8Record Data
9Single Classification ANOVA
10Experimental Conditions
11Column Expanded Variance
- Due to Experimental Effects
12Column Expanded Variance
- Compute Columnwise DifferenceX - X
- Square and Sum the Positive Elements in the
Resulting Matrix
13Columnwise Differences
14Matrix of Columnwise Differences
15Triangulation of a Matrix
- Change the Negative Elements of a Skew Symmetric
Matrix into Zero Elements
16Triangulate the Resulting Matrix
17Square and Sum the Matrix Elements
Column Expanded Variance 26
18Total Expanded Variance
- Combine Separate Groups into One GroupT
- Compute the Total Pairwise DifferencesT - T
- Triangulate the Resulting Matrix
- Square and Sum the Positive Elements
19Total Group
20Total Pairwise Differences
21Matrix of Total Pairwise Differences
22Triangulate the Resulting Matrix
23Square and Sum the Matrix Elements
Total Expanded Variance 152
24Expanded Variance Components
- Total Expanded Variance 152
- Column Expanded Variance 26
- Error Expanded Variance 152 -26 126
25What percentage of variance in the dependent
variable was accounted forby the group
26Standard Variance Components
Divide each variance component by the total
- Total Standard Variance 152/152 1.00
- Column Standard Variance 26/152 .17
- Error Standard Variance 126/152 .83
27Percentage Accounted For
The group membership accounts for 17 of the
total variance.
28Do the three groups differ on the dependent
29The Null Hypothesis
30The Alternative Hypothesis
31Statistical Inference
- Methods for generalizing from samples to the
32Degrees of Freedom
- The degrees of freedom associated with the column
variance equal 3 - 1 2 - The degrees of freedom associated with the error
variance equal 9 - 3 6 -
33The F ratio for Single Classification ANOVA
Column Standard Variance
Error Standard Variance
k is the number of groups n is the number of
34Compute the F ratio
35Single Classification ANOVA