Title: My Pet Country
1My Pet Country!
- LO To know what country I will be taking for my
topic and to be able to evaluate my last topic
Starter List as many things you can think of that
you have done during the France topic. You have 5
minutes There are 2 merits for the 2 biggest
lists (count each bullet point you make about
something you have learnt- not a word count!)
2Topic evaluation
- Things I have done in France topic
- Brainstorm of France
- Map of Physical Features
- Map of human Features
- French economy
- Tour-de-France
- Rural to urban migration
- Population of Paris
- What did you enjoy
- What did you dislike
- What did you think you learnt a lot about
- What did you think was too difficult to
3- You are going to do a topic over 3 weeks
4My pet country-How to pick your pet
- First you have to choose a country
- It could be one you have never heard of e.g.
Bhutan or Togo. - It could be one you have seen in a film e.g.
Kazakhstan or Madagascar? - It could be one you have visited on holiday, e.g.
Spain, USA? - Maybe you close you eyes and pick one from a map-
I got Iran! - It could be one you want to find out more about
(you may know someone from there) or heard it on
the news (like Iraq or Afghanistan).
5What you need to do
- Choose your country
- A title page with the name of the country, your
class and your name on it - A flag of your country
- Map 1 (physical) of your country with rivers,
mountains and seas on - Map 2 (human) with the capital city, other cities
and town and road/rail routes - Facts Population, Income (GDP), Imports,
Exports, prime minister/president/leader, size,
biggest river, biggest mountain, largest city - Famous people from the country
- Tourist attractions
- History What is the history (as far back as you
can find out up to today - In the News Why has this country been in the
news lately?
- Find out the history of your country. Try and go
as far back as you can. - Give the dates of kings, queens or presidents
- If the country has been colonised and dates of
independence. - Has it been through any wars or battles?
- Try and put in your own words
7Facts of my country ______
Draw a picture and put the figures for your
country and UK comparison for the following
facts See page 94 onwards for Population Weal
th (GNP) Human Development index Illiteracy
rates Any other interesting facts
8Homework 1
- Complete your title page at home
9Homework 2
- Go to a travel agent and see if you can get a
brochure for your country - or
- If you can not go on the internet and see what
the tourist board for that country says about it.
Print out its home page
10Homework 3
- Travel Diary
- Write a diary of a 7 day holiday to your country.
Make sure you visit at least 3 different places
and say how you travelled around and what
activities you did there - e.g.
- Monday Got a plane from Manchester Airport to
Charles-de-Gaulle airport Paris. Got a taxi to
my hotel (Hotel de la rue) and unpacked. In the
afternoon I did a bus tour around the sites (like
Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower) and then went
back to the hotel. Im exhausted now and ready
for bed! - Tuesday Got up early today for breakfast as had
to get the Train to Nice at 9.00am. It took 2
hours to get there but was worth it as the
weather was great. After booking in my lovely
hotel (Hotel Isabelle) I walked aroung the old
town and went into Nice museum - Wednesday etc.
11Homework 4
- Make a post card of what your country looks like.
Write on the back what you have done on your