Title: Ground rules for the workshop
1Ground rules for the workshop
- 1. We do not particularly distinguish between
concepts e.g. - APEL accreditation of prior experiential
learning (Dutch EVC) - APL accreditation of prior learning (Dutch
EVK) - RPL recognition of prior learning
- 2. Competences competencies (? Learning
outcomes) no conceptual discussion - 3. We avoid national or sectoral discussions
on topics specific to 1 country or sector - 4. We equally appreciate everybodys
contribution - 5. starting with that of Julie and Frederik
2The APEL-onion (1)
ed. tr. inst.
local society
global society
3The APEL-onion (2)
ed. tr. inst.
local society
global society
4Critical success factors
- What are the critical success factors to enhance
the impact of APEL on the level of - the individual
- the education and training institutions
- local society and the professional workforce
- global society and international labour mobility
Group 1 focus on 1 (2) Group 1 focus on 3
(4) Group 2 focus on 2 (3) Group 1 focus on
4 (1)
5Grundtvig-project ECTS in lifelong learning
Core link between APEL and credits (ECTS) in
a lifelong learning perspective
6ECTS in lifelong learning
- official title European methodology for
accreditation of prior experiential learning in
Lifelong Learning - project with some 15 European partners
- Initiator John Konrad (UK) coordinated by
Pitest University (RO) - 4 pilot sectors, including nursing
- transversal links (trade unions - women)
7Envisaged outcomes
- a developed methodology
- for the recognition of skills and accreditation
of prior experiential learning - a validated set of tools procedures
- for 4 professional profile areas (nursing, law,
management of schools Computer Technology)
The formal route
Verify achievement
Learning outcomes
number level
Expresses in terms of competences
9Competences ? recognition ?credits
- Competences a transparent way to describe
learning outcomes - Working definition in project
- Using characteristic general outcomes under
- the five broad areas
- Knowledge and understanding
- Practice (applied knowledge and understanding)
- Generic cognitive skills such as an
understanding of methodologies, critical
analysis, evaluation - Key or transverse skills
- Autonomy, accountability and working with others
- In the meantime (e.g. via Tuning-project)
Learning outcomes generally accepted approach
(in HE)
10Competences ? recognition ?credits
- Steps in recognition process
- Assessment can lead to recognition
(Dutch herkenning) - Recognition can lead to accreditation
(Dutch erkenning) - Accreditation can be related to a full degree
(certification) - Accreditation can be related to parts of a degree
(exemption, Dutch vrijstelling)
11Competences ? recognition ? credits
- Credits in higher education a way to describe
student workload (hence time-related) - What is student workload in informal and
non-formal learning? - ? Different approach to credits needed
- Important extra element level
- Level of credit? of competence? of qualification?
- ? QF for EHEA EQF for LLL
Country A
Country B
The European Qualifications Framework for
Lifelong Learning how does it work? (according
to the European Commission)
13Swedish post-secondary engineering education
(PĂ„bygnadsutbildning) EQF Level 4 Irish
post secondary education at national level 6
(Advanced certificate)
14The key elements of the EQF for LLL
Learning context B
Learning context A
16Necessary conditions to broaden the impact of APEL
ed. tr. inst.
local society
global society
17Necessary conditions to broaden the impact of APEL
- Develop formal learning / training curricula
(qualifications) with learning outcomes
described in terms of competences - Divide these curricula into smaller units
- Attach credits to each unit
- Explore and identify ways to acquire
competencies, including via non-formal and
informal learning - Introduce adapted approaches to teaching and
learning to assessment and evaluation and to
quality assurance
18Key problem
- In (higher) education
- (ECTS-)Credits workload-based
- Credits attached to volumes of learning
(modules etc.) - ?Recognition of competences can not directly lead
to accreditation - ECVET offers no solution
- Perhaps ECTS-LLL does?
19The ECTS-LLL solution
- Short Demonstration of results