Title: EIS Progress Report
1EIS Progress Report
- Executive Steering Committee Meeting
- September 23, 2009
2Issues Report
- Banner Finance
- Additional self service trainings are scheduled
for both campuses - Approval queue will be turn on by October 15.
- Banner HR/Payroll
- Status and analysis report
3Project calendar review
4Major Tasks AchievedAugust/September 2009
Planned activities Dates Expected results
HR first parallel payroll run 9/1/09 Be able to compare the paychecks of 3600 employees between Banner and IAplus.
Major Banner modification decisions 9/1/09 3 digit vs. 4 digit faculty load factor modification decision point, 10-11 month tax withholding.
CCCApply contract ready for signature 9/1/09 Move to the next phase of the project.
Conversion of Catalogue and Schedule from IAplus to Banner (Summer and Fall quarter) 9/3/09 A test Banner platform for the schedulers to clone the future Banner schedules.
HR go Live readiness review 9/11/09 First assessment of HR go live readiness for January 2010.
Mid-month payroll parallel run 9/17/09 Mid-month payroll parallel run against IAplus.
Production data replication to DR site 9/22/09 Live data replication established for finance module to Carlsbad DR site.
5Major Milestone Ahead October 2009
Planned activities Dates Expected results
HR/Payroll 2nd parallel payroll run 10/1/09 Full parallel run of the end of month payroll process test of leave hours.
Luminis requirements definition for HR and Student 10/1/09 Luminis channel setup within Banner system for HR and Student access.
CCCApply implementation kick off 10/6/09 Technical team kick off meeting with College of Sequoia.
3CBG Conference 10/8/09 3CBG Banner user conference
Academic History conversion starts 10/12/09 Student conversion task
2nd Mid month pay roll/Direct deposit testing 10/18/09 Payroll direct deposit testing.
ECMS/C3MS integration testing starts 10/30/09 Course management system interface testing starts.
6Project Progression Chart
7Project budgetCurrent budget vs expenditure as
of 07/29/2009
Project Item Budget amount Expenditure Balance
Banner/Oracle Implementation 3 years 6.6M 6.3M 0.3M
EIS Hardware 1.0M 1.1M -0.1M
Backfill 1.7M 0.3M 1.4M
Start up cost year 2/3 1.3M 0.56M 0.74M
Project Contingency 1.2M 0 1.2M
Total 11.8M 8.26M 3.54M
8Percent of budget used as of August 31, 2009
9Completion vs. Budget detail AnalysisAs of
August 31, 2009
10Project Calendarhttp//www.fhda.edu/eis/eis_plan
Dates with underlines indicate multiple events
occurring at the same time. Hold Control button
down while clicking underlined events to follow
links to agendas.