Grid Computing Technology An Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Grid Computing Technology An Review


... of numerous development efforts that have been going on for many years. ... science and engineering, were developed and run over this demonstration network. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Grid Computing Technology An Review

Grid Computing Technology --- An Review
  • Jun Ni, Ph.D. M.E.
  • Department of Computer Science
  • The University of Iowa

  • History of Grid Computing
  • Definition of Grid Computing
  • A Grid Computing Model
  • Grid Computing Protocols
  • Types of Grids

  • Grid Computing is the evolution and amalgamation
    of numerous development efforts that have been
    going on for many years.
  • Infrastructure of IT
  • Innovative Distributed Computing Technology

Grid Computing Protocols and Internet Protocol
Grid Protocol Architecture
Internet Protocol Architecture
  • In the early-to-mid 1990s, there were numerous
    research projects underway in the academic and
    research community that were focused on
    distributed computing.
  • One key area of research focused on developing
    tools that would allow distributed high
    performance computing systems to act like one
    large computer.

  • At the IEEE/ACM 1995 Super Computing conference
    in San Diego, 11 high speed networks were used to
    connect 17 sites with high-end computing
    resources for a demonstration to create one super
  • This demonstration was called I-Way and was led
    by Ian Foster of the United States Department of
    Energys Argonne National Labs and University of
  • http//

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  • Sixty different applications, spanning various
    faculties of science and engineering, were
    developed and run over this demonstration
  • Many of the early Grid Computing concepts were
    explored in this demonstration as the team
    created various software programs to make all
    computing resources work together

  • The success of the I-Way demonstration led the
    United States governments DARPA agency, in
    October 1996, to fund a project to create
    foundation tools for distributed computing.
  • The research project was led by Ian Foster of ANL
    and Carl Kesselman of University of Southern

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  • The project was named Globus
  • A suite of tools that laid the foundation for
    Grid Computing activities in the academic and
    research communities.
  • (http//
  • http//
  • At the 1997 Super Computing Conference, 80 sites
    worldwide running software based on the Globus
    Toolkit were connected together.

  • This effort started to be referred to as Grid
  • coined to play on the analogy to the electrical
    power grid.
  • Grid computing would make tremendous computing
    power available to anybody, at anytime, and in a
    truly transparent manner, just as, today, the
    electric power grid makes power available to
    billions of electrical outlets.

  • Grid Computing in the academic and research
    communities remained focused on creating an
    efficient framework to leverage distributed
    high-performance computing systems.
  • But with the explosion of the Internet and the
    increasing power of the desktop computer during
    the same period, many efforts were launched to
    create powerful distributed computing systems by
    connecting together PCs on the network.

  • In 1997, Entropia was launched to harness the
    idle computers worldwide to solve problems of
    scientific interest. The Entropia network grew to
    30,000 computers with aggregate speed of over one
    teraflop per second.
  • A whole new field of philanthropic computing came
    about in which ordinary users volunteered their
    PCs to analyze research topics such as patients
    response to chemotherapy, discovering drugs for
    AIDS, and potential cures for anthrax.

  • Although none of the above projects could be
    successfully monetized by companies, they did,
    however, attract a lot more media attention than
    any of the earlier projects in the academic and
    research world.
  • Starting in late 2000, articles on Grid Computing
    moved from the trade press to the popular press.
    In rapid fire succession articles appeared in,

  • For example, New York Times, Economist, Business
    2.0, Red Herring, Washington Post, Financial
    Times, Yomiuri Shimbum, The Herald of Glasgow,
    Jakarta Post, Dawn of Karachi, etc. In fact, the
    trend has only accelerated recently.
  • An analysis of Lexus-Nexis data shows that Grid
    Computing references in popular U.S. media is up
    dramatically to 500 citations from 100 in Q4 of

  • Grid Technology Partners Grid Looking Glass
    Index which tracks Grid Computing related
    searches on the Google search engine tripled in
    the first year of its inception.

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  • Today, large corporations such as IBM, Sun
    Microsystems, Intel, Hewlett Packard,
  • Some smaller companies such as Platform
    Computing, Avaki, Entropia, DataSynapse, and
    United Devices are putting their marketing
    dollars to good use and creating the next
    generation of thought-leadership around Grid
    Computing that is focused on business
    applications rather than academic and basic
    research applications.

High Performance Computing
  • High-performance computing generally refers to
    what has traditionally been called
  • There are hundreds of supercomputers deployed
    throughout the world.
  • Key parallel processing algorithms have already
    been developed to support execution of programs
    on different, but co-located processors.

High Performance Computing
  • High-performance computing system deployment,
    contrary to popular belief, is not limited to
    academic or research institutions.
  • In fact, more than half of supercomputers
    deployed in the world today are in use at various

High Performance Computing
  • The industries in which high performance systems
    are deployed are numerous in nature.
  • shows the distribution of the top 500
    supercomputers by their industries.

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High Performance Computing
  • It was the desire to share high- performance
    computing resources amongst researchers that led
    to the development of Grid Computing technology
    and some of its fundamental infrastructure.
  • High-performance computing statistics are
    extremely important because they tell us which
    industries already have demand for tremendous
    computing power.
  • Information on the worlds top 500 supercomputers
    is compiled twice a year jointly by the
    University of Mannheim and the University of
    Tennessee. It can be found at

Cluster Computing
  • Cluster computing came about as a response to the
    high prices of supercomputers, which made those
    systems out of reach for many research projects.
  • Clusters are high-performance, massively parallel
    computers built primarily out of commodity
    hardware components, running a free-software
    operating system such as Linux or FreeBSD, and
    interconnected by a private high-speed network.

Cluster Computing
  • It consists of a cluster of PCs, or workstations,
    dedicated to running high-performance computing
  • The nodes in the cluster do not sit on users
    desks, but are dedicated to running cluster jobs.
  • A cluster is usually connected to the outside
    world through only a single node.

Cluster Computing
  • Cluster computing has been around since 1994 when
    the first Beowulf clusters were developed and
  • Since then, numerous tools have been developed to
    run and manage clusters.

Cluster Computing
  • Platform Computing, a firm that is now a leader
    in Grid Computing, developed many of the early
    load-balancing tools for clusters.
  • Additionally, tools have also been developed to
    adapt applications run in the parallel cluster

Platform Computing, a firm that is now a leader
in Grid Computing, developed many of the early
load-balancing tools for clusters. Additionally,
tools have also been developed to adapt
applications run in the parallel cluster
Platform Computing, a firm that is now a leader
in Grid Computing, developed many of the early
load-balancing tools for clusters. Additionally,
tools have also been developed to adapt
applications run in the parallel cluster
Cluster Computing
  • One such tool, ForgeExplorer, can check if
    particular applications are suitable for
    parallelization and determine if they would be
    suitable to run on a cluster.

Cluster Computing
  • The exponential growth in microprocessor speeds
    over the last decade has now made it possible to
    create truly impressive clusters.
  • AMD Athlonbased cluster at University of
    Heidelberg in Germany was tested at 825 Gflops,
    making it the 35th fastest high performance
    computer in the world.
  • Clusters are widely deployed in industries such
    as life sciences, digital entertainment, finance,

Cluster Computing
  • IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster
    Computing conducts a yearly conference that is
    designed to bring together international cluster
    and Grid Computing researchers, developers, and
    users to present and exchange the latest
    innovations and findings that drive future
    research and products.
  • It is expected that the Grid Computing community
    will benefit from the years of experience that
    the cluster community has in building tools that
    allow applications to share distributed computing
    resources. Cluster computing and cluster-based

Cluster Computing
  • Beowulf clusters were developed by Thomas
    Sterling and Don Becker while working at the
    Center of Excellence in Space and Data and
    Information Sciences, a division of University
    Space Research Association located at NASA
    Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • The AMD-based cluster was tested based on Linpack
    test performed by

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • Although the recent growth of user-friendly
    file-sharing networks, such as Napster or Kazaa,
    has only now brought Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks
    and file sharing into the public eye, methods for
    transferring files and information between
    computers have been, in fact, around almost as
    long as computing itself.
  • Until recently, however, systems for sharing
    files and information between computers were
    exceedingly limited.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • They were largely confined to Local Area Networks
    (LANs) and the exchange of files with known
    individuals over the Internet.
  • LAN transfers were executed mostly via a built-in
    system or network software while Internet file
    exchanges were mostly executed over an FTP (File
    Transfer Protocol) connection.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • The reach of this Peer-to-Peer sharing was
    limited to the circle of computer users an
    individual knew and agreed to share files with.
  • Users who wanted to communicate with new or
    unknown users could transfer files using IRC
    (Internet Relay Chat) or other similar bulletin
    boards dedicated to specific subjects, but these
    methods never gained mainstream popularity
    because they were somewhat difficult to use.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • Today, there are a number of advanced P2P file
    sharing applications, and the reach and scope of
    peer networks have increased dramatically.
  • The two main models that have evolved are the
    centralized model, such as the one used by
    Napster, and the decentralized model like the one
    used by Gnutella.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • In the centralized model of P2P, file sharing is
    based around the use of a central server system
    that directs traffic between individual
    registered users.
  • The central servers maintain directories of the
    shared files stored on the respective PCs of
    registered users of the network.
  • These directories are updated every time a user
    logs on or off the Napster server network.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • Each time a user of a centralized P2P file
    sharing system submits a request or searches for
    a particular file, the central server creates a
    list of files matching the search request by
    cross-checking the request with the servers
    database of files belonging to users who are
    currently connected to the network.
  • The central server then displays that list to the
    requesting user. The requesting user can then
    select the desired file from the list and open a
    direct HTTP link with the individual computer
    that currently possesses that file.
  • The download of the actual file takes place
    directly, from one network user to the other. The
    actual file is never stored on the central server
    or on any intermediate point on the network.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • The decentralized model of P2P file sharing does
    not use a central server to keep track of files.
  • Instead, it relies on each individual computer to
    announce its existence to a peer, which in turn
    announces it to all the users that it is
    connected to, and so on.

Peer-to-peer Computing
  • The search for a file follows a similar path. If
    one of the computers in the peer network has a
    file that matches the request, it transmits the
    file information (name, size, etc.) back through
    all the computers in the pathway to the user that
    requested the file.
  • A direct connection between the requester and the
    owner of the file is directly established and the
    file is transferred.

Internet Computing
  • The search for a file follows a similar path. If
    one of the computers in the peer network has a
    file that matches the request, it transmits the
    file information (name, size, etc.) back through
    all the computers in the pathway to the user that
    requested the file.
  • A direct connection between the requester and the
    owner of the file is directly established and the
    file is transferred.

Internet Computing
  • The explosion of the Internet and the increasing
    power of the home computer prompted computer
    scientists and engineers to apply techniques
    learned in high-performance and cluster-based
    distributed computing to utilize the vast
    processing cycles available at users desktops.
  • This has come to be known as Internet computing.

Internet Computing
  • Large compute intensive projects are coded so
    that tasks can be broken down into smaller
    subtasks and distributed over the Internet for
  • Volunteer users then download a lightweight
    client onto their desktop, which periodically
    communicates with the central server to receive

Internet Computing
  • The client initiates the tasks only when the
    desktop CPU is not in use. Upon completion of the
    task, it communicates results back to the central
  • The central server aggregates the information
    received from all the different desktops and
    compiles the results.
  • United Devices, Entropia, and others have
    established large groups of users that volunteer
    their desktops for large computing projects.

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Internet Computing
  • Internet computing projects, although not
    profitable, have allowed companies to understand
    large-scale distributed computation projects.
  • Many of these companies, which were originally
    funded to harness the power of the consumers
    desktops connected to the Internet, are retooling
    their products for enterprise applications.
  • Some people classify some of the Internet
    computing projects as an emerging area called
    philanthropic computing.

Grid Computing
  • Grid computing tries to bring, under one
    definitional umbrella all the work being done in
    the high performance, cluster, peer-to-peer, and
    Internet computing arenas.
  • Coming up with a definition for Grid Computing,
    therefore is not as easy as one would have
    expected. Vendors, academics, trade, as well as
    the popular press have all tried to define Grid

Grid Computing
  • Some of the definitions of Grid Computing that we
    have uncovered include
  • The flexible, secure, coordinated resource
    sharing among dynamic collections of individuals,
    institutions, and resources.
  • Transparent, secure, and coordinated resource
    sharing and collaboration across sites.
  • The ability to form virtual, collaborative
    organizations that share applications and data in
    an open heterogeneous server environment in order
    to work on common problems.
  • The ability to aggregate large amounts of
    computing resources which are geographically
    dispersed to tackle large problems and workloads
    as if all the servers and resources are located
    in a single site.
  • A hardware and software infrastructure that
    provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and
    inexpensive access to computational resources.
  • The Web provides us informationthe grid allows
    us to process it.

Grid Computing
  • The following broader definition of Grid
    Computing serves the purpose of this book more
    fully and will be used to describe grid systems

Grid Computing
  • Grid Computing enables virtual organizations to
    share geographically distributed resources as
    they pursue common goals, assuming the absence of
    central location, central control, omniscience,
    and an existing trust relationship

Grid Computing
  • Virtual organizations can span from small
    corporate departments that are in the same
    physical location to large groups of people from
    different organizations that are spread out
    across the globe.
  • Virtual organizations can be large or small,
    static or dynamic. Some may come together for a
    particular event and then be disbanded once the
    event expires.

Grid Computing
  • Some examples of a virtual organization are
  • Boeings Blended Wing Body design team located in
    numerous Boeing offices around the world.
  • Worldcoms Global VPN Product Management team
    with members in 28 countries working on defining
    product specifications.
  • An accounting department of a company.
  • An emergency response team created to tackle an
    oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Grid Computing
  • A resource is an entity that is to be shared.
  • It can be computational such as a personal
    digital assistant, laptop, desktop, workstation,
    server, cluster, and supercomputer or a storage
    resource such as a hard drive in a desktop,
    (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), and
    terabyte storage device.
  • Sensors are another type of resource.
  • Bandwidth is yet another resource that is used in
    the activities of the virtual organization.

Grid Computing
  • Absence of a central location and central control
    implies that grid resources do not require a
    particular central location for their management.
  • The final key point is that in a grid environment
    the resources do not have prior information about
    each other nor do they have pre-defined security

Grid Computing
  • We mentioned earlier that this is a broad and
    all-encompassing definition of Grid Computing.
  • There will be degrees to which certain grid
    deployments and grid products meet or do not meet
    the above criteria.

Relationship between Grid computing and others
  • Peer-to-peer networks fall within our definition
    of Grid Computing.
  • The resource in peer-to-peer networks is the
    storage capacity of each (mostly desktops) node.
  • Desktops are globally distributed and there is no
    central controlling authority.
  • The exchange of files between users also does not
    predicate any pre-existing trust relationship.
  • It is not surprising, given how snugly P2P fits
    in our definition of Grid Computing, that the
    Peer to Peer Working Group has become part of the
    grid standards body, the Global Grid Forum (GGF).

Relationship between Grid computing and others
  • From a Grid Computing perspective, a cluster is a
    resource that is to be shared. A grid can be
    considered a cluster of clusters.

Relationship between Grid computing and others
  • Internet computing examples presented earlier in
    our opinion fit this broad definition of Grid
    Computing. A virtual organization is assembled
    for a particular project and disbanded once the
    project is complete. The shared resource, in this
    case, is the Internet connected desktop.
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