Title: CIS 451: E-Commerce Security
1CIS 451 E-Commerce Security Payment Systems
- Ralph Westfall
- July, 2009
2Reasons for Not Buying Online
- 31 privacy/security (students 28)
- 28 less customer service (22)
- 9 not interactive enough (15)
- 8 high prices (11)
- 4 can't feel product (4)
- Source Ahuja, Gupta, Raman (2003)
- see table at end of report
3Need for Security
- Internet is inherently insecure
- crimes can be committed remotely
- very little evidence for prosecutors to use
- programs automate hacking
- from Ghosh, 1998
4Identity Theft
- 9.9 million identity fraud victims in 2008
- usually not directly related to E-Commerce
- email requests for information ("phishing")
rather than web site security failures - women were 26 percent more likely to be victims
of identity fraud than men
5Key Security Issues (PAIN)
- privacy - messages not read in transit
- authentication - be sure of identity of seller
- possibly buyer also
- integrity - messages not changed in transit
- nonrepudiation - neither buyer or seller can deny
they received message
6PAIN Security Issue Examples
- Privacy (not intercepted)
- message from A to B doesn't go to C also
- Authentication (not "spoofed")
- message from C doesn't look like it's from A
- Integrity (not modified in transit)
- A's message not modified by C before B sees it
- Nonrepudiation (can't be denied)
- B can't say message from A not received, and A
can't say response from B not received
7Public Key Cryptography
- public key given to anybody
- e.g. on e-mail signature
- can find whole public keys at keyserver.net (was
down today) - public key created from private key
- private key is kept secret
- a shorter public "fingerprint" can be created
- software uses a public key to encode data
- must have private key to decode message
8Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
- uses public key cryptography
- free 30-day trial version
- GnuPG is a freeware replacement
- don't lose your keys!
- government filed lawsuit against author
- corporate products for business security
- e-mail, file transfer, etc.
- electronic commerce
9Digital Certificate
- key element in most security schemes
- adds an attachment to an electronic message that
verifies the identity of sender - provides key to receiver to encode reply
- issued by a "certificate authority" (CA)
- confirms identity of person/organization
10Certificate Authority
- trusted 3rd party (not buyer or seller)
- usually a bank, credit card company, etc.
- issues digital certificates
- creates digital signatures and public/private key
pairs - guarantees identity of certificate holder
11Some Certificate Authorities
- Verisign
- Thawte (21 day free trial)
- InstantSSL (free certificate, but have to
subscribe to a Root Authority later) - guide to use
- secure extension to MIME specification
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions is the
standard that makes possible to include images,
HTML formatting etc. in email - built into many email readers
- Outlook, Outlook Express, Apple Mail, etc.
- MIME security problems in past
- nonproprietary protocol for encrypting email and
messages - can be used by any company without paying
licensing fees - bought back from Network Associates in 2002
- offers an alternative to S/MIME
- some vendors are implementing both in their
14Image Recognition Tests
- CAPTCHA - completely automated public Turing test
to tell computers and humans apart - designed to foil software programs (bots) that
get data from web sites - very difficult for software to identify
characters but not so hard for humans - email unsubscribe example
15Security Protocols and Systems
- SSL - secure sockets layer
- SET - secure electronic transactions
- Cybercash
16SSL - Secure Sockets Layer
- from Netscape, built into their browsers
- uses public key cryptography
- 40 or 128 bit keys (every extra bit doubles the
security e.g., 10 bits more x 1000) - authenticates that data comes from URL address
requested by user - not from another site pretending to be that site
- ensures that data isnt changed in transit
17Secure Sockets Layer - 2
- need to enable and configure SSL on server
- Netscape server
- or using Netscapes SSLRef program library
- an ISP can handle this for you
- need to identify specific pages requiring SSL
access - web address starts with https (S is for secure
see Blackboard login, etc.) - web page author implements this
18Secure Sockets Layer - 3
- need to get a certificate
- certificate proves identity of your company
- Verisign charges 399 for retail sites (40 bits,
1 year, 100,000 loss coverage) - search for organizations with certificates
- certificates not popular with consumers
- use passwords instead on your site to verify
customers identities
19Secure Sockets Layer - 4
- advantages
- established in marketplace
- relatively inexpensive
- doesn't require anything special from user
- disadvantage
- extra processing slows down server
20Microsoft's Windows Live ID
- formerly called Passport Network
- electronic "wallet" for card number, name,
address and other information - automates purchase
- user doesn't have to type in much information
- free to consumers
21.NET Passport
- supposedly has a lot of users
- have to sign up to use new MS software
- eBay stopped accepting it at end of 2004
- do you know anybody actually using it?
- security problem in 2003
- Microsoft also used to offer a Kids Passport for
parental control of release of information
22Liberty Alliance
- an alternative to Microsoft's propriety approach
to Passport - participating organizations can maintain their
own data rather than letting Microsoft hold it - is an "open standards" approach
- currently emphasizing preventing identity theft
- concept was to make it possible to get a little
bit of money from a lot of customers - 1 x 1 million customers 10,000
- up to this point, can't cost effectively process
lots of very small transactions - PayPal doesn't handle really small transactions,
but is strong in this niche
- lets users pay by email
- strong relationship with E-Bay (online auctions),
then bought by E-Bay - handles eighteen currencies worldwide
- 50 million accounts
- free personal use, but businesses receiving
payments are charged a fee - fixed 30 cents and 1.9-2.9 of amount
25PayPal Vulnerabilities?
- use by organized crime led to fines and being
prohibited for a while in some states - at one time could be hacked so that that buyers
could reduce item prices or get software for free - one vendor is selling a proposed solution to the
above vulnerabilities
26Mobile Payments
- buy things via a mobile device, using cell phone
number as password - usually involve "virtual goods"music, games,
etc. - very cheap when sold in large volumes
- typically sell for around 2 or less
- phone carrier may get up to half of cost
- Investors Bet on Payments via Cellphone
27Common E-Commerce Security Vulnerabilities
- SQL injection attack includes SQL syntax
characters (e.g., single quote) or keywords in
user inputs - error messages may reveal ways to access
restricted pages - Guess.com and Petco.com sites were found to be
vulnerable to such attacks
28Security Vulnerabilities - 2
- total cost of order can be reduced
- payment confirmation page holds total cost in an
HTML hidden field - a "web application proxy" can change the data
sent back to the server, so that when user
confirms transaction, the amount is less than
actual cost (free web application proxy security
29Security Vulnerabilities - 3
- buffer overflows (e.g., caused by pasting a lot
of text 6000 bytes into a text box) may print
error messages that reveal path to specific code
functions that can be used to hack into sites
30Security Vulnerabilities - 4
- cross-site scripting
- inserts script (e.g., JavaScript) into text that
is sent back to a new web page - for example, a search engine sends the keywords
back with the results page - script could be used to get information from a
cookie on user's machine - or user might be redirected to a "phishing" web
site and asked for password
- test some online forms
- eCommerce, mortgage refinancing, etc.
- include "special characters" in inputs
- ' (single quote), " (double), lt (HTML), lt
(ASP), lt? (XML), \ (escape), , ? or (wild card
characters), (concatenation), _at_ (email or
compiler directive), others? - report back on what happened
- Ahuja, A., Gupta, B., and Raman, P., "An
Empirical Investigation of Online Consumer
Purchasing Behavior," Communications of the ACM,
December, 2003, pp. 145-151. - Dembeck, C., "Online Credit Card Security Fears
Waning, But Still a Factor," E-Commerce Times,
March 8, 2000 . - Ghosh, A. K, "Security in Internet Electronic
Commerce," invited presentation to Defending
Cyberspace '98, September 24, 1998, Washington,
D.C. - Internet Marketing Center, "Enabling
Technologies Encryption Overview," Internet
Marketing Center - Mookey, K. H., "Common Security Vulnerabilities
in e-commerce Systems," Security Focus, April 26,