Title: The African Information Society Initiative AISI
1Parliament of Uganda Workshop Entebbe, 15-16
June 2007
The African Information Society Initiative (AISI)
Thierry H. AMOUSSOUGBORegional Adviser, ISTD/ECA
2What is the AISI ?
3African Information Society
first regional framework for ICT development
- What is AISI?
- a vision for ICT development in Africa
- an implementation process, with evaluation of
results impact (Policy) - series of sector applications defined according
to Africas priorities (InfoKnowledge) - a tool where synergies are created through open
5AISI was
- launched in 1996 by the African Ministers in
charge of planning and economic development - endorsed by the African Regional
Telecommunications for Development Conference
held in Abidjan in 1996 - endorsed by the 1996 OAU Summit
- welcomed during the G71 Denver Summit in 1997
6Focus Areas
Info KnowledgeDevelopment
Partnership Networking
7AISI Focus Areas I
- Policy assisting countries to develop national
e-strategies and raise awareness among policy
makers on issues related to ICT4D regional,
national, sectoral, and village e-Strategies
- Regional Information and Communication
Infrastructure (RICI) - National Information and Communication
Infrastructure (NICI) - Sectoral Information and Communication
Infrastructure (SICI) - Village Information and Communication
Infrastructure (VICI)
9The NICI Iterative Cycle
Determine the National Development Priorities
Development of the Policy Framework
NICI Programme Identification Selection
Developing next NICI Plan
NICI Programme Profile Development
NICI Programme Monitoring Evaluation
Resource Mobilization
NICI Programme Implementation
Resource Deployment
10Sectoral strategies
11E-Strategies NICI Example
- To Leverage the benefits of ICT for a
people-centered, free market based and
export-oriented socio-economic development.
34- 64
12 23
7- 13
12 Regional - Strategies RICI
- Promote framework for the development of ICT
infrastructure, bandwidth cost sharing - Promote open standards, interconnectivity through
backbone - Building a critical mass to facilitate regional
integration through ICTs - Enable economy of scale, research, mobilizing
collective voice - Strengthen RECs and Regional Associations
- Development of sub-regional ICT initiatives
13 Cooperation with RECs
UMA e-commerce
ECOWAS and UEMOA - ICT Policy Harmonisation -
Legal Framework for e-commerce
- e-government
- - Security for e-Gov
CEMAC and EEAC - e-CEMAC 2010 validation -
Telecommunication Regulation
TRASA/SADC Regulation Implementation
14AISI Focus Areas II
- Information and knowledge building capacity of
member States to develop and use information for
development - ITCA (web portals, databases,
training, exhibition), VarsityNet, SchoolNet,
15AISI Focus Areas III
- Outreach activities information dissemination
on ICT4D activities involvement of Womens
groups/CSOs, Media, Academia, MPs, etc
16AISI Focus Areas IV
- Partnership and networking promote national
stakeholders network and partnerships and joint
ICT programs with development and funding
agencies working in Africa and voicing Africas
position in global fora like WSIS
- Websites AISI, NICI, PICTA, ePol-NET Africa,
http//www.uneca.org/aisi http//www.uneca.org/ai
si/nici http//www.uneca.org/aisi/picta http//ww
- CSOsECA/APC workshop, capacity building/adv.
AcademiaECA/Ford Retreat, VarsityNet, ARN
Parliamentarians Ethiopian MPs, training,
sub-regional networks
MediaBamako 2nd Forum, AISI Media Awards,
ICT reporting survey, ICT training module
Private Sector Bamako Forum, UN ICT Task Force
PS national forum
- Youth Network, OosyNet, ADF V
19Measuring and Benchmarking the Information
SCAN-ICT Core List of Indicators
20- SCAN ICT aims to
- build African capability to collect and manage
key information needed to support the growing
investment in ICTs as well as the transition of
Africa to an information society - Collect ICT indicators to measure the penetration
of the information society in African countries - to create a pan-African ICT network and
observatory - Partnership for Measuring the Information Society
Adoption of 42 core list of Indicators
21Main Challenges
- Infrastructure still limited in rural Africa
- Investments Governments need to do more and
budget allocations should factor ICTs in rural
development concerns - Policies should be implemented more vigorously
to ensure rural and community access
(legal/institutional/regulatory frameworks) - Integration of ICTs in sectors that support rural
development agriculture, forestry, etc - Private Sector involvement still limited
incentives needed Supporting RD more support
needed for innovation and appls - Building e-rural economy using ICTs to open up
the rural economy and introduce new wealth
creation opportunities especially for women and
youth - Stronger lobby on ICT and Rural development
issues - More applications/local content use of local
22Lessons Learned
- High Level Political Commitment Champions in
Government - Rwanda/Ghana - Broad participatory approach
- Strong linkage between NICI - MDG and PRSP and
other Development Agendas - Integration of Gender dimension
- Capacity Building as a priority
- Importance of Regional Harmonization
- Sustainability of ICT4D Activities
- Necessity of evaluation and monitoring mechanisms
- Adoption and implementation of AISI has benefited
all ICT4D programmes - The NICI concept is so popular that it has become
a worldwide trademark for e-strategy development.
ECA is overwhelmed by requests from member States
and partners wanting to associate with the AISI
process - AISI was the foundation of Africas participation
in the WSIS process from Bamako to Accra leading
to the publication of the African Regional Action
Plan on the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE)
24The Way Forward
- There is need to continue ongoing sensitization
of policy/decision makers and stakeholders on
ICT4D issues to secure high level commitments and
sustainable implementation of NICI Plans - There is need to ensure that ICT4D is
mainstreamed across all sectors such as health,
trade, commerce, agriculture etc, to contribute
to the achievement of the MDGs and in support to
the PRSPs and various socio-economic development
agenda of the countries
25Thank You !