Title: meta Philippines WORKPLAN : Early accomplishments IN THE PILOT PHASE
1meta Philippines WORKPLAN Early accomplishments
2Key Outcome I Available information on medicines quality, registration, access, promotions and rational use Key Outcome I Available information on medicines quality, registration, access, promotions and rational use
1.1. Analysis of existing pharmaceutical data ONGOING
1.2. Survey of the quality of medicines in the field using the BFAD in a suitcase strategy ONGOING
1.3. Conduct of Level II and III Survey on medicines ONGOING
3Key Outcome 2 Setting up of structures and systems for disclosure of information at the national and local Key Outcome 2 Setting up of structures and systems for disclosure of information at the national and local
2.1. Improvement of the medicines registration and quality website of BFAD TO BE STARTED
2.2. Website for the Philippine National Drug formulary TO BE STARTED
2.3. Implementation of the EDPMS at the regional and provincial levels TO BE STARTED
4Key Outcome 3 Improving technical capacity for disclosing, analyzing and using information and evidence Key Outcome 3 Improving technical capacity for disclosing, analyzing and using information and evidence
3.1. Strengthening of Drug Therapeutic Committees at Regional and Provincial levels TO BE STARTED
3.1.a. Technical capacity building for DTC's TO BE STARTED
3.1.b. Development of tools for monitoring and evaluation of DTC's TO BE STARTED
3.2. Pharmaceutical Management and Good Governance Course for LGU Health Managers and Local Chief Executives TO BE STARTED
3.3. Piloting of the Pharmaceutical bench book ONGOING
3.4. Support to the Good Governance in Medicines Awards ONGOING
5Key Outcome 4 Setting up mechanism for advocacy and participation in decision making processes Key Outcome 4 Setting up mechanism for advocacy and participation in decision making processes
4.1. MeTA Roundtable discussions Monthly meetings
4.2. Publications Website print
4.2. Development of the MeTA website Website is up running
4. 3 Annual MeTA Forum Plans for 3rd Meta Forum In Jan 2010 is in progress
6Sample Slides
MeTA Philippines Website is up running
7Key Outcome 5 Sustaining a multistakeholder collaboration (Operations and Financial Management) Key Outcome 5 Sustaining a multistakeholder collaboration (Operations and Financial Management)
1. MeTA Council and Secretariat Operations New Secretariat Operational
2. CSO Support CHAT organized
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