Title: Cosmic run analysis for IFR-LST
1Cosmic run analysis for IFR-LST
G. Cibinetto
- Type of cosmic runs
- Mapping and mis-mapping
- Occupancy plots
- noisy channels
- dead channels
- Detector optimization
- single rate
- threshold scan
- efficiency plots
- Reconstruction
3Type of cosmic runs
- Beside the conventional BaBar cosmic triggers we
use a standalone data taking mode triggering on
each singular hit in the wires of the LSTs - This way we trigger also on the noise.
- The standalone mode has been used to measure the
performances and to optimize the detector (single
rate, threshold scan, search for dead/hot
4Hitmaps at the FEC level
view 0 (? wires)
view 1 (z strips)
5Mapping and
masked channels
missing channel
wire n. vs FEC channel layer 5 sxt 1
strip n. vs FEC channel layer 8 sxt 1
When one strip is hit in a layer, plot location
of hit strips in adjacent layers
wrongly mapped layer
correctly mapped layer
7Occupancy plots
Noisy FECs
Dead channel
Hot spot in the tube
This noisy channel is due to an hot spot in one
of the tube. The channel is recovering (blue
plot) being under HV.
The 2 hot channels were due to noisy FECs which
have been replaced. The hole is a dead z channel
(the strips got disconnected).
81D Cluster Reconstruction
Average multiplicity 1.13
Average multiplicity 1.82
strip multiplicity
wire multiplicity
9Detector optimization single rate measurement
10Detector optimization threshold scan
For wire signals
11Detector optimization efficiency measurement
Average layer efficiency is 92.5
12Detector optimization efficiency vs threshold
No efficiency variations as function of the
131D Cluster Map (LST Geometry)
Matteo Negrini
Reconstructed 1D cluster positions using new
geometry packages in release 15.7.0
- Cosmic runs have been and are very useful for the
detector optimization and performances
monitoring. - The installed detectors perform excellently,
according to expectations. - 288 tubes installed ? 1152 R/O channels, all
working properly !!! - 1612 z-strips installed and tested, only 5 bad
channels !!! - Average layer efficiency is 92.5.
- Noise from electronics is negligible.
- 1D cluster reconstruction using new geometry is
ready. - 3D reconstruction used to checked the alignment
of the layers and to improve the geometry (not
presented here). - Next step colliding events.