Title: The Spectrum
1The Spectrum
- We define the spectrum, S(w), of a wave E(t) to
This is the measure of the frequencies present in
a light wave.
27. Usando el teorema de Rayleigh, calcular
3The Pulse Width
- There are many definitions of the "width" or
length of a wave or pulse. - The effective width is the width of a rectangle
whose height and area are the same as those of
the pulse. - Effective width Area / height
(Abs value is unnecessary for intensity.)
Advantage Its easy to understand. Disadvantages
The Abs value is inconvenient. We must
integrate to 8.
4The rms pulse width
- The root-mean-squared width or rms width
The rms width is the second-order moment.
Advantages Integrals are often easy to do
analytically. Disadvantages It weights wings
even more heavily, so its difficult to use for
experiments, which can't scan to )
5The Full-Width-Half-Maximum
- Full-width-half-maximum is the distance between
the half-maximum points.
Advantages Experimentally easy. Disadvantages
It ignores satellite pulses with heights lt 49.99
of the peak!
Also we can define these widths in terms of
f(t) or of its intensity,f(t)2. Define spectral
widths (Dw) similarly in the frequency domain (t
6The Uncertainty Principle
- The Uncertainty Principle says that the product
of a function's widths - in the time domain (Dt) and the frequency domain
(Dw) has a minimum.
Define the widths assuming f(t) and F(w) peak at
Combining results
(Different definitions of the widths and the
Fourier Transform yield different constants.)
7The Time-Bandwidth Product
- For a given wave, the product of the time-domain
width (Dt) and - the frequency-domain width (Dn) is the
- Time-Bandwidth Product (TBP)
- Dn Dt º TBP
- A pulse's TBP will always be greater than the
theoretical minimum - given by the Uncertainty Principle (for the
appropriate width definition). - The TBP is a measure of how complex a wave or
pulse is. - Even though every pulse's time-domain and
frequency-domain - functions are related by the Fourier Transform, a
wave whose TBP is - the theoretical minimum is called
"Fourier-Transform Limited."
8The Time-Bandwidth Product is a measure of the
pulse complexity.
- The coherence time (tc 1/Dn)
- indicates the smallest temporal
- structure of the pulse.
- In terms of the coherence time
- TBP Dn Dt Dt / tc
- about how many spikes are in the
pulse - A similar argument can be made in the frequency
domain, where the - TBP is the ratio of the spectral width to the
width of the smallest - spectral structure.
9Temporal and Spectral Shapes
10Parsevals Theorem
- Parsevals Theorem says that the energy is the
same, whether you integrate over time or
frequency - Proof
11Parseval's Theorem in action
The two shaded areas (i.e., measures of the light
pulse energy) are the same.
12The Pulse Width
- There are many definitions of the "width" or
length of a wave or pulse. - The effective width is the width of a rectangle
whose height and area are the same as those of
the pulse. - Effective width Area / height
(Abs value is unnecessary for intensity.)
Advantage Its easy to understand. Disadvantages
The Abs value is inconvenient. We must
integrate to 8.
13The rms pulse width
- The root-mean-squared width or rms width
The rms width is the second-order moment.
Advantages Integrals are often easy to do
analytically. Disadvantages It weights wings
even more heavily, so its difficult to use for
experiments, which can't scan to )
14The Full-Width-Half-Maximum
- Full-width-half-maximum is the distance between
the half-maximum points.
Advantages Experimentally easy. Disadvantages
It ignores satellite pulses with heights lt 49.99
of the peak!
Also we can define these widths in terms of
f(t) or of its intensity, f(t)2. Define
spectral widths (Dw) similarly in the frequency
domain (t w).
15The Uncertainty Principle
- The Uncertainty Principle says that the product
of a function's widths - in the time domain (Dt) and the frequency domain
(Dw) has a minimum.
Define the widths assuming f(t) and F(w) peak at
(Different definitions of the widths and the
Fourier Transform yield different constants.)
Combining results
16The Uncertainty Principle
For the rms width, Dw Dt ½ Theres an
uncertainty relation for x and k Dk Dx ½
17Calculating the Intensity and the Phase
Its easy to go back and forth between the
electric field and the intensity and phase. The
I(t) E(t)2
The phase
f(t) -Im lnE(t)?
18Intensity and Phase of a Gaussian
- The Gaussian is real, so its phase is zero.
Time domain Frequency domain
A Gaussian transforms to a Gaussian
So the spectral phase is zero, too.
19The spectral phase of a time-shifted pulse
Recall the Shift Theorem
Time-shifted Gaussian pulse (with a flat phase)
So a time-shift simply adds some linear spectral
phase to the pulse!
20What is the spectral phase anyway?
The spectral phase is the abs phase of each
frequency in the wave-form.
All of these frequencies have zero phase. So this
pulse has j(w) 0 Note that this wave-form
sees constructive interference, and hence peaks,
at t 0. And it has cancellation everywhere
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6
21Now try a linear spectral phase j(w) aw.
By the Shift Theorem, a linear spectral phase is
just a delay in time. And this is what occurs!
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6
j(w1) 0
j(w2) 0.2 p
j(w3) 0.4 p
j(w4) 0.6 p
j(w5) 0.8 p
j(w6) p
22The spectral phase distinguishes a light bulb
from an ultrashort pulse.
23Complex Lorentzianand its Intensity and Phase
Real part
Imag part
24Intensity and Phase of a decaying exponential and
its Fourier transform
Time domain Frequency domain
25Light has intensity and phase also.
We usually extract out the carrier frequency.
A light wave has the time-domain electric field
The minus signs are just conventions.
(neglecting the negative-frequency component)
Equivalently, vs. frequency
Knowledge of the intensity and phase or the
spectrum and spectral phase is sufficient to
determine the light wave.
26Fourier Transform with respect to space
If f(x) is a function of position,
We refer to k as the spatial frequency. Everyth
ing weve said about Fourier transforms between
the t and w domains also applies to the x and k
27The Shah Function
- The Shah function, III(t), is an infinitely long
train of equally spaced delta-functions.
The symbol III is pronounced shah after the
Cyrillic character III, which is said to have
been modeled on the Hebrew letter (shin)
which, in turn, may derive from the Egyptian
a hieroglyph depicting papyrus plants along
the Nile.
28The Fourier Transform of the Shah Function
- If w 2np, where n is an integer, the sum
diverges otherwise, cancellation occurs. So
29The Shah Function and a pulse train
An infinite train of identical pulses (from a
laser!) can be written
where f(t) is the shape of each pulse and T is
the time between pulses.
Set t /T m or t mT
30The Fourier Transform of an Infinite Train of
- An infinite train of identical pulses can be
written - E(t) III(t/T) f(t)
- where f(t) represents a single pulse and T is the
time between pulses. The Convolution Theorem
states that the Fourier Transform of a
convolution is the product of the Fourier
Transforms. So
If this train of pulses results from a single
pulse bouncing back and forth inside a laser
cavity of round-trip time T. The spacing between
frequencies is then dw 2p/T or dn 1/T.
31The Fourier Transform of a Finite Pulse Train
- A finite train of identical pulses can be written
where g(t) is a finite-width envelope over the
pulse train.
32Laser Modes
A lasers frequencies are often called
longitudinal modes. Theyre separated by 1/T
c/2L. Which modes lase depends on the gain
Here, additional narrowband filtering has yielded
a single mode.
33The 2D generalization of the Shah function The
Bed of Nails function
We wont do anything with this function, but I
thought you might like this colorful image Can
you guess what its Fourier transform is?