Title: 21st Century Learning
121st Century Learning
- The Role of CTE in
- The Career College Readiness Initiative
- Sharon Wendt Paul Sandrock
- Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
2What is College Career Ready?
- College and career readiness refers to the
knowledge, habits and skills high school
graduates must possess to be successful after
high school. - College AND Career ready
- Not college OR career
3College Career Message
- I ask every American to commit to at least one
year or more of higher education or career
training. This can be community college or a
four-year school vocational training or an
apprenticeship. But whatever the training may be,
every American will need to get more than a high
school diploma. -
- President Obama, Address to Joint Session of
Congress, February 24, 2009
4What is College Career Ready?
- 35 years ago only 12 of U.S. jobs required some
postsecondary training or an associates degree
and only 16 required a bachelors degree or
5What is College Career Ready?
- Nearly 8 in 10 future job openings in the next
decade in the U.S. will require postsecondary
education or training - 45 in the middle skill occupations
- 33 will be in high skill occupations
- 22 will be low skill and accessible to those
with only a high school diploma.
6What is College Career Ready?
- Im calling on our state education chiefs to
develop standards that dont simply measure
whether students can fill in a bubble on a test,
but whether they possess 21st- century skills
like problem solving, critical thinking,
entrepreneurship, and creativity. - President Obama Speech delivered to the U.S.
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce March 2009
7Summit on 21st Century Skills
Preparing Students for Work,Postsecondary
Education, and Citizenship March 14, 2007
8Summit on 21st Century SkillsFocus Group Question
- If you were to advise an 8th grade student in
preparing him/her to work for your company 5-10
years from now, what are the skills, knowledge,
and abilities you believe would be essential to
develop? - What are the 21st century skills that will
sustain and grow a vibrant, global economy? - What should be expected of todays students so
they can be effective citizens and leaders in our
9Summit on 21st Century SkillsFocus Group Question
- If you were to advise an 8th grade student in
preparing him/her to work for your company 5-10
years from now, what are the skills, knowledge,
and abilities you believe would be essential to
develop? - What would you say?
- What would you hear in your community?
10Summit on 21st Century SkillsWhat did we find?
- Most often discussed among groups were
Learning Thinking Skills and Life Skills - critical-thinking and problem solving
- collaborative communications skills
- people skills
- contextual learning skills
- personal responsibility
- ethics
- adaptability (nimbleness)
11What did we find? 5 major themes
- Jobs of the future will require well-rounded and
adaptable individuals - Schools must provide students with an education
which balances academic content and real-world
skills - Post-secondary education must maintain an
emphasis on 21st Century Skills - Partnerships between schools, business,
communities, and government are essential - Educators need to develop and apply collaboration
and team building skills that students can take
into the business world.
12State Superintendents High School Task Force
- Move outside of existing structures and pursue
innovation - Engage students in rigorous, authentic learning
experiences that are relevant to their learning
needs and future ambitions - Create smaller learning environments require
individualized learning plans - Promote school, parent, business, and community
13Current National Debate
14Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Learning and Innovation Skills
Core Subjects 21st Century Themes
Life Career Skills
Information, Media, and Tech Skills
Standards Assessment
Curriculum Instruction
Professional Development
Learning Environments
15Partnership for 21st Century Skills
- Learning and Innovation Skills
- Creativity and Innovation
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Communication and Collaboration
- Information, Media and Technology Skills
- Information Literacy
- Media Literacy
- Information, Communications, and Technology
16Partnership for 21st Century Skills
- Life and Career Skills
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Initiative and Self-Direction
- Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
- Productivity and Accountability
- Leadership and Responsibility
1721st Century Skills in Wisconsin
Bridge Builders Richard Anderson Darlington
High School
18Share your thoughts
- What 21st century skills are going to be
developed in this class? - Life and Career Skills
- Learning and Innovation Skills
- Information, Media, and Technology Skills
- What would it take for this to happen in your
classrooms? -
19Motivating Student Learning
- Focusing learning and teaching through assessment
- Engaging students through a meaningful context
for learning
20Initiatives that support 21st Century Learning
- Career Cluster Pathways
- Entrepreneurship Education Taskforce
21New York Times by Thomas Friedman
- So over a decade, American workers have
maintained their standard of living by borrowing
and over-consuming vis-à-vis their real income.
When the Great Recession wiped out all the credit
and asset bubbles that made that overconsumption
possible, it left too many American workers not
only deeper in debt than ever, but out of a job
and lacking the skills to compete globally.
22New York Times by Thomas Friedman
- But those who have the ability to imagine new
services, new opportunities and new ways to
recruit work were being retained. They are the
new untouchables - Those with the imagination to make themselves
untouchables to invent smarter ways to do old
jobs, energy-saving ways to provide new services,
new ways to attract old customers or new ways to
combine existing technologies will thrive.
Therefore, we not only need a higher percentage
of our kids graduating from high school and
college more education but we need more of
them with the right education.
23New York Times by Thomas Friedman
- So our schools have a doubly hard task now not
just improving reading, writing and arithmetic
but entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. - Bottom line Were not going back to the good old
days without fixing our schools as well as our
2421st Century Skills in Wisconsin
Biodiesel Project Westfield High School
2521st Century Skills and Rigorous Content
- What evidence did you see of students achieving
rigorous standards? - Global Literacy
- Business, Financial, Entrepreneurial Literacy
- Civic Literacy
- Life and Career Skills
- Creativity and Innovation Skills
- Learning and Innovation Skills
26Revising Wisconsins Model Academic Standards
27ELA Graphic here
28Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for
- Mathematically
- Proficient Students
- Attend to precision
- Construct viable arguments
- Make sense of complex problems and persevere in
solving them - Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated
reasoning - Make strategic decisions about
- the use of technological tools
29A Report Card That Matters
When checking grades online, students see course
grades and 21st Century skill assessments.
3021st Century Skills Assessments
Students receive peer assessments of their
collaboration skills at the end of every project
thats dozens of times each semester!
31 Next Generation Assessment Task
- Both formative and benchmark components
- Timely, relevant feedback
- Relevant, engaging assessments linked to 21st
century skills - Demonstrate learning in multiple ways
- Multiple opportunities throughout the school
32Every student in your schoolor district must be
- A critical thinker
- A problem solver
- An innovator
- An effective communicator
- An effective collaborator
- A self-directed learner
- Information and media literate
- Globally aware
- Civically engaged
- Financially and economically literate
- What will it take to make this
33Seeing the world with new eyes
34Thank You
- Paul Sandrock Sharon Wendt
- s.paul.sandrock_at_dpi.wi.gov sharon.wendt_at_dpi.wi.go