The Math and Magic of Financial Derivatives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Math and Magic of Financial Derivatives


(long-time chair of the Federal Reserve) . . .Weapons of Mass Destruction. . . Warren Buffett (chair of investment fund Berkshire Hathaway) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Math and Magic of Financial Derivatives

The Math and Magic of Financial Derivatives
Klaus Volpert Villanova UniversityMarch 31, 2008
Financial Derivatives have been called. . .
  • . . .Engines of the Economy. . . Alan
    Greenspan (long-time chair of the Federal
  • . . .Weapons of Mass Destruction. . . Warren
    Buffett (chair of investment fund Berkshire

Famous Calamities
  • 1994 Orange County, CA losses of 1.7 billion
  • 1995 Barings Bank losses of 1.5 billion
  • 1998 LongTermCapitalManagement (LTCM) hedge
    fund, founded by Meriwether, Merton and Scholes.
    Losses of over 2 billion

  • September 2006 the Hedge Fund Amaranth closes
    after losing 6 billion in energy derivatives.
  • January 2007 Reading (PA) School District has to
    pay 230,000 to Deutsche Bank because of a bad
    derivative investment
  • October 2007 Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Bear
    Stearns, Lehman Brothers, all declare billions in
    losses in derivatives related to mortgages and
    loans (CDOs) due to rising foreclosures

On the Other Hand
  • In November 2006, a hedge fund with a large stake
    (stocks and options) in a company, which was
    being bought out, and whose stock price jumped
    20, made 500 million for the fund in the
  • The head trader, who takes 20 in fees, earned
    100 million in one weekend.

So, what is a Financial Derivative?
  • Typically it is a contract between two parties A
    and B, stipulating that, - depending on the
    performance of an underlying asset over a
    predetermined time - , so-and-so much money will
    change hands.

An Example A Call-option on Oil
  • Suppose, the oil price is 40 a barrel today.
  • Suppose that A stipulates with B, that if the oil
    price per barrel is above 40 on Aug 1st 2009,
    then B will pay A the difference between that
    price and 40.
  • To enter into this contract, A pays B a premium
  • A is called the holder of the contract, B is the
  • Why might A enter into this contract?
  • Why might B enter into this contract?

Other such Derivatives can be written on
underlying assets such as
  • Coffee, Wheat, and other commodities
  • Stocks
  • Currency exchange rates
  • Interest Rates
  • Credit risks (subprime mortgages. . . )
  • Even the Weather!

Fundamental Question
  • What premium should A pay to B, so that B enters
    into that contract??
  • Later on, if A wants to sell the contract to a
    party C, what is the contract worth?

Test your intuition a concrete example
  • Current stock price of Microsoft is 19.40. (as
    of last night)
  • A call-option with strike 20 and 1-year maturity
    would pay the difference between the stock price
    on January 22, 2009 and the strike (as long the
    stock price is higher than the strike.)
  • So if MSFT is worth 30 then, this option would
    pay 10. If the stock is below 20 at maturity,
    the contract expires worthless. . . . . .
  • So, what would you pay to hold this contract?
  • What would you want for it if you were the
  • I.e., what is a fair price for it?

  • Want more information ?
  • Here is a chart of recent stock prices of

Price can be determined by
  • The market (as in an auction)
  • Or mathematical analysisin 1973, Fischer Black
    and Myron Scholes came up with a model to price
    options.It was an instant hit, and became the
    foundation of the options market.

They started with the assumption that stocks
follow a random walk on top of an intrinsic
That means they follow a Geometric Brownian
Motion Model
whereS price of underlyingdt infinitesimal
time perioddS change in S over period dtdX
random variable with N(0,vdt)s volatility of
Sµ average percentage return of S
The Black-Scholes PDE
V value of derivativeS price of the
underlyingr riskless interest rats
volatilityt time
  • Different derivatives correspond to different
    boundary conditions on the PDE.
  • for the value of European Call and Put-options,
    Black and Scholes solved the PDE to get a closed

  • Where N is the cumulative distribution function
    for a standard normal random variable, and d1 and
    d2 are parameters depending on S, E, r, t, s
  • This formula is easily programmed into Maple or
    other programs

For our MSFT-example
  • S19.40 (the current stock-price)E20
    (the strike-price)r3.5t12 monthsand. . .
    s. . .?
  • Ahh, the volatility s
  • Volatilitystandard deviation of (daily) returns
  • Problem historic vs future volatility

Volatility is not as constant as one would wish .
. .
Lets use s 40
Put all this into Maple
  • with(finance)
  • evalf(blackscholes(19.40, 20, .035, 1, .40))
  • And the output is . . . .
  • 3.11
  • The market on the other hand trades it
  • 3.10

Discussion of the PDE-Method
  • There are only a few other types of derivative
    contracts, for which closed formulas have been
  • Others need numerical PDE-methods
  • Or . . . .
  • Entirely different methods
  • Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Trees
  • Monte Carlo Methods

Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (1979)
  • This approach uses the discrete method of
    binomial trees to price derivatives

This method is mathematically much easier. It is
extremely adaptable to different pay-off schemes.
  • Instead of counting all paths, one starts to
    sample paths (random walks based on the geometric
    Brownian Motion), averaging the pay-offs for each

  • For our MSFT-call-option (with 3000 walks), we
    get 3.10

  • While each method has its pros and cons,it is
    clear that there are powerful methods to
    analytically price derivatives, simulate outcomes
    and estimate risks.
  • Such knowledge is money in the bank, and lets
    you sleep better at night.
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