Title: Energy and Spatial Resolution of HyCal
1Energy and Spatial Resolution of HyCal
2- Energy Resolution
- E Resolution vs Incident Energy
- E Resolution vs Incident Position
- Position Resolution
- Position Resolution vs Incident Energy
- Position Resolution vs Incident Position
3Energy Resolution vs E tagger
4Information of runs for energy resolution
- Lead Tungstate
- Run number 4280
- Five minutes deep statistic run on PWO cell 1016
- Lead Glass
- Run number 4279
- Five minutes deep statistic run on Glass cell 657
5Incident Energy distribution
6E tagger E cluster Histogram (Glass)
7Linearity of Energy Reconstruction (Glass)
Red lines 1/- 3
8Ereconstructed/Etagger, show error bars (Glass)
9Energy Resolution Curve (Glass)
10E tagger E cluster Histogram (PWO)
11Linearity of Energy Reconstruction(PWO)
Red lines 1/- 1
12Ereconstructed/Etagger, show error bars (PWO)
13Resolution Curve (PWO)
14Position Resolution vs E tagger
15Gaussian Fit Results (PWO)
X (cm)
X (cm)
X (cm)
X (cm)
16X VS E gamma (PWO)
X (cm)
17X sigma VS E gamma (PWO)
18Gaussian Fit Results (Glass)
19X VS E gamma (Glass)
20X sigma VS E gamma (Glass)
21Position Resolution vs Position
22Information of runs
- Snake Scan runs
- PWO Run 4178
- Row 9
- Lead Glass Run 4155
- Bottom Row 3
- Because of low statistics, all tagger energy
events are included.
23Position in EPICS bank
- Position information of HyCal is read from EPICS
bank - The EventID vs EPICS positon plots are fitted
linearly to calculate the position of events
without EPICS bank
24EPICS Position vs Event IDRun 4178, PWO Row 9
25EPICS Position vs Event IDRun 4155, Glass Bottom
Row 3
26Single Gaussian Fitting (PWO)
27Single Gaussian Fitting (Glass)
28LinearityRun 4178, PWO
29Resolution CurvePWO
30LinearityRun 4155, Lead Glass
31Resolution CurveGlass
32Comparison to Prototype Resol. Curve
1 cell unit2 cm
33A Simple Simulation
- Simulate the distribution of X reconstructed with
different resolution curves.
34The Xrecons Distribution (Experimental)
35Original X (Uniform distribution)
36Cosine Resolution and Reconstructed X
37Bottom-Jump Resolution and Reconstructed X
38X reconstructed comparison
- This work provided the Resolution curves of sE vs
E, sX vs E and sX vs X. - The sX vs X curves behavior at the edge of cells
should be studied in detail - sE vs X curve need a deep statistic scan.