Title: Joke%20of%20the%20Day
1Joke of the Day
What goes up the chimney down, but not down the
chimney up?
An umbrella
2Joke of the Day
Dad, You usually talk a lot on the phone. Why
did you only talk half an hour?
Daughter, It was a wrong number!
3Joke of the Day
On which side of an ostrich are the feathers?
The outside!
4Joke of the Day
After a careful examination the doctor said,
Im sorry to tell you that youve only got four
hours to live.
5Is there anyone you want to see before you go?
Yes, answered the patient. Another doctor.
6Joke of the Day
Joey, can you come out and play?
No. I have to help my dad do my homework.
7Joke of the Day
Why did the clown take off his shoes?
His feet felt funny.
8Joke of the Day
What did the elevator say to the doctor?
Im coming down with something.
9Joke of the Day
Where do spices go when they are sick?
To see Dr. Pepper.
10Joke of the Day
What did the gum say to the shoe?
Im stuck on you.
11Joke of the Day
What is the longest word in English?
Theres a mile between each s.