Title: Star Wars: Retaliation
1Star Wars Retaliation
2Do yourself a favor. DONT worry.
Good job, Jango.
I dont plan on it.
I have the Jedi.
Bring him to me
I expect payment for my services.
3The Sith have returned.
I dont think I will give you the satisfaction.
Now that I have captured you, I wish to have you
do me a favor.
Nevertheless. You will deliver the message either
Oh? And why not?
Maybe cause I dont like you.
What is the message?
I think the Jedi will get the message
4Theres only one thing to do.
Received the message, I have
Yes, Its very disturbing.
Finding his body, thrown on the doorstep
Horrible, it was.
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7I know Im late. So?
Does that matter? I will pay him when he asks.
8I know, sir.
Well, heres your credits.
So will it be your usual fee?
Your late.
Ahh.a lightsaber
So you stole it?
Not just ANY lightsaber. Thats from a jedi. A
VERY important jedi.
No, I told him I would bring it back soon. OF
COURSE I stole it!
Ah, why not. Its not every day you get to steal
a lightsaber
Its right here
But I brought what you wanted.
9I think.
That this threat cant be solved without
Its a good plan, but where do we start?
What do you suggest?
We should do something to right the situation.
Well, a strategy would be nice but considering
its the Sith
I dont think we should set anything in stone. It
should be flexible.
Then we should send someone in
Mmm solved, this problem is not!
And I think that someone should be ME.
10This codename always fits the occasion
All clear. All objectives are go. Resume mission.
Well, thats one we wont have to worry about
Lets move.
Ive landed, temple 1. Repeat Outlander
Copy that. Outlanderout.
Ahhthere you are, R2-D8.
Beep beep. Bop boop!
We will destroy the Jedi and their worthless
words of Wisdom!
And when it is all done.I shall lead us to
Must be the speech hes been using to raise
Theres one!
Now Is the time to begin the Retaliation!
D3, can you hack into this?
Umstay here, D3. Maybe they wont see you
Good. Take everything you can, and lets go,
Oh, man.! Why does this always happen to ME?
OkI think I made a bit of a mess
Time to leave, D3!
Now that Im heretime to get started.
But first
12Im back.
I noticed.
Yes, I have.
Found anything, have you?
R2 found a holorecord of the crime-lords speech.
And I think he means to destroy us.
UmI think it was We will destroy the jedi and
their useless words of Wisdom
Yes, but I dont like it
Know what to do, I think we do.
What makes you think that?
Did I give you permission to talk, trooper?
Then shut up and fight!
14All goes well, Master Yoda. The attack was over
in minutes, thanks to our air support.
Only two. The droids were slaughtered, the system
has been rallied to our cause, and we have gained
a new ally.
Yes, they will add up, eventually. I think that
with more systems to our cause, the Republic will
win the war quickly.
How so? I cant see any reason--
I still cant see--
nemy bunkersamming signal
ave intelligenceabout aLord.
I think I understand, Master.
Goodbye, Master.
Greetingsedi master ..da.
..peat Dark Lord.
--es. Itsue.
No, I blew up the jamming beacon. I think I wont
have anymore problems. Any questions?
You mustome to Kath-ar. Make your way to
An-uver and capture him before he can rendevous
with Palpatine.
Correct. And you must head to An-uver, a secret
base. Its going to be hard, and he is guarded.
Excellent. And the boy?
Certainly. Ive got to disable this bomb now. If
you dont mind?
How goes the attack, Master Koon?
Good, good. Casualties, are there?
Mmm. Valuable, these systems are.
Afraid, I am. Side effects, this could cause.
Fool! Could embolden the chancellor, a quick
A dark age, the republic could enter. Of false
security, and false safety
Then blind are you! Make this galaxy safe, a
million clones could not!
Good. Now, see to another matter, I must.
Farewell, Master Koon.
Breaking up, you are!
Report, you have?
Dark Lord? Sure, you are?
Anything else, you know?
Out of the bunker, are you?
The planet is Kath-ar, is it not?
Deal with him, I think we can.
To me, bring him.