Title: RA for YAs: Books for Gamers
1RA for YAs Books for Gamers
- Presented by Beth GallawayMetrowest MA Regional
Library System - November 17, 2005
- Audio file
- http//www.ourmedia.org/node/101970
- Handout
- http//home.comcast.net/begallaway/rayagamer.html
- Powerpoint
- http//home.comcast.net/begallaway/MLA.ppt
3Tips for RA for YAs
- DONT ASK What do you like to read? What are the
last 3 books you read and enjoyed? - DO ASK What movies do you like? What TV shows do
you watch? What games do you play? - TIP If you do not know anything about the titles
mentioned, ask, Tell me more
4If YA likes Everquest, Runescape, WoW, Ultima
(MMORPGs)Recommend Epic fantasy, war
- Price, Susan. The Sterkarm Handshake.
- Weis, Margaret Tracy Hickham. DragonLance.
- Salvatore, R.A. Forgotten Realms.
- Jordan, Sherryl. The Hunting of the Last Dragon.
- Books by T.A. Barron, Robert Jordan, C.S. Lewis,
Garth Nix, Christopher Paolini, Philip Pullman
5If YA likes Americas Army, Doom, Quake, Halo
(first person shooters)Recommend military
fiction, horror, apocalyptic fiction
- McCaffrey, Anne. Black Horses for the King.
- Hughes, Dean. Soldier Boys.
- Efaw, Amy. Battle Dress.
- Books by John Marsden, Harry Mazer, James
Collier, Bernard Cornwall, Tom Clancy, Robert
6If YA likes Civilization, Caesar (historical
simulations)Recommend ancient history, biog.
- Van Loon, Hendrick Willem. Cosimo. The Story of
Mankind. - Hamilton, Edith. Mythology.
- Books by Gary Blackwood, Peter Dickinson, Adele
Geras, Clarence McLaren, Donna Jo Napoli, Julius
Lester, Rosemary Sutcliff, Laurence Yep.
7If YA likes The Sims, the UrbzRecommend titles
featuring sociology, dysfunction, relationships
- Weaver, Will. Claws.
- Lubar, David. Flip.
- Books by Mel Glenn, M.E. Kerr, Walter Dean Myers,
Cecily von Zeigesar
8If YA likes Myst, Tetris, Carmen San Diego
(puzzle games)Recommend mystery, thrillers
- Baillett, Blue. Chasing Vermeer.
- Levitt, Steven Stephen Dubner. Freakonomics.
- Mezrich, Ben. Bringing Down the House.
- Raskin, Ellen. The Westing Game.
- Books by E.L. Konigsberg, William E. Coles,
Vivian Vande Velde, Dan Brown, Michael Crichton
9If YA likes Madden NFL, NBA Street, Need for
Speed, WWF (sports games)Recommend sports
adventure titles!
- Krakauer, Jon. Into Thin Air.
- Bissinger, H.G. Friday Night Lights.
- Best American Sports Writing.
- Books by Chris Crutcher, Thomas Dygard, Will
Hobbs, Rich Wallace
1010 Novels with Gaming Plots
- Bloor, Edward. Crusader.
- Card, Orson Scott. Enders Game.
- Horowitz, Anthony. Eagle Strike.
- Lubar, David. Wizards of the Game.
- Skurzynski, Gloria. The Virtual War.
- Tangherlini, Arne. Leo_at_fergusrules.com.
- Vande Velde, Vivian. Heir Apparent.
- Vande Velde, Vivian. User Unfriendly.
- Werlin, Nancy. Locked Inside. Delacorte Press,
2000. ISBN 0385327005 - Wieler, Diana. Ranvan series. Ran Van the
Defender, Ran Van Magic Nation, Ran Van Worthy
- by Edward Bloor
- (Scholastic, 2002)
- 0439221609
12Enders Game
- by Orson Scott Card
- (Starscape, 2002)
- 0765342294
13Eagle Strike
- by Anthony Horowitz
- ( Puffin, 2005)
- 0142402923
14Wizards of the Game
- by David Lubar
- (Puffin, 2004)
- 014240215X
15Virtual War The Clones The Revolt
- by Gloria Skurzynski
- (Simon Pulse, 2003)
- Virtual War 0689867859
- Clones 0689842643
- (Atheneum, 2005 )
- The Revolt 0689842651
- by Arne Tangherlini
- (Leapfrong, 1999)
- 0965457877
17Heir Apparent
- by Vivian Vande Velde
- (Harcourt 2002)
- 0152045600
18User Unfriendly
- by Vivian Vande Velde
- (Magic Carpet Books, 2002)
- 0152163530
19Ran Van The Defender Ran Van Magic Nation
Ran Van Worthy Opponent
- by Diana Weiler
- (Groundwood)
- Ran Van The Defender 0888991843
- Ran Man Worthy Opponent 088899219X
- Ran Van Magic Nation 0888993161
20Locked Inside
- by Nancy Werlin
- (Harper, 2003)
- 000714167X
21Graphic Novels Featuring Games/With Game Tie-ins
- Knaak Richard Jae-Hwan Kim Dragon Hunt.
Warcraft The Sunwell Chronicles 1. - Simons, Rikki. Reality Check!
- Toriyama, Akira. Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z. Viz.
22Warcraft Dragon HuntThe Sunwell Chronicles 1
- by Richard Knaak
- Jae-Hwan Kim
- (Tokyopop, 2005)
- 1595327126
23Reality Check!
- by Rikki Simons
- (Tokyopop, 2003)
- 1591822149
24Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z
25Books with Game Tie-Ins
- Weis Margaret Tracy Hickham. DragonLance
series. - Miller, Rand et al. The Myst Reader The Book of
Atrus The Book of Ti'ana The Book of D'ni - Perry, S.D. Resident Evil series. Pocket Books.
26Resident Evil Zero Hour and others
- by S.D. Perry
- (Pocket Books)
- 0671785117
27The Myst Reader
- by Rand Miller, et al
- (Hyperion, 2004)
- 1401307817
28The Annotated Chronicles
- by Margaret Weis Tracy Hickman
- (Wizards of the Coast, 2002 )
- 0786918705
- Compton, Shanna. Gamers Writers, Artistsand
Programmers on the Pleasures of Pixels - Official Prima Strategy Guides. Prima.
- Weiss, D. B. Lucky Wander Boy. Penguin, 2003.
ISBN 0452283949 - DeMaria, Russel Johnny L. Wilson. High Score!
The Illustrated History of Electronic Games.
30Gamers Writers, Artists and Programmers on the
Pleasures of Pixels
- edited by Shanna Compton
- (Soft Skull Press, 2004)
- 1932360573
31High Score! The Illustrated History of Electronic
- by Russel DeMaria, Johnny L. Wilson
- (McGraw, 2003)
- 0072231726
32Lucky Wander Boy
- by D.B. Weiss
- (Plume, 2003)
- 0452283949
33Official Prima Strategy Guideshttp//www.primagam
34Role Playing Strategy Guides
- Advanced Dungeons Dragons Players Handbook
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Serenity
- Wheel of Time
- Others
35Card Game Handbooks/Guides
- Magic The Gathering
- Yu-Gi-Oh
- Computer Gaming World
- Dragon
- Electronic Gaming Monthly
- Game Informer
- Game Pro
- Nintendo Power
- Official X-Box
- PC Gamer
- Play
- Playstation PS2
- Tips Tricks
37Especially for Librarians
- Beck, John C. Mitchell Wade. Got Game? How the
Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business Forever - Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach
Us About Learning and Literacy. - Jenkins, Henry III and Justine Cassell. From
Barbie to Mortal Kombat Gender and Computer
Games. - Katz, John. Geeks How Two Lost Boys Rode the
Internet Out of Idaho.
38Got Game? How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping
Business Forever
- by John C. Beck Mitchell Wade
- (Harvard Business School Press, 2004)
- 1578519497
39From Barbie to Mortal Kombat Gender and Computer
- by Henry Jenkins III Justine Cassell.
- (MIT Press, 2000)
- 0262531682
40Geeks How Two Lost Boys Rode the Internet Out of
- by John Katz
- (Broadway, 2001)
- 0767906993
41What Video Games Have to Teach Us About
Learning and Literacy
- by James Paul.
- (Palgrave MacMillian 2004.)
- 1403965382