Title: Aerogel Order
1Aerogel Order
- Optical characterization
- Matsushita
- Novosibirsk
- Summary
2n measure principle
Rotable optical table
Aerogel sample
Symmetry plane
ISN Grenoble - IFUNAM México
Refractive Index Measurement
Image Analysis
BMP images - 24 bits
Light Intensity
4Status of index measurements preparation
- - Setup being prepared for processing gt100tiles
- New optical equipment ordered Optical
table, blue laser, turntable, digital camera,
etc - Automatization on the way
- Meas. Procedure on the way (same as before)
- Analysis being ready
- Ready for operation from February in Grenoble
The competition concerns the 1.05 index
options Matsushita 1.05 Novosibirsk
- Both Companies have been sent the same request
with - Final drawings and parameters
Edge tile many shapes
Central tile
6Optical properties
Test run and CIEMAT measures
Clarity coeff. DC/C
- Matsushita 1.05 13.3(2002), 9-15
(2003) - Novosibirsk 1.05 5.5 (5.1) (1)
- Matsushita 1.03 5.4 (6.4)
- Novosibirsk 1.03 5.4 (5.7)
Carlos_at_CERN May 04
7(No Transcript)
8Size accuracy
XY size Thickness variations Provider
Tile2Tile T2T In a Tile Matsushita 113.5 o
r 114.5 (3x)10.80.2 lt 0.1 Novosibirsk 1150.
2 300.6 300.3
(Unit mm)
- Remarks
- Matsushita Three tiles Tot thickness 32.4-33
Problem - Matsushita Mean values are 113 for 1.03 vs
114.5 for 1.05 - Novosibirsk Value for main faces machined
9Coping with Thickness variations
Thickness must permit tiles to be inserted into
the container Dimension less than 30mm
PMT side
Lucite plane
Aerogel tile
33 mm
Foam, variable thickness, 3 mm min. to absorb
Container already Built
10Other chemico-mechanical features
Material solidity Fair for n1.05 (Novosib.)
Less (3 tiles) n1.05 (Matsushit.)
Hydrophilic No for Matsushita (easier) YES (To
be addressed) for Novosibirsk
12Matsu Quot
1st offer
132nd offer
14Matsu 1
Subject Re measurements results From Hirotsugu
KISHIMOTO lthkishi_at_rda.mew.co.jpgt Date Thu, 18
Nov 2004 183935 0900 To "Michel Bue'nerd"
ltbuenerd_at_lpsc.in2p3.frgt Dear Dr. Buenerd, . gt
Here is a reminder gt - Accuracy of transverse
dimensions 113-0.2 mm gt - Accuracy of thickness
for different tiles -0.5 mm gt - Thickness
spread over one tile -0.3 mm gt - Tiles cutting
with dedicated dimensions according to drawings
(not gt mandatory). gt - Refractive index for
different tiles n1.050-0.001 (1.03 backup
solution) gt - Light scattering length more 45 mm
at 400 nm In the e-mail we send Mr. Mori on Oct.
8th, I wrote that we guarantee the transparency
82 for 1.03 and 75 for 1.05. You must have
heard this number. However, we may not be able to
satisfy some numbers you wrote here. Please
kindly check the samples and the data we send. I
hope you do not mean these numbers for guarantee.
We will surely produce aerogels in the same
process as the test production. So, products will
be similar to the samples of test production.
And, as I already told you, we can cut the tiles.
Please check the e-mail I send you on Oct. 15th
to ensure the difference from your drawings.
Our requirements
Their reply
Refers to XY113mm T310.7mm
15Matsu 2
gt CONTRACT CONDITIONS gt 1. Quantity 40
litres gt 2. Price 175.25Euros per tile
(your previous quotation) gt 3. Delivery to start
3 months or less from the order, and end of
delivery less than 6 month after the order. Of
course we can accept these conditions. I look
forward to hearing from you. Best
regards, Hirotsugu Kishimoto
16Matsu 3
Subject Requirements From Michel Bue'nerd
ltbuenerd_at_lpsc.in2p3.frgt Date Mon, 22 Nov 2004
190803 0100 To Hirotsugu KISHIMOTO
lthkishi_at_rda.mew.co.jpgt Dear Dr Kishimoto, ..... In
case your offer would be selected to be the
approved one, we need a Minimal guarantee that
the product will comply with our requirements.
To this purpose, we need more than the
qualitative statement from your previous mail on
the issue (enclosed below), since we do mean
these numbers must be guaranteed.Could you
please let me know whether you can match the
required features for the tiles to be supplied by
you gtgt - Accuracy of transverse dimensions -0.2
mm gtgt - Tolerable thickness difference from tile
to tile -0.5 mm gtgt - Thickness spread over one
tile -0.3 mm gtgt - Tiles cutting with dedicated
dimensions according to drawings gtgt - Refractive
index for different tiles n1.050-0.001 (1.03
backup) gtgt - Light scattering length more 45 mm
at 400 nm gt In the e-mail we send Mr. Mori on
Oct. 8th, I wrote that we guarantee gt
transparency 82 for 1.03 and 75 for 1.05. You
must have heard this gt number. However, we may
not be able to satisfy some numbers you wrote gt
here. Please kindly check the samples and the
data we send. I hope you gt do not mean these
numbers for guarantee. We will surely produce
aerogels gt on the same process as the test
production. So, products will be similar gt to the
samples of test production.
No reply to this mail
17Matsu 4
SubjectRe Requirements FromHirotsugu KISHIMOTO
lthkishi_at_rda.mew.co.jpgt DateWed, 24 Nov 2004
184805 0900 ToMichel Bu?erd
ltbuenerd_at_lpsc.in2p3.frgt Dear Dr.
Buenerd, Unfortunately, we can not guarantee
your numbers. The reasons are 1) We can not
achieve some numbers. For example, the standerd
deviation of X is 0.269, but your requirement
is -0.2 mm. 2) There is a possibility to have
misunderstnding. Especially, in the expression
of cutting, we can not guarantee if the drawing
is not changed. Please check e-mail Oct. 15th
again. 3) The languages are different. We can
not guarantee the "Light scattering length",
because the method is different from yours.
This also might occur misunderstanding. We can
discuss a guarantee if you change the numbers
wider to match the result of our test production
(to make it possible) and change some
expressions (not to make misunderstanding). If
that is impossible, we have to give up your
order... I look forward to hearing a positive
reply from you. Best regards, Hirotsugu Kishimoto
19Updated measurements plans
SubjectRe same FromAlexander Danilyuk
ltdanilyuk_at_catalysis.nsk.sugt Date Tue, 23 Nov
2004 152027 0600 ToMichel Bu?nerd
ltbuenerd_at_lpsc.in2p3.frgt(IN2P3/CNRS) Dear
Michel, ...... Possible scheme of optical
measurements in Novosibirsk- - Clarity of blocks
is measured before cutting - density of blocks
(mean index of refraction) after cutting in
Europe - index of refraction by optical method -
other measurements ........
20Novosib final offer
Subjectupdated offer FromEvgeniy Kravchenko
lte.a.kravchenko_at_gmail.comgt DateWed, 24 Nov 2004
183321 0600 ToMichel Bue'nerd
ltbuenerd_at_lpsc.in2p3.frgt Dear Michel, Our updated
offer for aerogel tiles with n1.050 you can find
below. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS 1. Tile dimensions
11511530 mm3 2.
Accuracy of transverse dimensions
115-0.2 mm horizontal
angles 90-0.05
vertical angles 90-0.1 3. Thickness
accuracy for different tiles (no value outside
tolerance) (option 1) after 4 lateral and 1 main
face sides have been cut 30-0.5mm (option 2)
after 4 lateral sides have been cut
30-1 mm 4. Thickness spread within one tile
(option 1) after 4 lateral and 1 main face sides
have been cut -0.25 mm (option 2) after 4
lateral sides have been cut -0.5
mm 5. The tiles can be cut at 45 to let the
fixtures going through or can be cut with
coordinated dimensions. 6. Refractive index for
different tiles n1.050-0.002 7. Light
scattering length more than 43 mm
at 400 nm
21Novosibirsk, final offer, cont..
Aerogel tiles 2. Quantity of goods
100 tiles 3. Price
800 per tile 4. Delivery
April - September 2005, by
groups of 10 tiles, Best regards, Evgeniy
22- Matsushita
Summary - Optical prop. not very good (--)
- Hydrophobic ()
- High fragility (bad prospects for handling 4360
tiles) (--) - Thinner tiles than required _ stacking of tiles
(-) - Stack exceed allowed thickness(-)
- Clarity not measured by provider (-)
who/where/when ? - No stated guarantee on the quality of the
product, so far. (-) - Buy more of them and choose the good one
measuring ourselves. - Early delivery (but 3 times more tiles _gt3 full
months of work) - Novosibirsk
- The good optical properties selected at the
previous meeting () - Hydrophilic (a handicap, but controllable) (-)
- Good mechanical robustness () only 100
tiles to be handled - Appropriate thickness (30mm or less) (), with
some spread (-) - Guarantee commitments provided (contract) ()
- Clarity measured by provider ()
- All different size are cut by the provider (edge
tiles too)
For all the previous reasons, We believe the best
choice for the AMS RICH is the Novosibirsk 1.05
product. With a final optimization we have
choosen 27 mm thickness. (number of produced
photons\ scattering) A sample of 4 of them will
arrive this week , after accurate tests if result
is OK we are in favor to proceed to buy all of
24- FM Reflector coating
- Aerogel container tiles
- Debris shield
- Integration
25Aerogel Naf Container
Transparent FOIL
Tiles Back soft carpet
PTFE foils Tile lateral separation
Dry air, N, Ar filling valve system
CRFP container Finally Sealed
26Aerogel umidity control
- To avoid any humidity contamination we seal the
- container and flush dry air or a neutral gas
like pure N from time to time. (to keep humidity
below 50 ) - Both in and out hole are controlled by valves and
- filters ,to avoid water in and aerogel
particle out. - The out valves automatically open at launch
allowing depressurization.
27Aerogel Naf Container CFRP structure
28Aerogel Naf Container CFRP structure
29Aerogel Naf Container venting system
Glued (Dexter 934) to CFRP structure
30Aerogel Naf Container
filter system
- For safety reasons
- Particles bigger than 30 m must be filtered.
- One 10-20 m filter (Ethafilter) will be
- mounted on venting valve outlet, impedance
- of filter and valve evaluated
- Valve and inlet filter still TBD