- William Cotton, Elizabeth Zarovy, Gustavo CarriĆ³,
Steve Saleeby, Hongli Jiang, David Stokowski ,
and Susan van den Heever - Colorado State University,
- Dept. of Atmospheric Science
- Fort Collins, Colorado
2Aerosol Impacts on DOD Operations
- Directly by visibility obscuration in dust
storms. - Indirectly by visibility alterations in fogs and
clouds. - Indirectly by altering cloud cover.
- Indirectly by affecting precipitation processes.
- Indirectly by impacting aircraft icing conditions.
3Microphysical Processes Represented in RAMS
- Cloud droplet nucleation in one or two modes
- Ice nucleation
- Vapor deposition growth
- Evaporation/sublimation
- Heat diffusion
- Freezing/melting
- Shedding
- Sedimentation
- Collisions between hydrometeors
- Secondary ice production
4Hydrometeor Types
- Cloud droplets
- Rain
- Pristine ice (crystals)
- Snow
- Aggregates
- Graupel
- Hail
5RAMS Liquid Hydrometeor Distributions
6Unique Features of RAMS Microphysics
- Uses generalized gamma distribution basis
functions - where n(D) is the number of particles of
diameter D, Nt is the total number of particles,
? is the shape parameter, and Dn is some
characteristic diameter of the distribution. The
Marshall-Palmer (exponential) and Khrgian-Mazin
distribution functions are special cases of this
generalized function. - Simulations can be done with one or two moments.
When two-moments of a hydrometeor class is
predicted, all that is needed to completely
specify the distribution function given by (1) is
the specification of ?.
7- Collection is simulated using stochastic
collection solutions rather than continuous
accretion approximations. Owing to the use of
look-up tables, it became apparent that it is no
longer necessary to constrain the system to
constant or average collection efficiencies. Thus
the formerly ad hoc auto-conversion formulations
in RAMS was replaced with full stochastic
collection solutions for self-collection among
cloud droplets and for rain (drizzle) drop
collection of cloud droplets. This approach is
being extended to all hydrometeor interactions.
8- The philosophy of bin representation of
collection was also extended to calculations of
drop sedimentation. Previously, bulk microphysics
schemes have treated sedimentation of
hydrometeors by integrating over the entire
particle size-spectra and obtaining a
mass-weighted fall speed. Bin sedimentation is
simulated by dividing the gamma distribution into
discrete bins and then building look-up tables to
calculate how much mass and number in a given
grid cell fall into each cell beneath a given
level in a given time step.
9Donor cell
Bin Computations
Donor cell
10Cloud Droplet Nucleation
Number nucleated obtained from lookup table as a
function of
CCN number concentration Vertical
velocity Temperature
Lookup table generated previously (offline) from
detailed parcel-bin model Nc1Nccn Nc2Ngccn
Sw gt 0.0
11Ice Habits
- Pristine ice and snow are allowed to have any of
five different habits (shapes) columns,
needles, dendrites, hexagonal plates, and
rosettes. The dependence of mass and of fall
velocity on diameter are different for each
12Ice Crystal Nucleation
1. Deposition nucleation Condensation freezing
Ni NIFN exp 12.96 (S - So) So 0.4
T lt -5oC rv gt rsi (supersaturation with respect
to ice)
T lt -2oC rv gt rsl (supersaturation with respect
to liquid)
13Ice Crystal Nucleation -- continued
2. Contact nucleation
T lt 0oC
3. Homogeneous freezing of cloud droplets T lt
4. Homogeneous freezing of haze Rate
depends on T, rv, amount of haze present
14Variations in precipitation and cloud optical
properties due to changes in aerosol
- Summer storms over Florida
- 25 variation in the total volumetric
precipitation received at the surface - 52 variation in optical thickness
- Winter storms
- CO 15-30 snow
- NE USA 10-30 rain 30-50 snow
15Implementation of aerosol-activated microphysics
in mesoscale and larger-scale models
- Aerosol activation requires explicit prediction
of cloud-scale vertical velocities. - Moreover, collection processes require
cloud-scale LWCs and concentrations. - Mesoscale and larger-scale models predict only
grid-averaged quantities that are often one two
orders of magnitude smaller than cloud-scale
16Parameterization of Cloudy Boundary Layers using
a PDF Approach
- Represent the subgrid-scale variability of
vertical velocity, temperature, and moisture
using a joint probability density function (PDF) -
- Use double Gaussian family of PDFs proposed by
Larson et al. (2002). This family depends on 10
parameters. It was tested against aircraft
measurements and outputs from large-eddy
simulations. - The PDF is used to diagnose cloud fraction,
liquid water, as well as close all higher-order
moments. - PDF parameters are determined from the predicted
17A PDF-based Parameterization
- The parameterization was used to simulate a
variety of boundary layer regimes. - Wangara dry convective layer.
- BOMEX trade-wind cumulus clouds.
- ARM cumulus clouds over land.
- FIRE nocturnal stratocumulus clouds.
- ATEX cumulus rising into broken stratocumulus.
- Overall, the parameterization produced results
that compared favorably with large-eddy
simulations. This was accomplished without the
need for any case-specific adjustments.
18Interfacing the PDF Single Column Model in the
3-D RAMS Model
PDF 9 Prognostic Variables
Update PDF/RAMS Variables Liquid potential
temperature Cloud water content Total water
content Cloud fraction Sub-grid TKE Eddy mixing
coefficients (Ks) Cloud droplet concentration
PDF Input Variables Sensible latent heat
flux Momentum fluxes Liquid potential
temperature Exner function for pressure Cloud
water content Total water content X, Y, Z winds
Sub-grid TKE, PDF Gaussian weighted parameters
Updated PDF/RAMS variables with
sub-grid contribution ----------------------------
- Sub-grid TKE eddy mixing coefficients --------
--------------------- Updated sub-grid CCN
activation and cloud droplet nucleation from
Microphysics/PDF interface
Computation of Vertical Diffusion from PDF
sub-grid K Coefficients
RAMS 3-D Mesoscale Model
Single Column PDF Model
PDF input variables
Compute save PDF 9 Prognostic Variables
Computation of Horizontal Diffusion Coefficients a
nd tendencies
Update RAMS scalar variables with diffusion
tendencies before next timestep
19Interface the PDF model with microphysics
- Our cloud microphysics parameterization requires
vertical velocity (adiabatic cooling) to activate
CCN, GCCN, and IFN. - Using the bulk microphysics with its CCN
activation parameterization, we performed LES
simulations of four observed cases (ARM, ATEX,
BOMEX, FIRE) with an initially uniform CCN
spectra. The simulated cloud was sampled to
obtain an average droplet concentration at
roughly 50 m above average cloud base. Given the
CCN spectra and the computed , we
determined from the CCN activation scheme the
corresponding w-scale that yielded a droplet
concentration similar to the average droplet
concentration at that level diagnosed from the
LES data. PDFs of w were then extracted from the
LES output at 40-50m above cloud base to find out
the w-moment that will yield . - The w-scale was found to be related to the
root-mean-square (rms) of the second moment
through a nearly constant coefficient. The
expression is given by - with C0.226 derived from analysis of the four
LES simulations. -
20Number concentration of droplets activated from
RAMS activation scheme.
21Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS)
- Like a Monte Carlo model, LHS permits sampling
only the cloudy part of a grid box which will
provide the sought for characteristic w, LWCs, S
needed to activate cloud droplets and ice
crystals and drive collection processes.
22An Aerosol Source model
- Direct emission sources include desert dust, sea
salt, natural and anthropogenic sources of SO2
and sulfates, certain strains of bacteria, forest
fires and biomass burning. - Dust emissions are based on surface topographic
features, near-surface winds, erodible area, and
soil moisture. - Sea salt emissions are based on near-surface
23Model Development
- After implementing the aerosol source functions
the model will be tested using satellite and
ground-based measurements for comparisons. - After testing, parameterizations will be
implemented converting the aerosol distributions
to CCN, GCCN and IFN distributions for input in
the microphysics package.
- Parameterizations for conversion of SO2 and
sulfate concentrations to CCN are being
constructed. This includes oceanic DMS production
and conversion to CCN, and smoke conversions to
CCN. - At this time chemistry will be parameterized by a
conversion factor from SO2/DMS to sulfate rather
than assuming background oxidant concentrations
and explicitly modeling chemistry.
- The primary sources of GCCN are dust, sea salt,
industrial (like paper pulp mills), diesel
engines, and perhaps biogenic material. - Parameterizations of conversion from these
sources are being constructed.
- Primarily sources of IFN are inorganic soil
particles like clays (correlated with dust),
biogenic materials, and industrial sources like
heavy metal industries. - Conversion rates from dust to IFN has to be
derived. - Biogenic sources include decay of plant litter
over land and blooms of phytoplankton over the
27IFN sources and Climate Zones
- A-zone tropical (extensive vegetation)
- B-zone dry
- C-zone humid mesothermal (extensive vegetation)
- D-zone microthermal (extensive vegetation)
- E-zone polar
- H-zone undifferentiated highlands
- M-zone marine
28From Schnell and Vali, 1976.
29Leaf-derived nuclei
- Koppen Climate Zones
- Extensive vegetation A-tropical C-mild mid-lat
D-cold mid-lat - Minimal vegetation B-dry E-polar H-highlands
30IFN and climate zones
- A-type low
- B-type somewhat larger than A
- C-type highest
- M-type variable depending on T and
upwelling/mixinghigh values near Australian and
Antarctic coasts are regions of upwelling and
continental shelf where plankton are highest in
the world.
31CCN/GCCN/IFN Retrieval Scheme
- Objective
- Examine the feasibility of retrieving
cloud-nucleating aerosol concentrations using the
cloud resolving version of RAMS in an ensemble
Kalman filter assimilation system.
32 Brief Algorithm Description
- Identify locations where the CCN, IFN and GCCN
concentrations wish to be estimated. - Do backward trajectory analyses using RAMS (or
another mesoscale model), in regions where
boundary layer clouds are prevalent. - Produce ensembles of CRM forward integrations
along those trajectories in which we apply
ensemble Kalman-filter assimilation procedures. - Cloud-nucleating aerosol concentrations are
retrieved at the end of the forward integrations.
33 Brief Algorithm Description (continued)
- Forward integrations are performed with a CRM
version of RAMS that uses the explicit cloud
nucleating microphysical module. - The trajectories generated by the mesoscale model
define time-evolving boundary conditions for the
CRM. - Even when the CRM domain is 2-D, only horizontal
averages are involved in the system state vector. - Satellite radiances will be periodically
assimilated into the CRM, minimizing the cost
function between simulated and observed cloud
34Summary and Conclusions
- A Case has been made for the importance of
aerosol to DoD operations for predictions of
visibility, laser-guided systems, and indirectly
via their impacts on cloud coverage, cloud
optical thicknesses, aircraft icing and
35Summary and Conclusions (cont)
- A modeling system has been described which can
forecast both direct and indirect effects of
aerosols. - To initialize aerosols in models an aerosol
source and transport/ removal model is under
construction. - In addition, a cloud-nucleating aerosol satellite
retrieval model is under development. - I predict that the next-generation mesoscale
forecast models will include explicit prediction
of aerosols and their direct and indirect effects.