Title: Status of the GPS tests and implementation
1Status of the GPS tests and implementation
AMS TIM CERN 24-28 October 2005 Claude
Zurbach Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et
Astroparticules - Montpellier
CERN 24-28 October 2005 - AMS Tim - Claude
Zurbach LPTA Montpellier
- PART 1 aims of November test
- PART 2 collaboration
- PART 3 technical scheme
- PART 4 details
- PART 5 schedule for 2006
3Aims of the November 2005 test
What do we expect from this test?
- Check of preliminary version of the hardware
GPS QM, power supplies, cables, connectors - Integration in the AMS DAQ scheme
- Validation of GPSE EM card
- Validation of preliminary GPS software,
communication via RS232 RS422 via GPSE card - Test of GPS commands as input and GPS data as
output - (status and UTC time)
- Validation of the voltage control via GPSE
4GPS integration in AMS-02 collaboration manpower
Collaboration manpower
- MIT M. Capell, A. Koulemzine, A. Lebedev, A.
Rozhkov - implementation in DAQ/Trigger, provides power
supplies - ETH Zürich V. Commichau, G. Viertel
- EM of GPSE card
- LPTA A. Jacholkowska, C. Zurbach
- provides GPS hardware and software, interface
with CNES and Alcatel-Alenia - Alcatel-Alenia, CNES Toulouse technical
commercial engineers - Technical support
5November 2005 test general technical scheme
Not this time
Trigger system JLV1
Antenna or simulator
Power supply 6.3 V 5.2 V
Can Bus
GPS monitoring TC TM (JMDC)
Communication scheme no antenna signal PC
emulates DAQ system (JMDC), sending Telecommands
and getting Teledata GPS provides Pulse Per
Second (PPS) and Teledata GPSE provides UTC time
reference to the DAQ system USCM gets UTC time
and status from GPS via GPSE, and transmits
6November 2005 test general technical scheme
GPS Simulator
Power supplies
JMDC simulator
7November 2005 test details
ETHZ conception and realization of GPSE card (EM)
GPSE Epochgate
- Two major functions
- 1 EPOCH Gate opens 1 second activity period
(trigger blocked) which covers - 500 ms UTC max time acquisition
- activates communication GPS ?? DAQ (JMDC),
triggered by PPS signal
8November 2005 test details
GPSE Comgate
Operation Pulse Per Second signal opens an
Epochgate which permits internal clock
synchronization in the Trigger System (not in
this test) and activates communication for
Teledata (GPS status and UTC time)
9November 2005 test view of GPSE
RS422 I/O
Serial communication to/from USCM
GPS Simulator
10November 2005 test details
MIT preparation of the global architecture
(DAQ), power supply and power control design
GPS power
Operationnal GPS, AST laser alignement system
11November 2005 test details
LPTA develops GPS software (validation commands
of system startup and data acquisition)
Software scheme
Procedure Start the GPS in operationnal
mode Verify GPS status Send time to the
GPS Specification data output Get n UTC time
12GPS integration schedule for 2006
- Flight module GPS delivery from Alcatel-Alenia
Q3 2006 - Construction of power supply system
- Further construction and qualification of the
GPSE card QM and FM - Production progress meetings and Test Readiness
Review with Alcatel-Alenia (first meeting
November the 17th) - Before delivery two tests periods with QM
from CNES at CERN