- Outlet Glacier Hanging Glacier Alaska Albert
a G415-1 G415-3
2Definition of a Glacier
- a body of firn and ice
- consisting of
- recrystallized snow and refrozen meltwater
- lying wholly or partly on land
- and
- showing evidence of present or former flow.
3Nature of Glacial IceSources
- Precipitation
- Avalanches
- Rime ice (water vapor frozen on contact)
- Superimposed ice water frozen to glacier
4Nature of Glacial IceTransition of Snow to
Glacial Ice
- Overall conditions for formation
- Sufficient precipitation (need not be large)
- Low temperatures (especially in summer)
5Nature of Glacial IceTransition of Snow to
Glacial Ice
6Nature of Glacial IceTransition of Snow to
Glacial Ice
Fresh Snow Crystals Firn NAGT-9 NAGT-4
7Nature of Glacial Ice Transition of Snow to
Glacial Ice
8 Nature of Glacial Ice Transition of
Snow to Glacial Ice
- FootnotesA in form of hexagonal crystalsB
air expelled as density increasesC1 melting
and refreezing due to pressure-temperature
relationshipC2 melting point varies inversely
with pressure.D ice crystals get larger
with time.
9 Nature of Glacial IceTransition of Snow
to Glacial Ice
- Other comments1. With ice near melting point,
small increase in pressure causes melting.2.
Meltwater flows to area of lower pressure,
refreezes.3. This process is called
regelation.4. Density of glacial ice lt density
of ice formed by simple freezing due to trapped
10Nature of Glacial IceTransition of Snow to
Glacial Ice
Snowline Temple Glacier CrevasseG415-6
11Nature of Glacial Ice Transition of Snow to
Glacial Ice Time and Thickness for
12Nature of Glacial IceTransition of Snow to
Glacial Ice
13Nature of Glacial IceProperties of Glacial
IceNature and Orientation of Ice Crystals
Ice Surface
Hexagonal crystals
c - axis
- Note glide planes (along which crystals deform)
14Nature of Glacial IceProperties of Glacial Ice
G415-G18 333
15Nature of Glacial IceProperties of Glacial
16Nature of Glacial IceProperties of Glacial
IceCrushing Strength