Title: The Native Hawaiian
1- The Native Hawaiian
- and
- Other Pacific Islander Population 2000
2The term Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific
Islander refers to people having origins in any
of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa,
or other Pacific Islands.
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4The data collected by Census 2000 on race can be
divided into two broad categories the race alone
population and the race in combination population.
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6The Pacific Islander population increased between
1990 and 2000.
7Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
Population 1990-2000
140 increase
9.3 increase
8Nearly three-fourths of the Pacific Islander
population lived in the West.
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10Over half (58 percent) of the Pacific Islander
population lived in just two states, Hawaii and
11Ten States With the LargestPacific Islander
Populations 2000
WA 42,761
NY 28,612
OR 16,019
NV 16,234
UT 21,367
CA 221,458
AZ 13,415
TX 29,094
FL 23,998
12The Pacific Islander population was concentrated
in counties in the West.
14Largest Pacific Islander populations
Places with the largest Pacific Islander
populations were Honolulu, New York, Los Angeles,
and San Diego.
15Largest Places in Total Population and in Native
Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population
16The highest proportion of Pacific Islanders was
in Honolulu.
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18Native Hawaiian was the largest Pacific Islander
group in the United States.
19Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
Population by Detailed Group 2000
20Native Hawaiians were the most likely to report
one or more other races or Pacific Islander
21(No Transcript)
22Less than 2 percent of Hawaiis total population
of 1.2 million, lived on Hawaiian home lands.
23Percent Distribution of Native Hawaiians and
Non-Native Hawaiians Living on Hawaiian Home Lands
24For More Information
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