Title: Building ePortfolio using FrontPage, Adobe Acrobat
1Building e-Portfolio usingFrontPage, Adobe
Acrobat CD Auto Start
- eldars guide to using MS FrontPage
- What Acrobat can do to your Samples of Work
- How to start things up with CD Auto Start
3Selling Your SoulBuilding e-Portfolio Using
Microsoft Front Page
4MS FrontPage Pros Cons
- Pros
- Very, very easy to use
- MS Word gt MS FrontPage
- Intuitive ?!
- Cons
- Lame templates
- Limited capabilities
- Made by Microsoft
5eldars 3 rules of successful web design for
FrontPage users
- Always use FrontPage Webs
- Always use Tables
- Dont be afraid to borrow design ideas
- BBCi
- Visit London
6eldars guide to MS FrontPage
from the File menu, select New and Web
Then click on One Page Web
7eldars guide to MS FrontPage
Select Folders from the side Toolbar. This will
give you a listing of all the pages in this
project web that you can edit or manipulate.
8eldars guide to MS FrontPage
index.htm is your Home Page, double click to open
9eldars guide to MS FrontPage
You can insert images into your web pages,by
selecting Picture from your Insert menu.
10setting page properties, colors, and backgrounds
- To set the page properties
- File menu
- Properties
- Click on the General tab to fill in the page
title. You can also set a background sound on
this tab. - Click on the Background tab to set the background
picture or colors and the text and hyperlink
11Using Tables
- Tables are very useful in creating Web pages.
The HTML language does not accept tabs, as in
tabular columns, so you would need to put tabular
columns in a table. Tables also allow you to
place text and pictures where you would like them
on the page. To create more complicated tables,
you can nest tables within tables. - To insert a table
- Table menu
- Insert, Table
12Using Tables
- Tips
- In table properties set Border equal to zero
13Applying themes to your pages
- A theme is a set of unified design elements and
color schemes. - easy
- professional looking
- well-designed documents.
- On the Format menu, click Theme.
- In the Choose a theme list, click the theme you
want. - Select the options you want and click on OK.
14Using Themes
select Format , scroll down and select Theme
15FrontPage Resources
"Creating Web Pages with FrontPage"
16Example of Web Site with Themes
- Daron Djerdjian, Ph.D. Candidate, Economics
17Example of Teaching Portfolio
18Adobe Acrobat
- Comments and Editing Notes
- Example
19CD Auto Start
20The End