Title: Full Service Transfer
1Full Service Transfer
2 Projects and Roles
Definition of Acronyms and TermsAEIT Agency
for Enterprise Information Technology Agencies
State of Florida agencies Customer Agencies
Agencies that currently obtain co-location
services from a Primary Data Center. PDCs
Primary Data Centers (currently Southwood Shared
Resource Center and anticipating Northwood Shared
Resource Center) SSRC Southwood Shared Resource
3Full Service TransferScope
- The scope of full service transfer is all data
center functions performed, managed, operated, or
supported by state agencies with resources and
equipment currently located in a primary data
centerexcluding application development
functions. - Data center functions include, but are not
limited to, all data center hardware, software,
staff, contracted services, and facility
resources performing data center management and
operations, security, backup and recovery,
disaster recovery, system administration,
database administration, system programming, job
control, production control, print, storage,
technical support, help desk, and managed
services. - (2009 SB 2574c1, Lines 1494 - 1501)
4Full Service TransferImportant Dates
5Full Service TransferPlanning
- Getting Organized
- Appoint / Hire Project Managers (AEIT
recommendation) - Appoint / Hire a Service Architect (AEIT
recommendation) - Develop Project Management Plan
- Develop Project Schedule
- Develop Implementation Plan template
- Obtain approvals from Board of Trustees
6Full Service Transfer Planning PDC Deliverables
- Responsible for transfer of resources in user
agencies relating to provision of full services - Create template for customer agencies to complete
- Submit LBRs to accommodate transferred equipment
in FY 2010-2011 - Prepare cost recovery plans
- Submit Transition Plan for absorbing customer
agencies resources to AEIT, EOG, Senate and
House by November 15, 2009 - Complete full service transfer by July 1, 2010
7Full Service Transfer Planning Agency
- Identify costs and resources
- Provide PDC with plan for transferring resources
- Expenditures
- Spending Authority (for equipment and software
for previous 5 years and projected upcoming 2
8PDC Full Service Transition Plan Human
Resources Plan
- Collaborate with agencies to identify FTEs to
transfer to PDC and identify FTE reductions - Facilitate organizational change management
(merging cultures) - Identify management structure
- Standardize job classes, titles, position
descriptions, and pay plans - Make arrangements for office space
- Plan for and conduct cross-training of existing
and incoming staff
9PDC Full Service Transition Plan Security Plan
- Consider physical and logical security issues
- Gather and assess security requirements of
customer agencies - Assess the business impacts of potential security
10PDC Full Service Transition Plan Disaster
Recovery Plan
- Create Disaster Recovery (DR) Plans with customer
agencies - Create transition plan for existing DR sites
- Test DR Plan and Continuity of Operations Plan
(COOP) with customer agencies - Develop COOP for PDC
11PDC Full Service Transition Plan Service
Management Plan
- Update PDCs Service Catalogs
- Map agency services to PDC service offerings
- Create transition plan for non-mapped services or
PDC accepts new service - Review Service Support processes and procedures
with customer agencies (please share with AEIT) - Incident Management, Problem Management, Change
Management (including Requests for Change), and
Configuration Management - Review service contracts and Service Level
Agreements with the agencies - Prepare PDC inventory in cooperation with AEIT
12PDC Full Service Transition Plan Communication
- Develop plan for communicating with customer
agencies - Communicate with AEIT in accordance with plan
from AEIT
13PDC Full Service Transition Plan Budget
- Prepare and Submit FY 2010-2011 Legislative
Budget Requests (LBRs) - PDCs shall request additional budget authority to
accommodate the transferred functions - Agencies shall make the budget adjustments
necessary to accomplish transfers - Includes Salary and Benefits, Operating Capital
Outlay (OCO), and other expenses - Work with agencies to request federal funding for
PDC services
14Full Service TransferNext Steps
- AEIT will convene a meeting with PDCs and their
customer agencies to kick-off Full Service
Transfer (tentatively May 7, 2009) - AEIT will seek formal acceptance of Full Service
Transfer scope, objectives, and deliverables via
AEITs formal Scope and Responsibilities document - PDCs will .
15Thank you!