Title: Satelite Training in Latin America
1Satelite Training in Latin America
- Vilma Castro,
- Professor at the School of Physics,
- University of Costa Rica
- WMO Regional Meteorological Training Center
2WMO Regional Meteorological Training Center at
the University of Costa Rica
31995 WMO Regional Training Seminar on Satellite
- Coordinated by Dr. Donald Hinsman, from WMO
- With lecturers from the RMTC, NOAA, EUMETSAT
- Among them Drs Jim Purdom and Roger Weldon
4The rule in most of the participants
countrieslow resolution imagery, one or two
pictures a day in ugly thermal paper. Few
countries had displays in a monitor like the one
below .
5During the seminar in Costa Rica, Drs Purdom and
Hinsman proposed a pilot project to convert the
RMTCs in Costa Rica and Barbados in specialized
satellite training centers, with the cooperation
of WMO andNOAA/NESDIS,through the Cooperative
Institute for Atmospheric Research (CIRA), at
Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins
6Dr. Martin Yerg, at the International Activities
Division (NOAA) helped finding resources to
acquire computer equipment for the RMTC-CR
7Reconstruction effort for Hurricane Mitch
provided funds for
- 2 RAMSDIS systems for every country in Central
America - 1 server
- training
- calibration of rainfall algorithms
- Help Desk at the RMTC
81999 WMO Regional Training Seminar on Satellite
- Coordinated by Dr. Donald Hinsman, from WMO, with
lecturers from the RMTC and CIRA - 50 participants
- 21 sponsored by WMO
- 11 by NOAA/Mitch project
- 6 National Met. Service of Costa Rica
- 12 from the RMTC
92000 Regional Training Seminar on Satellite
10The RMTC in Costa Rica has evolved as a
specialized training center in satellite
- PCs available for training
- Ingest of real time imagery with RAMSDIS systems
- Computed aided learning, multimedia modules from
COMET have been translated into Spanish - Satellite Meteorology the new GOES imager
- Satellite Meteorology Case Studies
- The Forecast Process
- Numerical Weather Prediction
11The RMTC in Costa Rica has evolved as a
specialized training center in satellite
- It participates and pools resources from the
Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in
Satellite Meteorology - BoM via the WMO site
- http//www.wmo.ch/indexflash.html
- CIRA site http//www.cira.colostate.edu/ramm/
wmovl/main.html - EUMETSAT site http//oislab.eumetsat.de/VLab/
12Challenges for the near future
- Maintain the Help Desk beyond support from
project Mitch - Expand the job done in Central America to other
countries - Train students in the digital manipulation of
imagery and products - Joint project between CIRA, UCR and ICE
- Validation of the blended GOES/Microwave
precipitation estimates and TRMM
13Challenges for the near future
- Keep up the pace of the Virtual Laboratory for
Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology - Leaded by WMOs Expert Team on Improving
Satellite Systems Utilization and Products
14Challenges for the near future
- Automatic access to real time meteorological data
is still required. - Will it be LDM-UNIDATA?
15I already have an antenna!and METEOFORUM
16Thank you