The Secondary Mortgage Market - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Secondary Mortgage Market


The US mortgage markets are one of the most well-developed aspects in the ... FNMA standardized mortgage contract terms and underwriting methods. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Secondary Mortgage Market

The Secondary Mortgage Market
  • Chapters 10 and 11 present an introduction to
    several key items in the secondary mortgage
    market. These include
  • The major players, FNMA, FHLMC, and GNMA.
  • Basic idea of a pass-through security.
  • Prepayments and their effect on MBS cash flows.
  • Prepayment Models
  • Static vs. Dynamic

The Secondary Mortgage Market
  • Mortgage Descriptive Statistics
  • IO/PO Combinations
  • Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
  • Mortgage Backed Futures

Historic Origins
  • The US mortgage markets are one of the most
    well-developed aspects in the overall financial
  • The last 30 years has seen a major change in the
    organization of that system.

Historic Origins
  • The classical model was the Its a Wonderful
    Life model a savings institution borrowed money
    from depositors and lent them to mortgage
  • The problem was that savings institutions faced a
    maturity mismatch.

Historic Origins
  • Lenders limited borrowing to 5 year IO loans.
    Thus borrowers had to refinance every five years.
  • Under the New Deal, the Federal government set
    increasing homeownership as a national goal. One
    way to do this was to go to fully amortizing

Historic Origins
  • Fully amortizing loans required longer
    maturities. Lenders demanded help managing
  • Credit risk done initially through low
    loan-to-value (LTV) loans and through FHA
  • Interest Rate Risk The government attempted to
    control rates by Regulation Q.

Historic Origins
  • Additionally, the federal government determined
    that starting a secondary mortgage market was
    probably a good way to provide liquidity to
    mortgage lenders.
  • 1939, the Federal National Mortgage Association
    (FNMA, pronounced Fannie Mae) was started as part
    of HUD.

Historic Origins
  • FNMA standardized mortgage contract terms and
    underwriting methods.
  • Interstate banking laws still made transferring
    loans difficult.
  • The transaction costs associated with selling
    mortgage loans, and the information asymmetry
    between lenders largely prevented the formation
    of a secondary market.

Historic Origins
  • During the 1940s and 1950s, interest rates
    remained non-volatile.
  • Interest rates started becoming volatile in the
    1960s. In addition, the Eurodollar market
    created a method for US savers to earn more than
    the regulation Q limited rates.
  • Disintermediation occurred on a large scale.

Historic Origins
  • By the late 1960s the need for a national
    mortgage market had become clear.
  • The federal government quasi-privatized FNMA. It
    became a Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE).
  • FNMA was tasked with creating a secondary market
    for FHA or non-FHA insured loans.
  • The federal government formed a second GSE, the
    Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) to
    compete with FNMA.

Historic Origins
  • GSE status
  • GSEs debt are implicitly backed by the US
    government. They are able to borrow at between
    15 and 30 basis points above the Treasury rate.
  • In return for this preferred borrowing rate, they
    agree to a high level of regulation. The
    President and 1/3 of the board are appointed by
    the US President (and confirmed by Congress).

Historic Origins
  • GSE status
  • GSEs must meet Congressionally-set capital
    standards. The Office of Federal Housing
    Enterprise Oversite (OFHEO) is responsible for
    determining GSE compliance.

Historic Origins
  • The federal government started a wholly-owned
    government corporation within HUD. This entity
    is known as the Government National Mortgage
    Association (GNMA).
  • GNMA is tasked with creating and maintaining a
    secondary market for FHA-insured mortgages.

Historic Origins
  • By 1971, Congress had established the three major
    secondary mortgage market entities, FNMA, FHMLC,
    and GNMA. Creating the market would take some
  • During the 1970s and into the early 1980s,
    interest rate volatility kept increasing.

Historic Origins
  • Lenders were getting squeezed badly.
  • When rates rose, the average deposit which
    financed mortgages rose quickly, since the
    maturity on these deposits were rarely more than
    5 years.
  • Their average rate on their loan portfolio,
    however, rose very slowly, since mortgages are
    such long-term assets (note that the marginal
    rates rose quickly, however.)

Historic Origins
  • Lenders were getting squeezed badly.
  • By the early 1980s most Savings and Loans (the
    primary mortgage originators) were paying more,
    on average, for deposits than they were earning,
    on average, from loans.
  • When rates fell, borrowers refinanced their newly
    issued, high interest rate mortgages.
  • The deposit rate, however, staid relatively high
    since depositors were in no hurry to invest at
    the new lower rate.

Historic Origins
  • Lenders were getting squeezed badly.
  • The net effect is that lenders lost money when
    rates rose, and the lost money when rate fell.
  • To profitably hold mortgages in their portfolio
    (in the absence of hedging tools), financial
    institutions need stable, non-volatile interest
  • Banks and SLs are well-suited for originating
    mortgages, they are not well suited to holding
    mortgages in portfolio.

Market Innovation
  • As early as the mid-1960s it was clear that
    major innovation was needed in the mortgage
  • GNMA, FNMA, and FHLMC provided that innovation
    through the creation of a financial instrument
    known generically as a Mortgage Backed Security

Market Innovation
  • We are going to examine a total of six types of
    MBS. They are
  • Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • Mortgage Pass-through Securities
  • Mortgage Pay-Through Securities
  • IO/PO Combinations
  • Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
  • Mortgage Backed Futures

Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • These are the simplest of the MBS that we will
    examine. These are basically standard corporate
    bonds with mortgages serving as their collateral.
  • The issuer retains all liability for making the
    payments to the investors.
  • The bonds typically have a par value of 10,000
    and have annual coupon payments.

Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • Why would a company issue an MBB?
  • The collateral may allow them to obtain a higher
    credit rating (or lower contract rate) than they
    would otherwise be able to get.
  • The use of collateral will reduce to some degree
    the drain on the debt capacity of the firm.

Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • The market prices this bonds like any other
    corporate debt
  • Determine the cash flows and then discount them
    back to today at the appropriate discount rate.
  • The cash flows are annual interest payments until
    the maturity date when a final interest payment
    is made along with the return of the par
    principal amount.

Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • This works out to the following formula
  • The next page shows prices at origination for a
    20 year MBB with coupon of 9 at different
    discount rates.

Mortgage Backed Bonds
Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • Issuing MBBs is one method through which a lender
    could raise the capital they need to finance the
    mortgages they originate.
  • There is a problem, however. Since the cash
    flows from the MBB are not dependent directly on
    the underlying mortgages, they will not exhibit
    the negative convexity that the mortgages will.
  • This means the MBB will not naturally hedge the
    prepayment risk embedded in the mortgage.

Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • To see this, first consider that the lender is
    issuing the MBB, so to them the value of this
    liability is the exact opposite of how we
    normally look at it

Mortgage Backed Bonds
Mortgage Backed Bonds
  • Now if you consider that the portfolio of
    mortgages that the lender holds does exhibit
    negative convexity, you can see why the MBB does
    not provide the best hedging of the prepayment

Mortgage Backed Bonds
Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • For now, we will be discussing MBS as FNMA and
    FHLMC issue them. GNMAs are different, so
    ignore them for now.
  • An MBS is simply a bond issued by FNMA or FHLMC
    that is collateralized by a pool of underlying

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Here is how they work
  • A bank or series of banks originates a lot of
    mortgages (several hundred million worth).
  • FNMA or FHLMC buys those mortgages from the bank
    and creates a pool.
  • FNMA then creates creates a bond which is
    collateralized by the pool of mortgages. The
    investors in this pool will receive the
    proportionate share of each months principal and
    interest paid by the individual mortgagors. This
    is known as a pass-through security.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Here is how they work
  • FNMA or FHLMC guarantees to the MBS investors
    that if a borrower defaults, FNMA or FHLMC will
    pay the investor both the principal and interest
    they are owed.
  • FNMA and FHLMC will then foreclose upon the
    defaulted borrower.
  • FNMA and FHLMC charge a fee for this insurance.
    They typically charge 25-30 basis points per year
    for this insurance.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Here is how they work
  • FNMA and FHLMC do not on a monthly basis deal
    with the borrowers. They hire outside firms
    called servicers (frequently the originating
    bank) to collect the monthly checks, answer
    questions from the borrower, etc.
  • For servicing the loan, the servicer is able to
    earn about 25 basis points a year.
  • The net effect is that between the servicer and
    the insurance, 50 basis points are charged
    against the pool

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Here is how they work
  • Thus, if an MBS were formed from a series of 10
    loans, by the time the servicing and insurance
    fees were taken out, it would in essence have a
    9.5 coupon.
  • Most MBS have stated coupons that are 50 basis
    points lower than their underlying collateral.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Here is how they work
  • In some sense then, to an investor, buying an MBS
    with a 10 coupon rate, it is like buying a
    mortgage with a contract rate of 10, but
    principal amortizes as if it were a 10.5
    mortgage (since the underlying mortgage would in
    fact be 10.5 mortgages).

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Here is how they work
  • Since the investors essentially have just a type
    of bond, they are free to trade that bond in the
    secondary market. This market is now huge.
  • The MBS market is roughly 4 Trillion in size.
  • There is more outstanding mortgage debt that US
    Treasury debt.
  • Only the currency markets have higher daily
    volume than the secondary mortgage market.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • MBS are especially popular with banks and other
    financial institutions, because they can hold
    mortgage assets, but then liquidate them easily
    if they need to raise capital.
  • FNMA and FHLMC have become wildly successful
    companies through this operation.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Like any other financial asset, the way to
    determine price a mortgage backed security is to
    simply determine its cash flows, and then
    discount them back at the appropriate discount
  • This is more difficult because the cash flows
    themselves are a function of interest rates.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • This is because of prepayments. We know that
    some people will choose to pay off their loans
    early. Thus, the MPT passes through all
    cashflows to the investors, the investors receive
    these prepayments.
  • Prepayments obviously increase as the market rate
    falls below the contract rate.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • We are going to need a way to build in our
    expectations about prepayments into our pricing
  • Before we do that, however, lets run through an
    example of an MBS to explain the cash flows.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Lets assume that there is a MPT that consists of
    10 mortgages. Each mortgage has a coupon of 10,
    there is a 25 basis point servicing fee and a 25
    basis point guarantee fee.
  • Lets further assume that each year one of the
    mortgages will prepay completely.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • The following spreadsheet shows the cash flows
    that the mortgages would (in aggregate) create,
    how much cash would flow to the investors, and
    how much cash would flow to the servicer and the
    guarantying agency.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
Mortgage Pass-Throughs
Mortgage Pass-Throughs
Mortgage Pass-Throughs
Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • Our ultimate goal is to be able to develop a
    pricing mechanism for the MPT. This is not an
    easy prospect
  • Clearly we have to consider prepayments.
  • We must also consider how to aggregate all of
    these individual loans into a single MPT.
  • Finally, we must consider the impact of interest
    rates on the mortgage cashflows and discounting.

Mortgage Pass-Throughs
  • To get at this we will have to examine how to
    aggregate mortgage data.
  • We also need to understand how Freddie and Fannie
    use underwriting to control the credit risk in
    these pools.
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