Title: Kurdistan of Iraq: Safe and Open for Business
1Kurdistan of Iraq Safe and Open for
Business! Dr. Zeki Fattah Economic Advisor to
the Prime MinisterKurdistan Regional Government
2Iraqi-Kurdistan Investment Law 2006
- Grants national treatment of foreign investors
Imports - Guarantees repatriation of profits and wage
earnings - Guarantees against nationalization and
expropriation - Places no restriction on ownership structure, or
on composition of labor or management - Exempts profits and imports from taxes for 10
years - Provides exemption for subsequent investment
expansion - Does not forbid land ownership by foreigners
- Entitles companies that merge to continue
enjoying exemptions as before the merger
3Kurdistan as an Investment Location (1)
Table1 Main characteristics of legal framework
for Kurdistan FDI
4Kurdistan as an Investment Location (1)
Table 2 Matrix of investment factors in Kurdistan
5Kurdistan as an Investment Location
Table 3 Evaluation of FDI Law in Iraqi-Kurdistan
KRG evaluation. The economic determinants are
based on those used in UNCTADs Survey of
International Investors, Geneva, 1998
6- Investment opportunities in the
- Kurdistan Region
- Agriculture ..
- .
- Manufacturing industries.
- .
- .
- Construction activities.
- ..
- ..
- Energy ..
7Investment Opportunities in Kurdistan
- Water plants..
- Transportations including roads and railways
- .
- Telecommunications ..
- ..
- .
- Storage facilities.
- ..
- ..
- Banking Insurances
8Stage 1 Infrastructure foundation of the
industrial city
9(No Transcript)