Title: What is risk
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2What is risk
3What is risk and clinical risk?
- Risk
- Effect of uncertainty on objectives
- May be an event or change in circumstance
- Clinical Risk
- Risks to the client during a course of care or
treatment - provided by a health service.
4Risk Management
- We manage risks continuously, sometimes
consciously and sometimes without realising it,
but rarely systematically. - Risk Management is
- Coordinated activities to direct and control an
organisation with regard to risk - Clinical risk management is risk management in
the service delivery - areas of an organisation and focuses on
- improving the quality and safety of health care
services by identifying the circumstances and
opportunities that put patients at risk of harm
and acting to prevent or control those risks - (Safety and Quality Council, 2005)
5What is not Clinical Risk?
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Strategic
- Financial
- Environmental
6Risk Management
Risk Assessment
7Risk Identification
- There is no one single way!
- Brainstorm
- Incident data
- Complaints data
- External data (insurance data, literature)
- Benchmark
8Clinical Risk Identification Tool
9Analysing Risk
- Risk
- Consequence x Likelihood
- Likelihood
- The chance of something happening
- Consequence
- The outcome of an event or change in
circumstances . This may include harm to the
client, organisational or staff member
10Risk Matrix
- Tool used to determine the level of risk
11Risk Assessment
Identify risk (event)
Identify risk factors
Calculate inherent risk
Consider controls
Calculate residual risks
Prioritise the risk
12A Holiday in Thailand!
Objective To get to your hotel safely Risk
Area Travel/ Transport Risk Potential car
accident Risk factors Speed Unfamiliar road
system Car quality Traffic Inherent risk High
(consequenceextreme and likelihoodlikely)
Controls Study the Thai road laws before
going Avoid driving in peak traffic Use a
driver Residual risk Low (consequencemajor and
13Describing Risks and Risk Factors
- Risk
- Event/Change in circumstance leading to an Impact
- For example
- Incorrect priority on waiting list causing client
injury - Risk factor
- The possible causes
14Clinical Risk
Risk Risk factors Inherent
risk Controls Residual risk