Title: MAP Examiner
1MAP Examiners Manual 2007
- Missouri Assessment Program/Educational reform
mandated by the Outstanding School Act of 1993 - Required Communication Arts and Mathematics
- Voluntary Science and Social Studies
- Types of items
- Selected Response
- Constructed Response
- Performance Events
The department uses information obtained through
MAP to monitor the progress of students in
meeting the Show-Me-Standards, inform the public
and state legislature about students
performance, and to help make informed decisions
about educational issues.
3Table of Contents
- Step 1 Plan Your Testing Schedule
- Step 2 Organize Your Classroom
- Step 3 Check Your Testing Materials
- Step 4 Before Testing (Student Identification
Information) - Step 5 Administer the Test
- Communication Arts
- Mathematics
- Step 6 Invalidations and Make-ups
- Step 7 After Testing Student Status Coding
- Step 8 Assemble Materials for Return
- Glossary
- Last 3 pages in Manual
- Glossary of terms is an extensive list of terms
associated with the MAP - Terms that will be referred to while handling MAP
materials and administering the assessment - Will serve as a helpful resource while reviewing
the procedures/guidelines for administering the
MAP - Changes for 2007
- See National Normed Reading Sections table for
pre-selecting items for IEP students
5Step 1 Preparing for Testing (pp.1-4)
- Testing Schedules Page 1 for both content areas
- Review the test directions in the Examiners
Manual in advance - Teachers may not receive test books in advance
except SPED (for Valid Attempt) - Sessions that dont have Terra Nova allow
students who are making adequate progress to
complete the test - Each test session must be completed in one day
- Proctors - 1 per 50 students (approx.)
- Accommodations discussed in step 7 (IEP, IAP,
6Use Standardized Testing Procedures (p.3)
- Following the instructions exactly ensures
similar testing conditions in all classrooms. - Test directions should be read exactly as
written. - Follow time allowances for timed sections of the
test. -
- Be sure students understand the directions and
how to mark answers. Test directions can be
paraphrased but test items may not!
7Encourage all students to attempt every item
Dont return books to students who have
completed the test
Dont ask individual students to finish
incomplete or incorrect answers to items
8Step 1 Large Print and Braille (p.4)
- Transcribe student responses into a regular
edition of a test book - Mark the large print or Braille book and return
to CTB/McGraw-Hill with the unused test books - Refer to Braille Omit Instruction Sheet
9Step 2Organize Your Classroom (p.4)
- Plan for
- The distribution and collection of materials
- Seating arrangements
- Eliminating noise distractions
- Using a Do Not Disturb Sign
- No content or process information on the walls
- Noting starting and stopping times on the board
for the timed sections of the test
10Check Your Testing Materials (p. 5)
- Examiner materials (11 items)
- Student materials
- Tools
- CA (only standardized books may be used at
appropriate grade levels and sessions) - MA (only the manipulatives provided and
calculators may be used at appropriate grade
levels and sessions) - SC (manipulatives provided)
- SS
11Security Barcode Instructions (p. 6)
- Examiners Manual (p. 6)
- Test Coordinators Manual (pp. 14 - 18)
- No separate instructions sent to districts
- Directions are exactly the same as last year
Security barcodes are located on the lower
right-hand corner of the students test
books. These should be checked by DTC, STC, and
books counted by the examiner.
12Use of Translators
- All tests except Communication Arts may be read
to ELL students - ELL students may give responses orally or in
writing - All written responses must be transcribed
verbatim to another MAP test book - Translators must be trained in giving the MAP
13Step 4Before Testing (p.8)Using Student Barcode
Dont use barcode bubble in all info on SIS
Affix barcode label and complete only the
items to be corrected
All of the above is correct, but other
information is wrong
Wrong student label is affixed
Place blank label over incorrect label affix
correct label
14Using Student Barcode Labels
Place 2 blank labels over incorrect
label bubble in all info on SIS
Label attached with error in STUDENT NAME, BIRTH
Leave barcode area blank Bubble in all info on
No student barcode label
15How to Fill Out the SIS (p. 8)
- Student Name
- Birth Date
- Race/Ethnicity
- Gender
- MOSIS State ID
- District Student ID (Optional)
16Step 5Prepare Your Students (p.11)
- Help students approach testing in a relaxed
positive way - Explain the purpose of the test
- Point out that some items may be more difficult
and may be new to students they are not
expected to know all the answers but they are
expected to do their best
17Step 5 Administer the Test (p.11)
- Examiners instructions are arranged by grade in
Communication Arts and Math across content areas
this year - Sample questions are illustrated and printed in
the Examiners Manual - A starting/stopping time graphic is printed for
examiners to follow - Sessions cannot be split over 2 days or over
lunch periods - Break times are printed in the Examiners Manual
- Have all manipulative(s) punched-out prior to
18Specific Instructions for Test
- Each grade has specific instructions
- Communication Arts is extensive
- Notice the wording about not paraphrasing test
questions and pronouncing only one word per
19Released Item Responses
- No test can be photocopied
- Only released items may be captured and scored
- List of released items is on page 17 of SS and SC
Examiners Manuals (Intermediate and High School
Only) - Use of carbonless paper (only for SS and SC)
- Districts may use their own carbonless paper.
None can be ordered this year
20Step 6Invalidations and Make-ups
- Invalidations occur
- Teacher paraphrases test question in any content
area - Reads any part of the Communication Arts Test
- Student cheats on the test
Examiner must provide STC with student
information and the reason for the invalidation.
STC must fill in appropriate bubble in
Accommodations section of SIS. Make-ups Each
enrolled student must have a test book returned
to CTB. Sessions not made up result in Level Not
Determined (LND).
21Step 7 Student Status Coding
- Student Information has been condensed to one
page including Student Information, Student
Status, Accommodations, Disability Diagnosis, and
Invalidations - Accommodations for ELL and IEP are listed and
described on two separate charts - Notice footnotes in Accommodations
- oral reading of CA,
- paraphrasing of all tests,
- extending time for Terra Nova, and
- the use of former accommodations
- Note invalidations
22How to fill in Student Status
- SES Bubble to be filled in by STC
- Note New Title III bubble for ELL
- student receiving services through Title III
- Consult district Federal Programs Coordinator for
Title III students -
23Student Status (cont.)
- H.S. Career Education
- Approved Career Education programs can be viewed
by accessing the Core Data web application system
at http//k12apps.dese.mo.gov/webapps/logon.asp - Fill in ALL appropriate bubbles that apply
(necessary for AYP/MSIP information)
24Students Not Tested in the Content Area
- All students must be accounted for when
administering the MAP - TWO categories of students are not required to be
assessed by the MAP - MAP Alternate (MAP-A) students
- ELL (English Language Learner) in the U.S. less
than 12 total months - In CA ONLY - note exact number of months
(required on SIS) - For MAP A or ELL less than 12 total months (CA
ONLY) - you need to return a completed SIS in a
test book for these students.
25Step 8Assemble Materials for Return
- After testing, check all SIS and test books for
completion and correctness of information
according to Step 7 - Complete and check Group Information Sheets (GIS)
- Organize test books whose scores are to be
reported together
26Assemble Materials (cont.)
- Organize materials as shown on picture of
envelope (possibly 4 categories) - GIS for class/group
- Completed test books
- Test books with bar code label or completed SIS
for MAP-A students - For CA only Test books with barcode label or
completed SIS for ELL students in the U.S. less
than 12 months
27Assemble Materials (cont.)
- Unused test books, Large Print, and Braille test
books can be placed in a box together labeled
Unused Test Books - Draft copies of writing prompt and scratch paper
should be given to STC for secure destruction
28Contact Us
- St. Louis Regional MAP Center
- (314) 516-6628
- (888) 627-8675
- Eric Hadley mapscrif_at_umsl.edu
- Pat Johnson mapstl_at_umsl.edu
- Carolyn Weinzirl weinzirlc_at_umsl.edu
- Pat Winkler maprf_at_umsl.edu