Title: Doan Brook: Understanding and Protecting an Urban Watershed
Watershed Partnershipprotecting, restoring and
enhancing Doan Brook and its watershed for the
benefit of future generations.
3The Doan Brook Partners
- The Cities -- Cleveland, Cleveland Heights,
Shaker Heights - Doan Brook Watershed Partnership
- Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
- The Non-Profits -- Nature Center at Shaker Lakes,
Holden Parks Trust, Shaker Historical Society,
University Circle, Inc. - The Agencies -- Ohio EPA, ODNR, NRCS/SWCD
- The Institutions -- CWRU, JCU, CSU, Cleveland
Museum of Natural History, Cleveland Botanical
Gardens, etc. - Citizens
- The three (3) watershed cities
- Cleveland Heights
- Shaker Heights
- Cleveland
- Other non-profits (Sewer District, Nature Center,
University Circle Inc.) - Family foundations
- Individuals/families
- Ohio EPA (Sec. 319 nonpoint source grant)
- George Gund Foundation
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6The Doan Brook and Its Watershed
- Doan Brook is 8.4 miles long.
- The watershed area is about 11.7 square miles
(7,500 acres).
7The Parks...
Site 14 Dredge Spoil Area
Gordon Park/ Lake Front State Park
Donated and developed 1882 to 1900
Rockefeller Park/Cultural Gardens
Wade Park
Shaker Lakes Parks
Ambler Park
Nature Center at Shaker Lakes
Doan Brook Gorge
8Problems of the Urban Doan Brook
- Flooding
- Water Quality
- Habitat Degradation
9Nonpoint source water quality problems typical of
urban areas
- Bacteria (animal waste and sewage overflows
frequent violations of EPA standards) - Excessive nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus,
causing accelerated weed/algae growth) - Oil, grease, solvents, trash
- Soil from eroded banks, bare lawn and
construction areas - Metals from vehicle rusting, brake pads, etc.
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18Lower Doan Brook IssuesRockefeller Park
- Degraded banks, soil erosion, flow confined
between walls
19Lower Doan Brook IssuesRockefeller Park
Debris clogging, need for maintenance, concrete
check dams impeding fish migration.
20The Doan Brook Sewershed
- Sends sanitary or combined sewage to the Doan
Valley Interceptor. - 20.1 square miles (12,900 acres).
- Upper sewershed has mostly separated sewers, but
they empty into the lower sewersheds combined
Doan Valley Interceptor
21Heights/Hilltop Interceptor (HHI)(NEORSD)
- Reduces DVI sewershed to 9.8 square miles, less
than 1/2 of current area - Reduces CSOs by about 50
- Still 400 mg/yr CSOs
- Still frequent water quality violations.
Doan Valley Interceptor
Heights/Hilltop Interceptor
22Smaller fixes in the works
- DBWP Ohio EPA 319 Grant (255,388)
- Natural stream restoration pilot project
- Stormwater detention/treatment pilot projects,
Green/Marshall lakes subwatershed - Survey of Shaker Heights management practices
(e.g. catch basin cleaning, street sweeping, turf
area management) - Watershed education
- Green/Marshall lakes subwatershed management plan
and scoping of goals for lake management
23Larger fixes in the works
- NEORSD Heights Hilltop Interceptor sewer project
nearing completion - Improved municipal stormwater management and
compliance under EPA Phase II regulation - 5.5 million Rockefeller Park Doan Brook
Restoration Project moving toward Spring 2005
construction start
24The Bottom Line
- No single technical fix will restore Doan Brook.
- Ongoing large projects are both required by law
and necessary to the health of the brook. - Smaller fixes for Doan Brook are beginning to be
implemented. - More complete brook restoration will require a
combination of many large and small fixes. - Brook restoration will require a sustained effort
by many people and organizations over an extended
period of time.
25Watershed Education through The Nature Center at
Shaker Lakes Tori Mills, Watershed Educator
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32Doan Brook Watershed PartnershipAccomplishments
and work over the past year
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41 Rockefeller Park Doan Brook
Restoration Project - City of Cleveland
- Biorestoration of the channel of Doan Brook
between the outlet of the University Circle
Culvert and the CSX Railroad tracks - Intended to improve stream habitat
- Side benefits will be a reduction in flooding and
perhaps a slight improvement in water quality - Scheduled for 2003.
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44Project Goals
- Reduce flow velocity
- Improve water quality
- Reduce flood elevation
- Create stable riparian vegetation
- Enhance aquatic life
- Improve educational uses
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46Future restoration project in cooperation with
Woodbury PTO/Shaker Schools - South Branch Doan
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