Title: Training and Developing Employees
1Training and Developing Employees
2When you finish studying this chapter, you
should be able to
- Describe the basic training process.
- Discuss at least two techniques used for
assessing training needs. - Explain the pros and cons of at least five
training techniques. - Explain what management development is and why it
is important. - Describe the main development techniques.
3Orienting Employees
- Employee orientation provides new employees with
the basic background information they need to
perform their jobs satisfactorily
Socialization - process of instilling in
employees the prevailing standards that are
expected by the organization
4Socialization and Orientation
- Organizational socialization is the process used
to transform new employees into effective company
members. - The three phases of socialization are
Anticipatory Socialization
Settling In
5Three Phases of Socialization
- Through anticipatory socialization, expectations
are developed about - the company
- Job, the assignment, task, target
- working conditions
- interpersonal relationships
- The encounter phase occurs when the employee
begins a new job.
6Three Phases of Socialization
- In the settle-in phase, employees start to feel
comfortable with job demands and social
relationships. - Orientation programs play an important role in
socializing employees. It involves familiarizing
new employees with - company rules, hand out, CG, ethics
- new product
- New policies,
- Manual, operation procedures
7Orienting Employees
- Covers
- employee benefits
- personnel policies
- the employees daily routine
- company organization and operations
- safety measures and regulations
8Orienting Employees
- The new employee should
- feel welcome
- understand the organization in a broad sense
- be clear about what the firm expects in terms of
work and behavior - begin the process of socialization
9Three Phases of Cross-Cultural Preparation
Phase One Predeparture Phase
Phase Two On-Site Phase
Phase Three Repatriation Phase
10??????????????????? (Training Process)
- Methods used to give new or present employees the
skills and ability they need to perform their
jobs - Team-attitude
- Decision-making
- Communication skills
- Computer skills
11Designing Effective Training Activities
- 1. Needs Assessment
- Organizational Analysis
- Person Analysis
- Task Analysis
- 2. Ensuring Employees readiness for Tr
- Attitudes and Motivation
- Basic Skills
- 3. Creating a Learning Environment
- Identification of learning objectives
- Meaningful material
- Practice
- Feedback
- Observation of others
- Administering and coordinating program
- 4. Ensuring Transfer of Training
- Self-management strategies
- Peer and manager support
- 5. Selecting Training Methods
- Presentational Methods
- Hands-on Methods
- Group Methods
- 6. Evaluating Training Programs
- Identification of training outcomes and
evaluation design. - Cost-benefit analysis
12Needs Assessment
Organizational Analysis
Person Analysis
Task Analysis
13Training Needs Analysis
- Task analysis - detailed study of the job to
determine what specific skills are required - Performance analysis - verifying that there is a
significant performance deficiency and
determining whether that deficiency should be
rectified through training
14Identifying Training Needs
- Performance reviews
- Job-related performance data
- Attitude surveys
- Employee daily diaries
- Assessment centers
- Observation by supervisors
- Interviews with the employee
- Tests
- Role plays and case studies
15Performance Management
- Process employers use to make sure employees are
working toward organizational goals - Distinguishing between cant do and wont do
problems is the heart of performance analysis
- Performance Plan Monitoring Evaluation
- What to do - how many jobs - year end
- - Target - how many outcomes/month
- KPI each task - key measures/achievement
16Training Objectives
- Description of a performance you want learners to
be able to exhibit before you measure/consider
their competent - Training Techniques
- On-the-Job Training
- Informal Learning
- Apprenticeship Training
- Simulated Training
- Audiovisual and Distance Learning Techniques
- Teletraining
- Computer-Based Training
17On-the-Job Training
- Coaching or understudy method
- Job rotation - an employee moves from job to job
at planned intervals
- Informal Learning 80 of learning by employees is
by performing their jobs on a daily basis in
collaboration with their colleagues
18Apprenticeship Training
- Individuals become skilled workers through a
combination of classroom instruction and
on-the-job training
- Simulated Training Learn on the actual or
simulated equipment they will use on the job but
receive their training off the job
19Audiovisual and Distance Learning Techniques
- Tele-training - trainer in a central location can
train groups of employees at remote locations via
television hookups - Videoconference Distance Learning - a means of
joining two or more distant groups using a
combination of audio and visual equipment
20Computer-Based Training
- Trainee uses a computer based system to
interactively increase his knowledge or skills - Intelligent tutoring systems
- Interactive multi-media training
- Learning Portals
- Firms employees are able to access all the
corporate applications they need to use - Get the tools they need to analyze data inside
and outside the company - See the customized content they need, like
industry news and competitive data
21Training for Special Purposes
- Literacy Training Techniques
- Values Training
- Diversity Training
- Training for Teamwork and Empowerment
22Managerial Development and Training
- Attempt to improve managerial performance by
training new knowledge, changing attitudes, or
increasing skills - Assess the companys needs
- Appraise the managers performance
- Develop the managers themselves
- Computerized management games
- University-Related Programs
- Outside Seminars
- In-House Development Centers
23Managerial On-the-Job Training
- Techniques include job rotation, the
coaching/understudy approach, and action learning
- Job rotation moving management trainees from
department to department to broaden their
understanding of all parts of the business
- Action Learning
- Letting managers work full time on real projects,
analyzing and solving problems, usually in
departments other than their own
24Behavior Modeling
- Modeling
- Role playing
- Social reinforcement
- Transfer of training
- Executive Coach
- Outside consultant who questions the executives
boss, peers, and subordinates to identify
strengths and weaknesses - Counsels the executive
25Organizational Development
- Aims to change the attitudes, values, and beliefs
of employees so that the employees can identify
and implement changes - Action Research Gathering data about the
organization and its operations and attitudes,
with an eye toward solving a particular problem - Feeding back these data to the employees, and
then having them team-plan solutions to the
26Learning Organization
- An organization skilled at creating,
acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at
modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge
and insights
Kurt Lewin - Model of Change
- Unfreezing - reducing the forces that are
striving to maintain the status quo - Moving - developing new behaviors, values, and
attitudes - Refreezing - building in the reinforcement to
make sure the organization doesnt slide back
into its former ways of doing things
27Evaluating the Training and Development Effort
- Controlled experimentation is the best method to
use in evaluating a training program (Design of
the evaluation) - Training Effects to Measure
- Reaction
- Learning
- Behavior
- Results
28Outcomes Used in Evaluating Training Programs
OUTCOME Cognitive Outcomes Skill-based
Outcomes Affective Outcomes Results Return on
- Acquisition of
- Knowledge
- Behavior
- Skills
- Motivation
- Reaction to Program
- Attitudes
- Company Payoff
- Economic value of
- Training
- Pencil and paper tests
- Work sample
- Observation
- Work sample
- Ratings
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Attitude surveys
- Observation
- Data from IS
- or performance records
- Identify and compare
- costs and benefits of the
- program
29Big Five Personality Dimensions
Careful, dependable
Courteous, caring
Anxious, hostile
Sensitive, flexible
Outgoing, talkative
30Myers-Briggs Type Indicator