Modesty - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Avoiding attracting attention to oneself by moderating one's actions or appearance; ... 1 Corinthians 6:20 (New King James Version) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Modesty

  • 1 Timothy 29, Matt. 186-7. Ex.2026,

1 Timothy 29
  • "Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with
    proper clothing, modesty and discreetly, not with
    braided and gold or pearls or costly garments"

What is Modesty?
  • Modesty is most often rendered as humility,
    shyness, or simplicity. The general principles of
    modesty include
  • Avoiding attracting attention to oneself by
    moderating one's actions or appearance
  • Standards of modesty usually discourage the
    non-essential exposure of the human body.

Where have we come from?1910
Where have we come from?
  • 1905

Immodesty is not based on your own opinion
  • The following is from a flyer entitled "Dress
    Standards for Visitors" which is distributed to
    the visitors for the Twin Rivers Correctional
    Center, a prison in Monroe, Washington

  • "Clothing Not Allowed Low-cut (exposing
    undergarments, cleavage, back). Sheer,
    transparent or mesh fabrics (other than hosiery).
    Tight fitting clothing (spandex, lycra or other
    rubberized or elasticized). Clothing that refers
    to obscenity, alcohol, drugs or sex in any form.
    Shorts, cut-offs, and halter tops".
  • While not all shorts are immodest, even the above
    non-Christians realized that many shorts do
    incite lust. When it comes to that which incites
    lust, the world is sometimes more aware and
    honest that we are.

What is Immodest Clothing?
  • To understand what type of clothing would be
    immodest, lets look to the word of God
  • The Bible is the Standard
  • 2 Tim 316-17

  • Matthew 186-7
  • "Whoever causes one of these little ones who
    believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him
    that a heavy-millstone be hung around his neck,
    and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea"

  • Matthew 528
  • "But I say to you, that everyone who looks on a
    woman to lust for her has committed adultery with
    her already in his heart"

The Judge who is going to determine our eternal
destiny laid down these standards (John 1248
Acts 1730 2 Corinthians 510).
The Modesty Survey
  • The Modesty Survey is an exciting, anonymous
    discussion between Christian guys and girls who
    care about modesty. Hundreds of girls contributed
    to the 148-question survey and over 1,600 guys
    submitted 150,000 answers, including 25,000 text
    responses, over a 20-day period in January 2007.

Agree/Disagree Statement Bikini swimsuits are
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Agree/Disagree StatementAny shorts that are
shorter than mid-thigh are immodest.
  • 2.1 Strongly Disagree
  • 6.7 Disagree
  • 7.5 Neutral
  • 41.9 Agree
  • 41.9 Strongly Agree

Agree/Disagree StatementIt is immodest for a
girl to expose her legs up to mid-thigh.
  • 4.1 Strongly Disagree
  • 16.3 Disagree
  • 15.1 Neutral
  • 35.9 Agree
  • 28.6 Strongly Agree

Agree/Disagree StatementBending over so that
cleavage is visible down the front of the shirt
or dress is a stumbling block.
  • 1.3 Strongly Disagree
  • 3.1 Disagree
  • 5.8 Neutral
  • 33 Agree
  • 56.8 Strongly Agree

Ask the Right Person Before you go in public
  • Ask an older Christian man or woman, or a
    faithful family member
  • Titus 2

Modesty and Worship
  • "You shall not go up by steps to My altar, that
    your nakedness may not be exposed on it" (Exodus
  • "And you shall make for them linen breeches to
    cover their bare flesh they shall reach from the
    lions even to the thighs" (Exodus 2842).

Think before you worship
  • The last place that immodesty should be seen is
    a setting where people, both men and women, are
    attempting to worship God.
  • Dont be a contributing factor

A Few Words to Men
  • 1. Modesty deals with the question of the
    presentation of the physical body in public

1 Corinthians 620 (New King James Version)
20 For you were bought at a price therefore
glorify God in your body and in your spirit,
which are Gods.
A Few Words to Men
  • Neither men nor women should dress in such a
    provocative way so as to entice the opposite sex
    into immoral sexual thoughts or behavior.
  • We are children of our God and God tempts no
    man with evil and neither should we ( James 113).

Concerning Immodesty
  • Who do we live for?
  • Who rules your life?
  • Galatians 220 1 Corinthians 612).
  • Make whatever changes may be necessary in any
    area of your life, to live under the ownership of

Speaking of Modesty
  • What About Tattoo's and Body Piercing?

What About Tattoo's and Body Piercing?
  • Then all whose hearts moved them, both men and
    women, came and brought brooches and earrings and
    signet rings and bracelets, all articles of gold
    so did every man who presented an offering of
    gold to the LORD. (Ex. 3522)

What About Tattoo's and Body Piercing?
  • Aaron said to them, "Tear off the gold rings
    which are in the ears of your wives, your sons,
    and your daughters, and bring them to me." (Ex.

"It shall come about if he says to you, I will
not go out from you,' because he loves you and
your household, since he fares well with you
then you shall take an awl and pierce it through
his ear into the door, and he shall be your
servant forever. Also you shall do likewise to
your maidservant. (Deut. 1516-17)
What About Tattoo's and Body Piercing?
  • "It shall come about if he says to you, I will
    not go out from you,' because he loves you and
    your household, since he fares well with you
    then you shall take an awl and pierce it through
    his ear into the door, and he shall be your
    servant forever. Also you shall do likewise to
    your maidservant. (Deut. 1516-17)
  • Nose rings and earrings permitted in Old

Old Testament
  • You shall not make any cuts in your body for the
    dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves I
    am the LORD. (Lev. 1928)

Tattoos not permitted in Old Testament
Must go to the New Testament to learn what God
would have us do today ! Rom. 154 Old Testament
is for our learning ! Gal. 62 we live under the
law of Christ today
What About Tattoo's and Body Piercing?
  • What does the Bible say?
  • 1 Pet. 411, 2 Tim 316-17, 1 Pet 315
  • Not specifically mentioned but we can make

Body Piercing Tattooing
  • Give God you body for His use

Phil. 120
Illus. other people look at you and assume you
are a Christian or not, your choice.
Body Piercing Tattooing
  • Honorable to all men
  • Rom. 1217

Rom. 1217 Phil. 46-8
Body Piercing Tattooing
  • Not questionable

Rom. 1423 1 Th. 521-22
1 Th. 521-22 abstain from every form of evil -
not participate in things that even have the
appearance of sin - not get in the grey
areas Application We must be absolutely positive
that body piercing and tattooing are lawful,
before engaging in these behaviors.
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