Title: Home Row Keys
1Home Row Keys
Your fingers should always rest gently on their
assigned home row keys ASDF JKL . Press the
spacebar at the end of each line using one of
your thumbs.
Left hand Little finger rests on the a key.
Ring finger rests on the s key. Middle finger
rests on the d key. Index finger rests on the
f key
Right Hand Index finger rests on the j key.
Middle finger rests on the k key. Ring finger
rests on the l key. Small finger rests on the
In these skill and practice exercises, tap the
TAB key with your left little finger to move to
the next row of practice.
Click on the link to go to the Skill document.
As soon as you open the document, click on File gt
Save asgt and save the document in the My Stuff
file. Name your file LastName Skill 1.doc
Remember to save again when finished and then
print a copy to turn in.