Title: Claims Trends in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1Claims Trends in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Presentation by John Mead
- Technical Claims Director
- NHS Litigation Authority
- 26th April 2007
2Clinical Negligence-Numbers of New Claims Reported
2002/3 471 5,614 6,085
2003/4 336 4,168 4,504
2004/5 303 4,316 4,619
2005/6 161 4,516 4,677
3Clinical Negligence-Total Payments per Year
- 2002/3
- 2003/4
- 2004/5
- 2005/6
- 446.2M
- 422.5M
- 502.9M
- 560.3M
4Open Clinical Negligence Claims by Speciality,
5Open Clinical Negligence Claims by Speciality,
6Value of Open Clinical Negligence Claims by
Speciality, at 31/3/02
7Value of Open Clinical Negligence Claims by
Speciality, at 31/3/07
8Open Obstetric Claims by Cause, 31/3/07
- Cerebral Palsy
- Other Brain Damage
- Erbs Palsy
- Unnecessary Pain
- Fatality
- Additional Operation(s)
- Stillborn
- Other
- 42.7
- 11.6
- 10.3
- 4.3
- 4.1
- 3.9
- 2.2
- 20.9
9Total Value of Open Obstetric Claims, 31/3/07
- Cerebral Palsy
- Other Brain Damage
- Erbs Palsy
- Developmental Delay
- Wrongful Birth
- Unnecessary Pain
- Other
- M
- 3,296
- 739
- 83
- 77
- 33
- 29
- 233
- 4,490
10Open Obstetric Claims by Cause, 31/3/07
- 20.5
- 8.4
- 8.0
- 7.8
- 7.7
- 6.9
- 5.2
- 35.5
- Failure to respond to abnormal FHR
- Failure to recognise complication
- Failure to monitor 1st stage of labour
- Failure to monitor 2nd stage of labour
- Fail/Delayed Treatment
- Fail/Delayed Diagnosis
- Application of excess force
- Other
11Open Gynaecology Claims by Injury, 31/3/07
- 24.4
- 13.9
- 6.8
- 4.9
- 4.7
- 4.7
- 4.3
- 4.0
- 32.3
- Additional/unnecessary operation
- Unnecessary pain
- Bowel damage
- Bladder damage
- Psychiatric/psychological damage
- Infertility
- Unwanted pregnancy
- Cancer
- Other
12Value of Open Gynaecology Claims, 31/3/07
- 16.9
- 16.5
- 10.0
- 7.6
- 7.1
- 4.4
- 4.3
- 3.9
- 29.3
- Brain damage
- Additional/unnecessary operation
- Bowel damage
- Cancer
- Unnecessary pain
- Fatality
- Wrongful birth
- Bladder damage
13Number of Open Gynaecology Claims, by Cause, at
- 21.6
- 15.8
- 13.9
- 8.1
- 4.9
- 4.5
- 3.0
- 28.2
- Intra-operative problems
- Failure/delayed diagnosis
- Failure/delayed treatment
- Failure to recognise complication
- Failed sterilisation
- Failure to obtain consent
- Inappropriate treatment
- Others
14Number of New Obstetric Gynaecological claims
received by year since 2001/02
NHSLA Notification Year Gynaecology Obstetrics
2001/02 610 1,303
2002/03 552 1,148
2003/04 391 907
2004/05 338 827
2005/06 325 801
2006/07 274 705
Total 2,490 5,691
15Amounts paid out on Obstetric Gynaecological
Claims by Year
Payment Year Total Paid on Obstetric Claims M. Total Paid on Gynaecology Claims M.
2001/02 429 32.9
2002/03 226 12.5
2003/04 163 16.3
2004/05 243 14.9
2005/06 259 13.8
2006/07 272 15.2
Total 1,592 105.6