Title: SRC Summer Internship Program 3rd Annual Symposium
1SRC Summer Internship Program3rd Annual Symposium
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006
- Noon-200 p.m.
- ISR Building, Room 6050
The Survey Research Center is an equal
opportunity employer who values diversity in the
- Welcome
- Coordinators
- Background
- Overall Purpose of Symposium
- 10 Minute Presentations (wide spectrum of
topics) - Symposium Format
- General Q/A
- Sponsors
- Health and Retirement Study
- Life Course Development Program (2)
- Social Economic and Health Program (2)
- Quantitative Methodology Program
- Partners
- Senior Staff Advisory Committee
- SRC Diversity Committee
- Summer Institute
- Survey Research Operations
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and
Social Research - ISR and SRC Human Resources
- SRC Computing
- SRC Directors Office
4Joslyn M. GainesAir Force Study
- Penny Pierce, PhD, RN, Col, USAFR
- Amiram Vinokur, PhD
- Social Environment and Health
5Ohio welcomes back the 211th Maintenance
Company upon their return from Iraq - Google Video
6Womens Veterans Project
- Sample consists solely of Air Force women who
were deployed to various military operations
since March of 2003. - Purpose of the study is to determine the effects
of deployment experiences as well as civilian
work and family on the womens physical and
mental health and their likelihood to remain in
the Air Force. - Commonly referred to as OIF for Operation Iraqi
Freedom. About half of the sample was deployed to
OIF and half were deployed elsewhere.
7Work, Family, and Stress Deployment, Resilience,
and Retention
- Very similar to OIF with the exception that men
are included in the sample. Also this sample
tracks Air Force personnel who have been deployed
since October of 2001. - Half of the sample are personnel deployed to the
theatre of war and half are deployed elsewhere. - Commonly referred to as READI.
- Similar UK study being done, but there are
significant differences.
8Current Procedure
- Military personnel are very mobile.
- Contact info can be outdated very quickly.
- Deployments increase response problems.
- Respondents simply wont answer the phone.
- Families may be wary of releasing information or
even speaking about enlisted individuals.
- Various Tracking Methods
- Insight Collect.
- Internet Searches.
- Base Locators.
- Determined Callers
- Nag Calling.
- Calling Methods.
- Theres always someone at ISR.
- Dana, Isabella, Jessica, and Mona.
11- The trouble with research is that it tells you
what people were thinking about yesterday, not
tomorrow. Its like driving a car using a
rear-view mirror. - Bernard Loomis
12Real-Time Research
- Anthrax Shot - end it! People have gotten really
ill. People have not said anything out of fear of
confidentiality. - Mandatory anthrax shots were very controversial
studies should be sure to look into the issue
because a lot of people got out of the military
to protest it huge health issue of this time
13Real-Time Research
14Real-Time Research
- The phrase, If the Air Force wanted you to have
a family, it would issue you one! has been shown
increasingly to be true, where it is clear that
if you have a family and give them priority in
your life, you cant continue to serve. - Reservists are not getting the help they need
and deserve, not the same treatment as Active
Duty members.
15Real-Time Research
16Real-Time Research
- I have trouble reconnecting with my children
(ages 3 and 7) especially the 3 year old. I left
when she was 1 year old. - I have major concerns about how my deployment
will affect my kids later in life. I hope that
they will always see the positive side of it
mom defended our country in war.
17Real-Time Research
18The True Value of Survey Research
19Thank You!
- SRC Summer Internship Program
- George Myers, Anita Johnson, Fellow Interns
- SEH Staff
- Amiram Vinokur, Penny Pierce, Susan Clemmer, Lisa
Lewandowski-Romps, Lillian Berlin, Elli Georgal,
Brianne Ott, Jumoke Johnson, Courtney Baarman
20Jionglin Wu
- Tailoring Treatments to Individual Patients
Quantitative Methodology Program Advisor Susan
Murphy, PhD
21- Main Points
- Motivation heterogeneity of treatment effects to
individual patients. - Statistical learning and Q-learning algorithm.
- Computer simulations.
22Motivation Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects
- Dimensions
- Difference in baseline risk/ risk without
treatment. - Treatment may only be worthwhile for patients
with poor prognosis. - Responsiveness to the treatment.
- Absorb a drug rapidly, metabolize it slowly , or
have a high concentration of functional drug
receptor. - Vulnerability to adverse side effects.
- Related to intrinsic biological characteristics
of different patients. - Utilities for different outcomes.
- Patients vary on how they trade off side effects
vs. reduction in symptoms. -
23Our Practical Goal
- Individualized treatment to patient is a process
involving multiple time points with a combination
of various medications. - The data we use are from randomized trials that
randomly assign people to treatments whenever
they are altered. - Develop an estimation method that use those data
to determine tailoring of individualized
24Statistical Learning
- Q-learning is a statistical algorithm that is
frequently used to tackle maximization problems
involving multiple decision points whenever
treatments are altered. - We use Q learning to construct individualized
treatments with the goal of maximizing the
expected patient benefit. - Q learning use regression for every decision
points. - Statistical learning tools Test sample,
Cross-validation, Training sample, Bootstrap are
used to produce results that are reproducible.
25Simulation Goal
- Each regression in Q-learning requires a model.
- We want to find models that maximize expected
patient benefit. - Find some reliable statistics to help determine
whether any of our models are maximizing the
expected patient benefit.
26Computer Simulation
- We test statistics using simulated data.
- Generative model We generate 3,000 set of
patient response and characteristics data with
each of size 300. - Fitted model We engineered 2 false models and
the correct model for contrast.
27True Expected Benefit Under 3 different models
using 100000 Test sample
Expected Benefit
28Estimated Expected Benefit Under 3 different
models using Cross-validation
Expected Patient Benefit
29Using mean and variance to choose the best model
30Future Work
- Multiple Time Points.
- Integration of information such as mean and
- Susan Murphy, Daniel Almirall, and Hasan Cheema
- George Myers and Anita Johnson
- All the ISR interns
32Jennifer Swayne
Jail Recidivism
Social Environment and Health Program
- The goal of this research project is to answer
the following overarching questions about how
jail recidivism operates within the penal system - Does jail overcrowding affect sentence length?
- Do longer sentences make recidivism more or less
34History of Criminology
- Deterrence Theory influenced by two theoretical
frameworks - Classical Criminology
- Role of legislatures.
- Role of judges.
- Seriousness of crime and subsequent punishment.
- Punishment should be prompt and certain.
- Laws should be structured to prevent crime from
35History of Criminology
- Positivist Criminology
- - Emerged as a response to classical
criminology. - - Changes in punishment policies alone would not
change crime. - - Classical Code does not allow for individual
differences such as mental condition, age,
repeats in offenses, and other extenuating
36Criminal Justice Process
Preliminary Exam
Plea Bargain
1 night jail
Crime committed
Review Hearings
37Jail Data Collection
- The sample consists of data that either
correspond to five overcrowding emergencies or
five comparison time periods in 2002. - 1) Jail Database collection of information
from the Washtenaw County Jail. - 2) Prosecutors Data- collection of information
on the same individuals listed in the jail
database, as well as offenders not included in
the jail database. -
38Jail Project Measures
- Selection of Offenders
- - Domestic Violence Assault and Battery
(misdemeanor and felony offenses). - - Drug Use, Possession, Delivering,
Manufacturing, etc. (misdemeanor and felony drug
crimes). - - Non-support (Child support payments).
39Jail Data Method
- Instrumental Variables (IV) Method
- - quasi-experimental method where variable Z
(overcrowding) is an IV for the causal effect of
X (sentence length) on Y (recidivism). - X (sentence length) Y (recidivism)
- Z (Overcrowding)
40Next Steps
- Learned that we have to examine more than short
vs. long sentences because - Short vs. long is not random.
- Those who have longer sentences are more likely
to recidivate. - What differences are there between people who
commit more severe crimes and those who commit
less severe crimes?
- Causes of recidivism
- Effect of jail on various people
- Provide better research
- - Further study is needed to determine the
relationship between overcrowding and sentence
length on recidivism. - - The researchers on this project will continue
assessing the various associations between
overcrowding, sentence length, and recidivism.
43Closing and Thanks
- SRC Summer Internship Program
- - George Myers
- - Anita Johnson
- Jail Data Project
- - Jeffrey Morenoff
- - Ben Hansen
- - Sarah Jirek
- -Washtenaw County Jail and Prosecutors Office
44Corina Mommaerts
- Health Insurance Trends Among the Near Elderly
Health and Retirement Study
45Presentation Overview
- Background on the Health and Retirement Study
- Classwork and Officework
- Health Insurance Trends
46Health and Retirement Study http//hrsonline.isr.
- The leading resource for data on health and
economic circumstances for Americans over 50. - Sponsored by National Institute on Aging.
- Longitudinal survey of over 20,000 every two
years. - Data since 1992.
- Recently awarded 70 million, the largest single
research award in UM history!
- ADAMS database
- The Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study.
- First population-based study of dementia 856 HRS
participants aged 70. - Helped creation of codebook.
- 2005 Prescription Drug Study and Participant
Lifestyle Questionnaire - Mail Questionnaires.
- PLQ first to use scanning techniques.
- Introduction to Survey Research Techniques
- 8 weeks, created a survey over the course of it.
- Health and Retirement Study Workshop
- Weeklong.
- Morning lecture, afternoon lab.
- Used this knowledge to experiment with data and
come up with health insurance project.
49Health Insurance Trends
- What are the current trends in health insurance
coverage among the near elderly? - Important to examine due to aging population,
rising costs of healthcare, and the worry of
decreasing employer-based coverage. - Complex question, much more research must be
done. - Data from 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 HRS waves
- Used ages 55-64 in each wave.
50Health Insurance Trends
New cohorts added to existing sample in 1998 and
51Health Insurance Trends
- Each wave
- Public health insurance programs (Medicare,
Medicaid, military plans). - Private insurance (including employer-based,
individually purchased, and retiree coverage
populations). - Among married couples, looked into spouse
coverage by gender. - Uninsured.
52Health Insurance Trends
Totals 1998 7648 2000 6833 2002 6183 2004
53Health Insurance Trends
54Health Insurance Trends
Married women tend to obtain health insurance
through their husbands much more often than men
obtain health insurance through their wives.
- The general trend is going away from private
insurance into public and no insurance. - Women seek insurance from their spouse more than
men. - Little evidence of dropping spouse coverage.
56Future Directions
- Other analyses of the uninsured population
- Who is uninsured?
- Why do people become uninsured?
- How employer-based insurance is changing
- Prescription drug insurance
- George Myers and Anita Johnson
- Fellow Interns
- Lynette Hoelter and Emilia Peytcheva
- Gwen Fisher, Jessica Faul, Mary Beth Ofstedal,
David Weir, and all of the HRS staff - Thank you.
58Kristina Hartman
Sibling Rivalry After All These Years
Life Course Development Program
Survey Research Center ? Summer Institute in
Survey Research Techniques ? Introduction to
Survey Research Techniques. ? Life Course
Development Program ? Social networks over
the lifespan and well-being. ? Assisted with
several research projects. ? Secondary Data
60Sibling Rivalry After All These Years
Education Discrepancy Sibling Relationship
Quality Across the Adult Lifespan
- Acknowledgements Kira Birditt and Toni Antonucci
61Unique Relationship
- ? Sibling relationship is unique
- ? Shared genetics, environment.
- ? Longest lasting relationship, often lifelong.
- ? Highest negativity, conflict.
62Sibling Rivalry Background
- Rivalry the condition or fact of competing
with somebody - ? Sibling rivalry in childhood
- ? Individuation (Raffaelli, 1992)
- ? Parents Affection (Adler, 1931)
- ? Sibling rivalry in adulthood ? Success
- (Adams, 1968 Blood Blood, 1978)
- ? Parents
- (Aldous, Klaus, Klein, 1985 Brackbill
Kitch, Noffsinger, 1988)
- ? Prior research focus on sibling relationship in
childhood, but less is known about adult
siblings. - ? Sibling relationship is a resource of social
support (Antonucci, 2001). - ? Building from Adams, 1968, to include
- ? parental context.
- ? status of both siblings in the relationship.
64Research Questions
- ? Does sibling relationship quality vary by
education level of respondent and their siblings? - ? Is the association between education level (of
respondent and sibling) and sibling relationship
quality moderated by the quality of parental
- ? Data are from the Social Relations and
Mental Health 10 Years Later survey conducted
in 2005 (Antonucci). - ? Participants include 1,076 people (433
male, 643 female), ages 20-100 (mean51.8) from
the Detroit metropolitan area.
- ? Demographics
- ? Education Level (0high school or less
1some college or higher) - Respondents reported their own as well as
their siblings education level. -
- ? Scales measuring perceptions of positive
quality of sibling and parent relationships -
- ? Positive Quality (12 items)
- Examples
- ? I enjoy being with my mother/father/sibling.
- ? I think that my relationship with
my mother/father/sibling is a good one. -
- Scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
- ? Does sibling relationship quality vary by
education level of respondent and sibling? - ? Analysis Strategy
- ? Two univariate ANOVAs with education level of
respondent and sibling as independent variables
and positive relationship quality with siblings
as the dependent variable.
69Sibling Education Level
When respondent has college or more education and
sibling has high school or less education, the
relationship has the lowest positivity.
- ? Is the association between education level (of
respondent and sibling) and sibling relationship
quality moderated by the quality of parental
relationship? - ? Analysis Strategy
- ? Regression models estimated with respondent
education, sibling education, and parental
positivity as independent variables, as well as
all possible interactions, predicting
the dependent variable of sibling positive
quality. - ? Median Respondent-Parent Positivity 4.67
71Low Parental Relationship PositivitySibling
Positivity as a Function of Sibling and
Respondent Education
Sibling Education Level
Sibling relationship least positive when there is
a discrepancy in level of education.
72High Parental Relationship PositivitySibling
Positivity as a Function of Sibling and
Respondent Education
Respondent with some college education or more
and sibling with high school or less have lowest
quality relations with sibling.
- ? Does sibling relationship quality vary by
education level of respondent and sibling? - ?As hypothesized, the sibling relationship is
significantly less positive when there is a
discrepancy in education level, in which the
respondent has a higher level of education than
the sibling.
- ? Is the association between education level (of
respondent and sibling) and sibling relationship
quality moderated by the quality of parental
relationship? - ? Yes. When the respondent-parent relationship
has high positivity, a college educated
respondent and high school educated sibling have
a significantly less positive relationship.
75Implications Directions
- ? Education differences between siblings appear
to affect the quality of the sibling
relationship. - ? Siblings may compare themselves to each
other. - ? The parent-adult child relationship can affect
the relationship between that adult child and
their sibling. - ? Future research directions
- ? Marital status/quality of adult siblings.
- ? Income of adult siblings.
- ? Employment status of adult children.
- ? Better discrimination of relationship
positivity rating.
76Thank You
- ? Kira Birditt
- ? Toni Antonucci Life Course Development Staff
- ? George Myers, Anita Johnson, SRC Intern
Program - ? Lynette Hoelter , Emilia Peytcheva, SRC
Summer Institute - ? SRC Interns
77Vontrese Deeds
Family Transitions Following the Birth of a
Family Transition Study
- Nearly 80 of Americas children have at least
one sibling. - It is not uncommon for parents to report greater
marital conflict, depression, and physical
exhaustion during the months following an
infants birth. - If mature adults experience increased stress with
the birth of an infant, one wonders how firstborn
children, who may in fact be toddlers themselves,
791 New York Times Bestseller
80Uniqueness of Our Study
- In opposition to previous research on sibling
rivalry, our study is - Long-term longitudinal.
- A large sample size (200 families).
- In opposition to previous research in the field
of child development, our study - Focuses on the husband/father.
81Goals of the Study
- Examine the adjustment of the older child
- Identify different change trajectories in the
firstborn childrens first-year adjustment. - Examine change in parental well-being and family
relationships - Identify the interrelations between these
changes. - Predict different developmental trajectories from
prenatal assessments - Assessments of contextual, child, and parent
characteristics - Address the socioemotional development of the
infant throughout the transition to siblinghood - Examine the consequences of the older siblings
adjustment on the younger sibling.
82Study Design
- Study each family longitudinally at five
different time points - Last trimester before siblings birth
- 1 month
- 4 month
- 8 month
- 12 month
- Observational
- Parent Interviews / Questionnaires
- Child Assessments
- Lab Visits
84Observational Methodology
- Examples of video taped sessions
- Mother and baby with older sibling present.
- Father and baby with older sibling present.
- Both parents and baby with older sibling present.
- Siblings with parents present.
- Every session is coded to see the older childs
reaction. - Jealousy.
- Attention seeking .
85Questionnaires/ Parent Interviews
- Questionnaires
- Marital relationship quality
- Personality
- Depression
- Parent Interviews
- Demographic information
- Division of labor
- Reports on infant
86Child Assessments
- Most children experience the birth of a sibling
before they are 4 years old, a significant time
frame for the development of - Ability to regulate behavior and emotion.
- Understanding of others emotions and minds.
- Internalization and development of conscience.
- Through different tasks and stories, we are able
to assess the older siblings - IQ.
- Theory of Mind.
- Emotional understanding.
Point to the foot
Point to parallel
88Theory of Mind
89Emotional Understanding
Can you tell me why Jack feels both happy and sad?
90Method Summary
- Observational
- Examine sibling jealousy.
- Parent Questionnaires/ Interviews
- Examine changes in parental well-being and family
relationship functioning. - Child assessment
- Examine older siblings social and emotional
understanding. - Lab Visits
- Examine developing infants secure attachments.
- All firstborn children will initially experience
some disruption over the transition period. - The transition period will bring about change in
the parents well-being and family relationship
functioning. - Greater adjustment difficulty over time will be
associated with parent and family relationships
which display increasing marital conflict,
depression symptoms, and harsh punishment.
- Knowledge gained from this study will be
important to our understanding of how young
children adjust and adapt to siblinghood. - Before the transition to siblinghood, we may be
able use prenatal assessments to identify those
families most at-risk for negative changes. - This information can help create preventative
efforts and recommendations for health care
professionals as they work with parents expecting
their second child and jealous older siblings.
- Dr. Brenda Volling
- Anne Lock, Jenn Lindsay, Kathy Speregen, Lauren
Rosenberg - Undergraduates involved in Dr. Vollings lab
- George Myers / Anita Johnson
- SRC Interns
94Meet the Interns