Title: PARAFAC Analysis of 3D Tongue Shape
1PARAFAC Analysis of 3-D Tongue Shape
- Yanli Zheng, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
- ECE Department
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2Part I. Background
- WHY is the factor analysis of tongue shape
meaningful? - Speech Motor System
3Part I. Background (cont. Why?)
2. Representing Vowel
- Anatomical View Basic Vowel Diagram
4Part I. Background
HOW to analysis the vowels in the
context of anatomy?
2-D PARAFAC analysis by Richard Harshman(1977)
Measuring Scheme
5Background (cont. Results of Harshman)
ResultsTwo Factors account for 92 variance.
Vowels Loading
Grids Factors
6Part I. Background Why is 3D
Different from 2D?
- Linear Source-Filter Theory
- Vowel Quality is Determined by Areas
- Area Correlated w/Midsagittal Width
- Distinguish important in Speech Synthesis
- Clinic Application
7Part II. Algorithms Introduction
- PARAFAC (Parallel Factor Analysis)
- xijk tongue shape measurement for ith data
point, jth vowel and kth speaker. - aif fth factor contribution to ith data point
- bjf loading of phoneme j on fth factor
- ckf loading of speaker k on fth facotor
8Part II. Algorithms Introduction
- 2. Tucker3 Model(used in the validation of
PARAFAC model) -
9Part III. 3-D Factor Analysis of MRI-Derived
Tongue Shapes
- Subjects 5 subjects successfully imaged (three
male speaker m1,m2, m3 and two female speaker
f1,f2). - MRI Image Collection
- T1-weighted
- GE Signa 1.5T
- 3mm slices
- 24 cm FOV
- 256 x 256 pixels
- Coronal, Axial
- 11-18 Sounds
- per Subject.
- Breath-hold in
- vowel position
- for 25 seconds
10Part III. 3-D Factor Analysis of MRI-Derived
Tongue Shapes 3. Image Viewing and
Segmentation the CTMRedit
GUI and toolbox
- Display series of CT or MR image slices
- Segment ROI manually or automatically
- Interpolate and reconstruct ROI in 3D space
11Part III. 3-D Factor Analysis of MRI-Derived
Tongue Shapes 4. PARAFAC Analysis
- 2) How to define the measuring grid?
12Part III. 3-D Factor Analysis of MRI-Derived
Tongue Shapes 4. PARAFAC Analysis(cont.)3)
Result 2 Factors are extracted, with 83.8729
variance explained
13(No Transcript)
14Part III. 3-D Factor Analysis of MRI-Derived
Tongue Shapes 4)Validation of the Result
- Split-half test (example for f1,f2 and m3)
Coefficients -
Grid Contribution 0.9646 -
Vowel Loading 0.9279 -
154)Validation of the Result
- b) Check the reliability of the solution
- Try different start points, check whether all the
solutions converge to the same solution. - c) Core Consistency Testing (by Rasmus Bro,1998)
16Degenerated result for 3-factor PARAFAC Model
- Correlation
Coefficients - 12
23 13 - Grid Contribution -0.5362 0.9632
17Part IV. Conclusion
- 3-D PARAFAC Analysis of Tongue Shape suggests the
Hierarchical Control - This research and the follow-up expected research
in the MR Microscopy, and Dynamic Imaging aim to
- 1. Provide new anatomical information to speech
scientists and speech pathologists - 2. Lay the foundation for future research with
disordered populations.