Title: Analysis of Algorithms
1Analysis of Algorithms
- Issues
- Correctness
- Time efficiency
- Space efficiency
- Optimality
- Approaches
- Theoretical analysis
- Empirical analysis
2Theoretical analysis of time efficiency
- Time efficiency is analyzed by determining the
number of repetitions of the basic operation as a
function of input size - Basic operation the operation that contributes
most towards the running time of the algorithm. - T(n) copC(n)
3Input size and basic operation examples
Problem Input size measure Basic operation
Search for key in list of n items Number of items in list n Key comparison
Multiply two matrices of floating point numbers Dimensions of matrices Floating point multiplication
Compute an n Floating point multiplication
Graph problem vertices and/or edges Visiting a vertex or traversing an edge
4Empirical analysis of time efficiency
- Select a specific (typical) sample of inputs
- Use physical unit of time (e.g., milliseconds)
- OR
- Count actual number of basic operations
- Analyze the empirical data
5Best-case, average-case, worst-case
- For some algorithms efficiency depends on type of
input - Worst case W(n) maximum over inputs of size
n - Best case B(n) minimum over inputs of
size n - Average case A(n) average over inputs of
size n - Number of times the basic operation will be
executed on typical input - NOT the average of worst and best case
- Expected number of basic operations repetitions
considered as a random variable under some
assumption about the probability distribution of
all possible inputs of size n
6Example Sequential search
- Problem Given a list of n elements and a search
key K, find an element equal to K, if any. - Algorithm Scan the list and compare its
successive elements with K until either a
matching element is found (successful search) or
the list is exhausted (unsuccessful search) - Worst case
- Best case
- Average case
7Types of formulas for basic operation count
- Exact formula
- e.g., C(n) n(n-1)/2
- Formula indicating order of growth with specific
multiplicative constant - e.g., C(n) 0.5 n2
- Formula indicating order of growth with unknown
multiplicative constant - e.g., C(n) cn2
8Order of growth
- Most important Order of growth within a constant
multiple as n?8 - Example
- How much faster will algorithm run on computer
that is twice as fast? - How much longer does it take to solve problem of
double input size? - See table 2.1
9Table 2.1
10Asymptotic growth rate
- A way of comparing functions that ignores
constant factors and small input sizes - O(g(n)) class of functions f(n) that grow no
faster than g(n) - T(g(n)) class of functions f(n) that grow at
same rate as g(n) - O(g(n)) class of functions f(n) that grow at
least as fast as g(n) - see figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
14Establishing rate of growth Method 1 using
- Examples
- 10n vs. 2n2
- n(n1)/2 vs. n2
- logb n vs. logc n
15LHôpitals rule
- If
- limn?8 f(n) limn?8 g(n) 8
- The derivatives f, g exist,
- Then
16Establishing rate of growth Method 2 using
- f(n) is O(g(n)) if order of growth of f(n)
order of growth of g(n) (within constant
multiple) - There exist positive constant c and non-negative
integer n0 such that - f(n) c g(n) for every n n0
- Examples
- 10n is O(2n2)
- 5n20 is O(10n)
17Basic Asymptotic Efficiency classes
1 constant
log n logarithmic
n linear
n log n n log n
n2 quadratic
n3 cubic
2n exponential
n! factorial
18Time efficiency of nonrecursive algorithms
- Steps in mathematical analysis of nonrecursive
algorithms - Decide on parameter n indicating input size
- Identify algorithms basic operation
- Determine worst, average, and best case for input
of size n - Set up summation for C(n) reflecting algorithms
loop structure - Simplify summation using standard formulas (see
Appendix A)
19A simple example
- Algorithm MaxElement(A0..n-1)
- // Determines the value of the largest element in
a given array - // Input An array A0..n-1 of real numbers
- // Output The value of the largest element in A
- maxval ? A0
- for i?1 to n-1 do
- if Aigtmaxval
- maxval ? Ai
- return maxval
20Another simple example
- Algorithm UniqueElement(A0..n-1)
- // Check whether all the elements in a array are
distinct - // Input An array A0..n-1 of real numbers
- // Output Returns true if all the elements are
distinct - for i?0 to n-2 do
- for j?i1 to n-1 do
- if AiAj return false
- return true
21Other examples
- Matrix multiplication
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Mystery Algorithm
22Matrix multipliacation
23A third simple example
Algorithm Binary(n) // Input A positive decimal
integer n // Output The number of binary digits
in ns binary representation count?1 while ngt1
do count ? count1 n ? n/2 return count
24Selection sort
25Insertion sort
26Mystery algorithm
- for i 1 to n-1 do
- max i
- for j i1 to n do
- if Aj,i gt Amax,i then max j
- for k i to n1 do
- swap Ai,k with Amax,k
- for j i1 to n do
- for k n1 downto i do
- Aj,k Aj,k - Ai,kAj,i/Ai,i
27Time efficiency of recursive algorithms
- Steps in mathematical analysis of recursive
algorithms - Decide on parameter n indicating input size
- Identify algorithms basic operation
- Determine worst, average, and best case for input
of size n - Set up a recurrence relation and initial
condition(s) for C(n)-the number of times the
basic operation will be executed for an input of
size n (alternatively count recursive calls). - Solve the recurrence to obtain a closed form or
estimate the order of magnitude of the solution
(see Appendix B)
28Recursive evaluation of n !
- Definition n ! 12(n-1)n
- Recursive definition of n! n ! (n-1)!n
- Algorithm
- if n0 then F(n) 1
- else F(n) F(n-1) n
- return F(n)
- Recurrence for number of multiplications
- M(n) M(n-1) 1 for ngt0
- M(0) 0
- Method backward substitution
29Towers of Hanoi
- Problem to count the number of moves
- Recurrence for number of moves
- M(n) M(n-1) 1 M(n-1) for ngt1
- M(1) 1
- Alternatively construct a tree for the number of
recursive calls - Comment inherent inefficiency
30Revisiting the Binary algorithm
- Algorithm BinRec(n)
- // Input A positive decimal integer n
- // Output The number of binary digits in ns
binary representation - if n1 return 1
- else return BinRec(n/2)1
- Recurrence for number of additions
- A(n) A(n/2) 1 for ngt1
- A(1) 0
- Apply the smoothness rule n2k
31Computing Fibonacci numbers (1)
- Definition based recursive algorithm
- Nonrecursive brute-force algorithm
- Explicit formula algorithm
- Algorithm based on matrix multiplications
32Computing Fibonacci numbers (2)
- Leonardo Fibonacci, 2002.
- The Fibonacci sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
21, - Fibonacci recurrence
- F(n) F(n-1) F(n-2)
- F(0) 0
- F(1) 1
- Algorithm F(n)
- // Computes the n-th Fibonacci number recursively
- // Input A nonnegative integer n
- // Output The n-th Fibonacci number
- if n lt 1 return n
- else return F(n-1)F(n-2)
33Computing Fibonacci numbers (3)
- 2nd order linear homogeneous recurrence relation
with constant coefficients - Characteristic equation
- Solution
- F(n) fn/v5 fn/v5
- f (1v5)/2 (golden ratio) f (1-v5)/2
- F(n) fn/v5
- Construct a tree for the number of recursive
calls - Recursive algorithms solutions, not a panacea
34Computing Fibonacci numbers (4)
- Algorithm F(n)
- // Computes the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively
- // Input A nonnegative integer n
- // Output The n-th Fibonacci number
- F0 ? 0 F1? 1
- for i ? 2 to n do
- Fi ? Fi-1 Fi-2
- return F(n)
- Complexity ?
35Computing Fibonacci numbers (5)
- Alternatively algorithmic use of equation F(n)
fn/v5 - with smart rounding
- Relies on the exponentiation algorithm
- Solutions T(n), T(logn)
36Computing Fibonacci numbers (6)
- It holds that
- for n1,
- Assuming an efficient way of computing matrix
powers, solution in T(logn)
37Important recurrence types
- One (constant) operation reduces problem size by
one. - T(n) T(n-1) c T(1) d
- Solution T(n) (n-1)c d
linear - A pass through input reduces problem size by one.
- T(n) T(n-1) cn T(1) d
- Solution T(n) n(n1)/2 1 c d
quadratic - One (constant) operation reduces problem size by
half. - T(n) T(n/2) c T(1) d
- Solution T(n) c lg n d
logarithmic - A pass through input reduces problem size by
half. - T(n) 2T(n/2) cn T(1) d
- Solution T(n) cn lg n d n
n log n
38A general divide-and-conquer recurrence
- T(n) aT(n/b) f (n) where f (n) ? T(nk)
- a lt bk T(n) ? T(nk)
- a bk T(n) ? T(nk lg n )
- a gt bk T(n) ? T(nlog b a)
- Note the same results hold with O instead of T.
39Solving linear homogeneous recurrence relations
with constant coefficients
- Easy first 1st order LHRRCCs
- C(n) a C(n -1) C(0) t
Solution C(n) t an - Extrapolate to 2nd order
- L(n) a L(n-1) b L(n-2)
A solution? L(n) r n - Characteristic equation (quadratic)
- Solve to obtain roots r1 and r2 e.g. A(n)
3A(n-1) - 2(n-2) - General solution to RR linear combination of r1n
and r2n - Particular solution use initial conditions
e.g.A(0) 1 A(1) 3