Title: Open Grid Computing EnvironmentsGateways Tutorial
1Open Grid Computing Environments/Gateways Tutorial
- Marlon Pierce, Suresh Marru, Gopi Kandaswamy,
Gregor von Laszewski, and Tom Scavo
2JM8TBevr myproxy.ncsa.uiuc.edu
3Tutorial Overview
- Part 1 OGCE Portal (Marlon), 830-930 am
- Introduction and overview
- Portal Demo
- How to build Grid portlets and gadgets
- Part 2 OGCE Workflow Tools (Suresh and Gopi)
- Part A Demo and overview, 930-1000 am
- Part B Hands on demo, deploying new
applications, 1030-1115 am - Part 3 Web 2.0 for Grid Portals (Gregor)
- Part 4 GridShib and Gateway security (Tom)
4Last Part of Tutorial
- Both Gregor and Tom had flight cancellations, so
this opens up 45 minutes of the program. - We can do any or all of the following
- More hands on with portal and workflow stuff.
- Building stuff from scratch
- Wrapping applications with GFAC
- Discuss Gateway issues, requirements, etc
- I also have Web 2.0 tutorial material in hand if
there is any interest.
5Goals of Tutorial
- Goals
- Review portal and gateway technologies old and
new. - Demonstrate how to execute workflows and wrap
TeraGrid applications. - Discuss security
- Hear from TG Gateway community what do you want?
- We have a lot of material to cover so we will
sample many things. - You will have enough information to get going as
a homework assignment. - Please also check with us at TG08
- Please see Nancys Gateway Parade this
6Slides and Demo Site
- Tutorial slides are available from
s - We run a permanent demo portal at
- Also aliased as https//ogceportal.iu.teragrid.org
8443/gridsphere - Accounts train30-train49 have been created for
the workshop. Password is the same as the
account name. - We also have training accounts with same names
that can be used to retrieve TG proxy
credentials. - These should be active all week.
7Portal and Gadget Demos
- Demonstration of basic capabilities
8Getting the Code
9What You Can Download
- OGCE Portal
- Various portlet samplers
- Web and Grid Services
- XRegistry Web Service Registry
- GFAC Application Factory Service
- Grid Portal Information Repository
- Programming Libraries
- Java and JavaScript COG
- Grid Tag Libraries and Beans (GTLAB)
- Information Service Client APIs
10Project Release Schedule
- We have two major releases per year with
intermediate updates. - TeraGrid (June)
- Supercomputing (November)
- Focus of this release cycle the workflow suite
tools shown in Part 2. - We do not currently package services and portlets
together. - These are separate downloads.
11Project Build and Test
- Source Code Version Control and Building We use
Maven 2 and SourceForges SVN - Anonymous checkouts
- We are Open Source
- Nightly Build Testing We use the NMI Build and
Test facility at UW - Mac and Linux flavors
- System Testing We use Apache JMeter to verify
portal builds function correctly. - You can download this from us
- You can also view the nightly dashboard
12Project Information
- Web site http//www.collab-ogce.org
- Announcement Blog http//collab-ogce.blogspot.com
- RSS/Atom Feeds http//collab-ogce.blogspot.com/at
om.xml - This is also embedded in the wiki as News
- Contact us discuss_at_ogce.org
13Building the Portal
14Choosing a Host Computer
- Select your host computer.
- You will need a real IP address for some
COG-based portlets - VPN also OK (?)
- Know general Globus et al firewall issues.
- I recommend turning firewalls and SELinux off for
development. - Operating Systems
- We test with Mac OS X and many Linux flavors
- Other Unix should be fine (assuming Java works)
- We have not had any requests for Windows.
- Software Environment
- The portal download comes with everything you
need EXCEPT Java. You need the JDK, not the JRE. - We test with Java 1.5. Dont use Java 1.4.
- The more memory, the better.
15Downloading and Building the Portal
- Download the portal from http//www.collab-ogce.or
g. - Unpack in HOME.
- You should also download the Maven repository.
- This is optional but recommended
- Edit ogce-portal-home/pom.xml
- Run the command mvn clean install.
- Use mvn o clean install to build offline.
- Build will typically take 5 minutes (new Mac) to
30 minutes (old Linux PC).
You can also check out the latest code from SVN.
Check the Nightly Build dashboard to verify.
16Practical Considerations
- Increase your JVM Memory
- export JAVA_OPTS"-server -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
-XXMaxPermSize256m - Xmx2048m, 4096m, etc if you can.
- Monitor catalina.out for problems
- tail f catalina.out
- Make sure that Tomcat shuts down
- Kill if necessary
- NFS can really slow down building
- Use /usr/local/ if you have problems
17Editing pom.xml
ltpropertiesgt ltportal.server.ipgt lt/portal.server.ipgt
lthost.base.urlgt http//portal.server.ip80
80/ lt/host.base.urlgt ltgridftp.host.namesgt
. lt/gridftp.host.namesgt
ltgram.host.namesgt . lt/gram.host.namesgt
ltproject.homegt env.HOME/ogce-portal-only
lt/project.homegt lt/propertiesgt
- You only need to edit the top level
ogce-portal-only/pom.xml. - You only need to change ltpropertiesgt for local
settings. - You MUST update the IP address.
- You may want to add or remove GRAM and GridFTP
hosts. - Update project.home if you are building someplace
besides HOME.
18Rebuilding the Portal
- Running mvn clean install will completely wipe
out the existing installation. - You may not want to do this.
- If you want to rebuild individual components,
just run the following command from the
ogce-portal-only directory. - mvn clean install f portlets/myportlet/pom.xml
- You can do this for all ltmodulesgt in
19OGCE Portal Project Layout
- We follow standard Maven 2 conventions for
project layouts for each component. - moduleName/src/main/webapp
- moduleName/src/main/java
- Modules are listed on next slide
- See ogce-portal-only/pom.xml.
- Each module is a separate directory and has its
own pom.xml.
20(No Transcript)
21Developing Grid User Interface Components
22Under the Hood Building Components
- OGCE portlets use the Java COG Abstraction Layer
to access Grid services. - Provides a buffer over different Grid toolkits
and versions. - Provides ability to compose graph-based
workflows. - Tutorial in itself
- Portlets can be built with our Apache Velocity
bridge. - Template or steal this code approach.
- We have also developed Grid Tag Libraries and
Beans (GTLAB) to simplify this process.
23GTLAB Features
- Extends Java Server Faces.
- Tag components wrap major COG Abstraction Layer
features - Allows you to do standalone development.
- Use JSF portlet bridge to convert into portlets
- No new coding, just change, add config files and
jars. - Or forget about portlets and
- Convert into Google Gadgets
- Develop as a Facebook application
- Etc.
- Status GTLAB is under active development, can be
used to build simple things, but still has many
loose ends. - You need to be technically adept to work with it
now. - But you are welcome to give feedback or
24Installing GTLAB
- You need to install the OGCE portal
- GTLAB depends on many shared jars.
- Download the release code from www.collab-ogce.org
or check out from SVN - svn checkout https//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnr
oot/ogce/GTLAB - Edit GTLAB/jsf_standalone/pom.xml
- ltcatalina.homegt should point to your OGCE portal
server. - Edit GTLAB/jsf_standalone/src/main/resources/resou
rces.properties. - Run mvn clean install in GTLAB/jsf_standalone/
25Levels of Abstraction in GTLAB code
- Note JSF is compatible with JSP, so you can mix
and match. - And you can embed JavaScript
- YUI, Scriptaculous user interface goodies.
- Google and Facebook APIs.
26MyProxy Example
lthform id"form"gt lthoutputText
value"Username"/gt lthinputText
value"resource.username" required"true"/gt
lthoutputText value"Password "/gt
lthinputSecret value"resource.password"
required"true"/gt lthoutputText
value"MyProxy Server "/gt lthinputText
required"true"/gt ltosubmit id"submit"
value"Submit" binding"builder.body"
action"builder.junkAction" gt
ltomultitask id"multi" persistent"true"
ltomyproxy id"mypr" hostname"resource.myproxyH
ostname" lifetime"2" password"resource.pa
ssword" port"7512" username"resource.user
name"/gt lt/omultitaskgt lt/osubmitgt
27Show the Proxy Credential
lthdataTable value"myproxy.storedProxyList"
border"1" binding"myproxy.stored
ProxyTable" var"proxyEntry"
id"proxyTable"gt lthcolumngt
ltffacet name"header"gt lthoutputFormat
id"subject" escape"false value"Subject"/gt
lt/ffacetgt lthoutputText
id"proxySubject" value"proxyEntry.subject"/gt
lt/hcolumngt lthcolumngt
ltffacet name"header"gt lthoutputFormat
id"Remove" escape"false value"Delete"/gt
lt/ffacetgt lthcommandButton
id"deleteProxy" value"Remove
gt lt/hcolumngt lt/hdataTablegt
28Executing Multiple Task
ltosubmit id"submit" value"Submit"
binding"builder.body" action"builder.j
unkAction" gt ltomultitask id"multi"
persistent"true" taskname"resource.tasknam
e"gt ltojobsubmit id"js" myfaces"true"
ltofiletransfer id"ft" myfaces"true"
from"resource.from" to"resource.to"
/gt ltodependency id"dep" task"ft"
dependsOn"js"/gt lt/omultitaskgt lt/osubmitgt
29These will work as gadgets, portlets, or
standalone applications
30Making GTLAB Gadgets into Portlets
- Do all development in jsf_standalone.
- When you are ready to convert
- cd GTLAB/transition
- mvn clean process-resources
- cd GTLAB/portlets
- mvn clean install
- You will need to manually edit portlet.xml,
group.xml, and layout.xml in GTLAB/portlet/src/mai
n/webapp/WEB-INF/ - Thats it.
31Making GTLAB Google Gadgets
- A Gadget is a standalone application that is
integrated into your personal iGoogle display. - They can run on your Web server.
- You can use SSL/HTTPS
- Google Gadgets have two versions
- http these use Googles JavaScript APIs
- url these wrap external applications with
IFrames. - Limitations
- Not much real estate (but location, location,
location) - Cookies manage state on gadgets from the same
server but we need a way to integrate multiple
independent servers.
32Some GTLAB Gadgets
33Example Gadget Config File
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt
ltModulegt ltModulePrefs title"MyProxy Gadget
Example" scrolling"true"
height"500"/gt ltContent type"url"
le.jsf"gt lt/Contentgt lt/Modulegt
Save this as MyProxy.xml and place in a Web
accessible place.
34Some Web 2.0 Resources
- See recent tutorials by Geoffrey Fox and me
- http//grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/presentati
ons/Web2.0Tutorial.ppt - http//grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/presentati
ons/CTSTechFutures_May19-08.pptx - Includes material on Google Gdata, Facebook API,
Open Social, Microformats, etc. - See also full examples at http//communitygrids.bl
35TeraGrid Information Services Portlets and
Gadget Libraries
- Slides courtesy of Maytal Dahan
36TG Information Services
- What are TG Information Services?
- Services that publish metadata about TeraGridd
- TG Software, TG resources, TG Services
- Software and applications can query TG Info
services for latest information - Existing TG Info Services
- Currently we are relying on the REST interface of
TG Info Services - TG Also has WebMDS interfaces
- Service includes CTSS4 information
37Libraries for TG Info Services
- Using the REST Interfaces we are
- Developing JavaScript Libraries that
automatically query and return service
information - Handling all the querying and xml parsing
necessary and return objects through libraries - API will include the ability to (and more)
- getTGSites() Get a list of all TG sites
- getResoures() Get list of resources at a site
- getServices() Get list of TG resources
- Late summer availability
- Demo portlets available now from SVN
- svn co https//ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/og
et/ - Not yet integrated with full OGCE build, so you
will need to use Maven 1. - Check with Maytal if you are interested.
38Talks, Demos, and BOFs
39Sample Portlet Interfaces
40Future Work SC08
- GTLAB enhancements generalized tasks, more
gadgets, Facebook and Open Social examples,
GridShib support. - Workflow Tools portal-based workflow client,
WS-Messaging, GRAM Auditing, GridShib integration - JavaScript Libraries TG Info Services, support
for Grid Services.
- GCE08 workshop will be held at SC08 in Austin
- More details to come.
- E-Science 2008 conference is in Indianapolis in
December. - Papers due July 20