Title: P Process
1Environmental Protection and Sustainable
Development of the Guarani Aquifer System Project
-Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay / GEF, WB,
OAS- Notes on Communication and Public
Participation in the Guarani Aquifer.
Roberto Montes, Reston, VA, April17th
2007 www.sg-guarani.org
- Communication as tool to promote public
participation - Information,
- Consultation,
- Involvement,
- Collaboration,
- Ownership / Empowerment.
3Guarani special features / Resource
- unknown (aquifer?),
- groundwater physical nature invisible.
4Guarani special features / Project
- preventive (issue important but not urgent),
- strongly scientific knowledge-building aimed
(communicating sciences problems) - design failure late (mid term) systematic
communication inclusion.
5Guarani special features / Institutional setting
- 4 countries (AR, BR, PY, UY),
- 3 areas involved in each country Water
Resources, Environment, Foreign Affaires, - 12 points of view!
6Guarani Communication
- Strategic option a mix among
- Institutional communication (Project, GS),
- Countries level communication (NPEUs),
- Participatory communication (local level).
7Local Communication
- It is sound with resources physical nature and
with its management (local by definition) -
- It is able to address concrete conflicts (real
or potential) and to involve specific actors - It allows the development of materials with
particular contents (that could be appropriated
and followed by countries) - Its scope is affordable in terms of resources
- It contributes to a participatory process
towards the development of Project TDA and SAP.
8Local Communication (2)
- Answer to local problems,
- Takes advantage of local experience / expertise,
- Sound with local values, traditions, and points
of view, - Instrumental goal development, application, and
assessment of tools that could be appropriated
and continued by countries.
9Challenges at local level
- Participatory communication instead of
dissemination. Goals
- Environmental education and GAS knowledge
promotion, - Groundwater culture development,
- Promotion of suitable water (and land) uses,
- Awareness creation and ownership on the aquifer
(as a condition for its sustainable management).
10Guarani Citizenship Fund
- 24 grass-rooted regional NGOs information /
education / communication projects - High level of local commitment
- About 2.3 million people reached
11Guarani Citizenship Fund (2)
- High value activities execution and materials
production - Participatory strategies (high level of public
involvement) - Groundwater problems set in regional civil
society regional agenda.
12Guarani Website
13Guarani TV spot
14Guarani Publications
- Universities Fund book
- Serie of technical documents and manuals