Title: Harnessing New Data Visualization Tools: Say It Visually
1Harnessing New Data Visualization Tools Say It
- Darlene Fichter
- darlene.fichter_at_usask.ca
- Jeff Wisniewski
- jeffw_at_pitt.edu
- April 2, 2009
Photo by chdota, Creative Commons
2Data visualization
Telling Stories
Library Opportunities
Social Data
3Power of visualization
- Conveying information visually can open the
hearts, minds and eyes of the viewers
4Photo by Mark Witton, Creative Commons
5Visualization takes off
- Its a visual world
- Notice the growth of the use of rich information
graphics and visualizations in newspapers and
magazines - Lots of opportunities and new tools popping up
that help display data visually
6Population density of the USA
7Tangible visualizations
8What we eat
Germany The Melander family of Bargteheide Food
expenditure for one week 500.07
9Bhutan The Namgay family of Shingkhey
VillageFood expenditure for one week 5.03
10Visualizing data
- What comes to mind first?
11The power of pie
- http//www.dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-03-07/
12Mind maps, heat maps and timelines
13Just the tip of iceberg
14Displaying results visually
Ubrowser www.ubrowser.com
15Playful artistic
- Amaztype http//amaztype.tha.jp/
16We feel fine Metrics
17We feel fine
18Important methods for libraries
- Standard data visualization
- bar, pie, histograms, line, scatterplot
- Information visualization
- Timeline, venn diagram, flowchart, cycle diagram
- Data map, tree map,
- Semantic network, clustering
- Cartesian coordinates
- Organization chart
- Others
- magic quadrant
19Start with the familiar
- Map of Library Locations (data map)
20Old versus new
District of Columbia Library Locations http//www.
21Text search
22Visual and interactive
23Google My Maps
- Go to maps.google.com
- Click on My Maps
- Add pushpins plus notes to create a map
- Embed the code in a web page
- Library branches
- Historical buildings
- Locations in stories
24Charts and graphs
- What library numbers do we talk and write about
that could be graphed?
25Introducing Google Spreadsheets
- Advantages over Excel
- Available at anywhere (ref desk, office, home)
- Flexible updating with web form
- Social Dimension
- Share with some people or everyone
- Permissions to read or write
- Portable
- Publish on their site
- Embed tables and charts your own site
26Google Spreadsheets
- Create a spreadsheet and type in data
- Upload a CSV file
- Pie Chart
- First resource consulted by students
- Course-related research
- Non-course related research
27Sample table non-course
Year Major Google Wikipedia Amazon Other
1 English 1
2 nursing 1
3 education 1
1 geography 1
4 commerce 1
1 history
1 English 1
3 education 1
2 psychology 1
4 education 1
Total 5 1 2 1
28Pie charts
29Not all pies are the same
OCLC Where Do College Students
Start? http//www.oclc.org/reports/2005perceptions
30Create a chart using Google Spreadsheets
- Work in a small group
- Pick one of the following stories
- Decide what you want to convey
- Input your data to Google Spreadsheet or another
tool - Create a graph or chart. You can fabricate some
extra data points if needed. - Share your chart add a link or upload to the
Data Sandbox area.
31Choose one
- Library adds 1000 new design books
- http//www.ocad.ca/about_ocad/articles/headlines/2
0080924_library_adds_books.htm - Libraries experience growth
- http//www.star-telegram.com/news/story/1229455.ht
ml - Pick something to show over time childrens
programs, circulation - http//www.westportlibrary.org/about/history.html
- Library cuts hurt student achievement teachers
- http//www.peak.sfu.ca/the-peak/2003-3/issue10/ne-
libraries.html - Challenge old space vs new space
- http//clerk.ci.homer.ak.us/memo0611.htm
- Other some data about your library currently
displayed only as text
32Show tell discuss
- Share your chart or graph
- Give everyone a moment to consider what youre
trying to convey and form our own impressions - Then
- Tell us the what you were trying to say
- Discussion and feedback
33Go visual to persuade and inform
34Words vs. visualizations
35Library line up
36Words AND visualizations ?
37Book returns
Newton Free Library (Creative Commons)
38Telling your story
- How well do these visualizations work to tell the
39Chart Strengths and weaknesses?
Headline Saginaw library circulation climbs as
economy falters
40Library use on the rise
41Job trends Circulation coordinator
42Library data beyond the basics
- Get social and share your data and RSS feeds
- Choose a creative commons license
- New titles received
- Top circulating titles by category
- Library locations and hours
- Upcoming library programs by date
- Recent returns (randomized for anonymity)
43Letting 1000 stories bloom
Photo Jim Frazier Creative Commons
44Kate Knitting blogger
45(No Transcript)
46Choose one
- Pick one of the stories below to work on. Decide
what you want to communicate. Find an image
licensed under creative commons to visualize it. - Award winning mystery books
- http//www.bpl.burnaby.bc.ca/fiction/mysawa.htm
- Join the Friends of the Library
- http//www.chelmsfordlibrary.org/friends/index.htm
l - LWW Nursing Collection added
- http//www.xavier.edu/library/news.cfm?news_id610
4archiveno - 360 Search, Serials Solutions' Federated Search
Engine - http//elinks.ecc.edu/library/whatnew.asp
- Other - something from your workplace
Flickr - http//search.creativecommons.org/
47Show Tell
48Before you publish anything
Ask yourself Could it be better?
SuperBomba via Flickr, creative commons
49More tools Tag clouds
- Provide another way to search by highlighting
popular items - Help with search and discovery
51Your personal collection
52PennTags Community created collection
53Tag clouds quickly reveal focus
Explore Brand Which tag cloud belongs to
Microsoft? Yahoo? Twitter? Google?
54Word art
55Explore the bios of your Twitter followers
56Examples Class feedback
- Visualize feedback on the fly
- Virtual reference comments
- Web site feedback
- Library suggestion box
- Transcripts of usability study
- Search queries
- Twitter results for your library
Tag cloud from Web Mangers Academy 2008 created
with TagCrowd.com
57Library uses for tag clouds
58Tag cloud exercise
- Pick one of the following to create a cloud for
- Create a tag cloud of your library home page
- Create a tag cloud of data from BYOD
- Use the data file called tagdata.txt
- Create a tag cloud of Twitter followers bios
using TwitterSheep.com - Then
- Use tagcrowd.com to create the cloud
- Share your tag cloud
59Look at the clouds
60Library content gets visual
- Easy to Hard DIY
- Website
- Catalog
- Databases
Photo by spincycle (creative commons)
61Look at the big one
62A typical catalogue
A search for dog returns 1834 results.
63500,000,000 hits
64Lets get visual
65Libraries are also grandtoo bad they have so
much stuff
66Forecast cloudy
67Would the real Bond please step forward?
- (James) bond
- Stocks and bonds
- Baseball
- Family ties
68Cluster results by category
69How about pulling out and visualizing concepts?
70How about visual feedback as you limit?
71oSkope Search by keyword
72oSkope List view
Mouse over effect
73Ill know it when I see it.
- Who doesnt recognize a book by its cover?
74oSkope Grid view
75oSkope Pile view
76Pile and grid view rule for search history
- Recognition vs. recall
- Icing on the cake?
- Pile in reverse chronological order
- Pile by term in reverse order
- Pile by day / date
77oSkope Beyond plain lists
78What about the other visual search engines?
79Look familiar?
80Now I know where Ive seen you!
813D and immersive results
- Ubrowser neat to look at, but ?
82Catalog and database search
- Probably an area where most of us wont DIY
- Some things are easier than others
- Showing book covers
- Choosing a library OPAC with visual tools built
in - One open source solution Scriblio
- Commercial catalog products such as AquaBrowser,
Endeca, - Ebscos Visual Search
- http//www.ebscohost.com/thisTopic.php?marketID2
83More visualization tools
- Mindmaps
- Web site structure mapper
- Diagrams
84Mind map
85Other mind map tools
86Web site structure mapper
- Blue links
- Red tables
- Green div
- Violet images
- Yellow forms
- Orange breaks, paragraphs ..
- Black the ltHTMLgt tag
- Gray all other tags
87Gliffy Diagrams, floorplans,
- Gliffy.com - free 30 day trial
88Lovely Charts
- Create flowcharts, wireframes, sitemaps, org
charts, network diagrams
89Data visualization social
- Why add social?
- Human nature create, share and hoard
- Data visualization
- Create
- Share
- Save
- Organize
- Collaborate
- Replicate
- Adapt
90Charts, Graphs, Data Visualizations
91Web 2.0
- Everyone can participate
- Dont need to know HTML
- Blog, wiki, ..
- Amateur professionals
- Citizen journalists
- Photographers
- Cartographers
- Question answer services
The rise of the amateur statistician.
92Advantages of social data
- Idealistic view
- Cautiously optimistic
- Skeptical
Slide from Bricolage Data at Play Joe
Hellerstein, UC Berkeley
94Now - Future
Slide from Bricolage Data at Play Joe
Hellerstein, UC Berkeley
- Soon, on Timepedia.org, you will be able to come
join us in building the machine, or visualize,
learn, and analyze our shared history, we hope
for the betterment of the human condition.
Sincerely, Timepedia's Staff
- Data authority - garbage in, garbage out GIGO
- Deliberate misinformation, spam, errors
- Provenance
- Privacy and security
- Identifying banned books readers or by mining
Amazon Wishlists and combining information with
Yahoo People
97What happens when data goes social?
Photo by .eti Creative Commons
98(No Transcript)
- Think community statistics
- Data and maps
- Assemble your own geographies from neighborhood
to nation - Connect. Discuss. Collaborate.
- Host Important Discussions Online
- Share a Calendar
- Save and Distribute Important Files
- Share Uploaded Datasets
100Under the hood
- Many activities to create Free Harmonized Data
to the People - Difficult to crawl data the way that web pages
are crawled - Need to harmonize it (dates, locations, )
- April 1, 2008
- 1/4/2008
- 4/1/2008
- 2008-Apr-1
Civic information building permits, crimes,
News articles and blog entries Web stuff
Craigslist, Yelp
- Walking Tracker
- Investment Tracker
- Mood Tracker
- Baby Sleep Schedule
- Breastfeeding Tracker
- Weight Tracker
- Child Growth Tracker
- Calorie Counter
- Workout Tracker
- Blood Pressure Monitor
103Social features
- Share
- Control access
- Group updating
- Publish anywhere
- Create team trackers
104Spontaneous communities
- Conversations around collections of data
- Example Flickr - High Dynamic Range photo
- HDR is two or more exposures
- Comments, community, practices
- Greater dynamic range of exposures
105Photo The last sunray Barcelona by Mor
(bcnbits) licensed under Creative Commons
106How to put pretty stuff in those drops.
Photo by Steve Took It Creative Commons
107Social sites for data visualization
- Allows new kind of data analysis
- Caters to the curious and serious, statistician
and the citizen - Important new medium
108Why social?
Slide Tom Coates, Yahoo!
Photo by maqroll
109Social data tools
Many Eyes
111Swivel tasty data goodies
http//www.swivel.com Does bowling really burn
the most calories?
112Many Eyes from IBM Alphaworks
113Many Eyes from IBM Alphaworks
114Why is the sun called a dwarf star?
115Love analyzing textual works
116Many Eyes features
- 1. View and discuss visualizations
- 2. View and discuss data sets
- 3. Create visualizations from existing data sets
- If you register, you can also
- 4. Rate data sets and visualizations
- 5. Upload your own data
- 6. Create and participate in topic hubs
- 7. Select items to watch
- 8. Track your contributions, watchlist, and topic
hubs - 9. See comments that others have written to you
117Many Eyes
118Many Eyes
- Show us something about your library or create
something to add to your library web site. - Create a Many Eyes account
- Create a visualization
- Add a link to it from the Data Sandbox page
- 4. Comment on another visualization
119Calling all code monkeys
illustrator Howard V Brown Photo Radio Rover
Creative Commons
120Google visualization API
- Uses the visualization techniques from Gapminder
- motion charts - flashy 3D funnels
- pyramids, pie donuts
- time series charts (stock prices)
- data gauges
- geographical heat maps
- Gantt charts
Supported in Google Docs Spreadsheets some new
121Flowing data
Swedish professor Hans Rosling, Trendalyzer
122Google API - Trendalyzer
Video of Hans Rosling showing the gapminder
software and lively animations of world
development trends.
123Yahoo charting API
124Many more tools
- For everyone
- DIY programmers
125Make a visualization action plan
Daily - Take 1 to 10 photos
Weekly - Make a graph
Monthly - Make an infographic
126Thank you
- Jeff Wisniewski
- jeffw_at_pitt.edu
- Darlene Fichter
- darlene.fichter_at_usask.ca
- library2.usask.ca/fichter/