Title: Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols
1Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols
- Text Book Williams Stalling
- Lecture Notes Adapted from that of Lawrie Brown
- Lecturer
- Professor Frances Yao Professor Xiaotie Deng
- Department of Computer Science
- City University of Hong Kong
2Digital Signatures Authentication
- Digital Signature Using PKC
- Third Trusted Party Protocol
- Symmetric Key Cryptographic Solution for
Authentication - PKC solution for Authentication
3Digital Signature with PKC
4Introduction of Digital Signatures
- The notion of a digital signature may prove to be
one of the most fundamental and useful inventions
of modern cryptography. - A signature scheme provides a way
- for each user to sign messages
- the signature can later be verified by anyone
5Digital Signature Requirements
- Must depend on the message signed
- Must use information unique to sender
- to prevent both forgery and denial
- Must be relatively easy to produce
- Must be relatively easy to recognize verify
- Must be computationally infeasible to forge
- with new message for existing digital signature
- with fraudulent digital signature for given
message - Must be practical to save digital signature in
6Use of PKC for Direct Digital Signatures
- Each user can create a matched pair of
- private and public keys
- so that only he can create
- a signature for a message (using his private
key), - but anyone can verify the signature for the
message (using the signers public key).
7Digital signature using RSA
- Suppose the public-key of A is (n, e) and the
private-key is (n, d). - Then to sign a message m,
- A just simply computes smd (mod n) as the
digital signature of m. - Then to verify the signature s of a message m,
- Compute se and check if it is m,
- Must be mde(mod n)m(mod n) if s is the valid
8Property of PKC based Digital Signatures
- MAC does not address issues of lack of trust
- E.g., non-repudiation
- Digital signatures provide the ability to
- verify author, date time of signature
- authenticate message contents
- Be verifiable by third parties to resolve
disputes - Hence, it includes authentication function with
additional capabilities
9Possible Attacks
- An attacker can publish a public key claimed to
be another persons. - Key may be lost
- Administrative control of secure private key
- Time stamp and prompt report of losing key
- Adversary could sign with time stamp earlier?
10Arbitrated Digital Signatures
- Use arbiter A to
- validates any signed message
- then dated and sent to recipient
- It requires suitable level of trust in arbiter
- It can be implemented with either private or
public-key algorithms - Arbiter may or may not see message
11Arbiter Sees Message from X to Y
- X?A M EKxaIDX H(M)
- Send the message M and
- Encrypted ID of X and a hash of M, H(M)
- Send the above and time and arbiters ID,
encrypted with the shared secrete key of A and Y
12Arbiter does not see message
- X?A
- EKxy M EKxaIDX H(EKxy M)
- A?Y
- EKayIDX EKxy M EKxaIDX H(EKxy M)
13Public key, Arbiter does not see Message
- X?A
- A?Y
14Public-Key Certificate
- If the directory of public-keys is accessed over
the network, one needs to protect the users from
being fraudulent messages purporting to be
public-keys from the directory. - An elegant solution is the use of certificate a
copy of a users public-key digitally signed by
the public-key directory manager or other trusted
15- If user A keeps locally a copy of the public-key
of the directory manager, he can validate all the
signed communications from the public-key
directory and avoid being tricked into using
fraudulent keys. - Moreover, each user can transmit the certificate
for his public-key with any message he signs,
thus removing the need for a central directory
and allowing one to verify signed messages with
no information other than the directory managers
16Authentication Protocols
- To convince parties of each others identity
and/or to exchange session keys - One-way or mutual
- key issues are
- confidentiality to protect session keys
- timeliness to prevent replay attacks
17Replay Attacks
- Where a valid signed message is copied and later
resent - simple replay
- repetition that can be logged
- repetition that cannot be detected
- backward replay without modification
- countermeasures include
- use of sequence numbers (generally impractical)
- timestamps (needs synchronized clocks)
- challenge/response (using unique nonce)
18Using Symmetric Encryption
- as discussed previously we can use a two-level
hierarchy of keys - usually with a trusted Key Distribution Center
(KDC) - each party shares own master key with KDC
- KDC generates session keys used for connections
between parties - master keys used to distribute keys to them
19Needham-Schroeder Protocol
- Original third-party key distribution protocol
- for session between A B mediated by KDC
- protocol overview is
- 3. A?B EKbKsIDA
- 4. B?A EKsN2
- 5. A?B EKsf(N2)
20Needham-Schroeder Protocol
- To securely distribute a new session key for
communications between A B - but it is vulnerable to a replay attack if an old
session key has been compromised - then message 3 can be resent convincing B that is
communicating with A - Modifications to address this require
- timestamps (Denning 81)
- using an extra nonce (Neuman 93)
21Using Public-Key Encryption
- A range of approaches are based on the use of
public-key encryption - Ensure to have correct public keys for other
parties - Using a central Authentication Server (AS)
- Various protocols exist using timestamps or nonces
22Denning AS Protocol
- Denning 81 presented the following
- AS?A
- A?B
EKUbEKRaKsT - Session key is chosen by A
- timestamps prevent replay but require
synchronized clocks - NOTE KU public key, KR private key
23One-Way Authentication
- Required when sender receiver are not in
communications at same time (eg. email) - It has header in clear so can be delivered by
email system - We may want contents of body protected sender
24Using Symmetric Encryption
- We can refine use of KDC but cant have final
exchange of nonces, vis - 1. A?KDC IDA IDB N1
- 3. A?B EKbKsIDA EKsM
- Therefore, it does not protect against replays
- could rely on timestamp in message, though email
delays make this problematic
25Public-Key Approaches
- There have been some public-key approaches
- if confidentiality is major concern, we can use
- It has an encrypted session key, encrypted
message - If authentication is needed, use a digital
signature with a digital certificate - A?B M EKRaH(M) EKRasTIDAKUa
- with message, signature, certificate
26Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
- US Govt approved signature scheme FIPS 186
- uses the SHA hash algorithm
- designed by NIST NSA in early 90's
- DSS is the standard, DSA is the algorithm
- a variant on ElGamal and Schnorr schemes
- creates a 320 bit signature, but with 512-1024
bit security - security depends on difficulty of computing
discrete logarithms
27DSA Key Generation
- It has a shared global public key values (p,q,g)
- a large prime 2L-1 ltplt2L
- where L 512 to 1024 bits and is a multiple of 64
- choose q, a 160 bit prime factor of p-1
- 2159 ltqlt2160
- (p-1)/q is an integer
- choose g h(p-1)/q (mod p)
- where 1lthltp-1, h(p-1)/q (mod p) gt 1
- Users choose private compute public key
- Private key x 0ltxltq
- Public key y gx (mod p)
28DSA Signature Creation
- To sign a message M the sender
- generates a random signature key k, kltq
- k must be random, be destroyed after use, and
never be reused - then computes signature pair
- r (gk(mod p))(mod q)
- s (k-1SHA(M) xr)(mod q)
- sends signature (r,s) with message M
29DSA Signature Verification
- having received M signature (r,s)
- to verify a signature, recipient computes
- w s-1(mod q)
- u1 (SHA(M)w)(mod q)
- u2 (rw)(mod q)
- v (gu1yu2(mod p)) (mod q)
- if vr then signature is verified
- see book web site for details of proof why
- have considered
- digital signatures
- authentication protocols (mutual one-way)
- digital signature standard
- Can two messages hash to the same value?
- Throw n1 balls guarantees a collision.
- But ?n random balls likely have a collision.
- N 365 Birthday attack
n boxes
32Chapter 14 Authentication Applications
- We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring
princes until we are acquainted with their
designs. - The Art of War, Sun Tzu
33Authentication Applications
- Application-level authentication digital
signatures - Kerberos a private-key authentication service
- Pronounced as KERR-berr-ross
- http//web.mit.edu/kerberos/www/
- X.509 directory authentication service
- Trusted key server system from MIT
- Centralised private-key third-party
authentication in a distributed network - Allows users access to services distributed
through network - All trust a central authentication server
- No need to trust all workstations
- Two versions in use 4 5
35Kerberos Requirements
- First published report identified its
requirements as - security
- reliability
- transparency
- scalability
- Implemented using an authentication protocol
based on Needham-Schroeder
36Kerberos 4 Overview
- A basic third-party authentication scheme
- an Authentication Server (AS)
- A user initially negotiates with AS to identify
itself - AS provides a non-corruptible authentication
credential (ticket-granting ticket TGT) - A Ticket-Granting server (TGS)
- A user subsequently requests access to other
services from TGS on basis of the users TGT
37A simple authentication dialogue
- AS-gtC Ticket
- C-gtV IDCTicket
- Cclient, VServer, ASAuthentication Server
- IDCid of user on C, PCpassword of user on C
- ADCnet address of C
- Kvsecret encryption key shared by AS and V
38A more secure authentication dialogue
- Once per user logon session
- C-gtAS IDCIDtgs
- AS-gtC EKcTickettgs
- Once per type of service
- C-gtTGS IDC IDV Tickettgs
- TGS-gtC TicketV
- Once per service session
- C-gtV IDCTicket V
- TickettgsEKtgsIDCADCIDtgs TS1
Lifetime1 - TicketvEKvIDCADCIDv TS2 Lifetime2
- TStime stamp
39Kerberos Version 4
- Authentication Service Exchange to get tgt
- C-gtAS IDCIDtgs TS1
- AS-gtC EKcKc,tgsIDtgs TS2 Lifetime2Ticket
tgs - TickettgsEKtgsKc,tgsIDCADCIDtgs TS2
Lifetime2 - Ticket-Granting Service Exchange to get sgt
- C-gtTGS IDvTickettgsAuthenticatorc
- TGS-gtC EKc,tgsKc,vIDvTSv Ticketv
- TicketvEKyKc,v IDCADCIDv TS4
Lifetime4 - AuthenticatorcEKc,tgsIDCADCTS3
- Client/Server Authentication Exchange to get
service - C-gtV Ticket VAuthenticatorc
- V-gtC EKc,vTS51
40Kerberos 4 Overview
41Kerberos Realms
- a Kerberos environment consists of
- a Kerberos server
- a number of clients, all registered with server
- application servers, sharing keys with server
- this is termed a realm
- typically a single administrative domain
- if have multiple realms, their Kerberos servers
must share keys and trust
42Kerberos Version 5
- developed in mid 1990s
- provides improvements over v4
- addresses environmental shortcomings
- encryption alg, network protocol, byte order,
ticket lifetime, authentication forwarding,
interrealm auth - and technical deficiencies
- double encryption, non-std mode of use, session
keys, password attacks - specified as Internet standard RFC 1510
43X.509 Authentication Service
- part of CCITT X.500 directory service standards
- http//www.surfnet.nl/innovatie/afgesloten/x500/in
troducing/glossary.html - distributed servers maintaining some info database
44X.509 Authentication Service
- http//www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.htm
l - Defines framework for authentication services
- directory may store public-key certificates
- with public key of user
- signed by certification authority
- Also defines authentication protocols
- Uses public-key crypto digital signatures
- algorithms not standardised, but RSA recommended
45X.509 Certificates
- issued by a Certification Authority (CA),
containing - version (1, 2, or 3)
- serial number (unique within CA) identifying
certificate - signature algorithm identifier
- issuer X.500 name (CA)
- period of validity (from - to dates)
- subject X.500 name (name of owner)
- subject public-key info (algorithm, parameters,
key) - issuer unique identifier (v2)
- subject unique identifier (v2)
- extension fields (v3)
- signature (of hash of all fields in certificate)
- notation CAltltAgtgt denotes certificate for A signed
by CA
46X.509 Certificates
47Obtaining a Certificate
- any user with access to CA can get any
certificate from it - only the CA can modify a certificate
- because cannot be forged, certificates can be
placed in a public directory
48CA Hierarchy
- if both users share a common CA then they are
assumed to know its public key - otherwise CA's must form a hierarchy
- use certificates linking members of hierarchy to
validate other CA's - each CA has certificates for clients (forward)
and parent (backward) - each client trusts parents certificates
- enable verification of any certificate from one
CA by users of all other CAs in hierarchy
49CA Hierarchy Use
50Certificate Revocation
- certificates have a period of validity
- may need to revoke before expiry, eg
- user's private key is compromised
- user is no longer certified by this CA
- CA's certificate is compromised
- CAs maintain list of revoked certificates
- the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
- users should check certs with CAs CRL
51Authentication Procedures
- X.509 includes three alternative authentication
procedures - One-Way Authentication
- Two-Way Authentication
- Three-Way Authentication
- all use public-key signatures
52One-Way Authentication
- 1 message ( A-gtB) used to establish
- the identity of A and that message is from A
- message was intended for B
- integrity originality of message
- message must include timestamp, nonce, B's
identity and is signed by A - AtA,rA,IDB,sgnData,EKUbKab
- A means A signs the
53Two-Way Authentication
- 2 messages (A-gtB, B-gtA) which also establishes in
addition - the identity of B and that reply is from B
- that reply is intended for A
- integrity originality of reply
- reply includes original nonce from A, also
timestamp and nonce from B - AtA,rA,IDB,sgnData,EKUbKab
- BtB,rB,IDA,rA,sgnData,EKUaKba
54Three-Way Authentication
- 3 messages (A-gtB, B-gtA, A-gtB) which enables above
authentication without synchronized clocks - has reply from A back to B containing signed copy
of nonce from B - means that timestamps need not be checked or
relied upon - AtA,rA,IDB,sgnData,EKUbKab
- BtB,rB,IDA,rA,sgnData,EKUaKba
- ArB
55X.509 Version 3
- has been recognised that additional information
is needed in a certificate - email/URL, policy details, usage constraints
- rather than explicitly naming new fields defined
a general extension method - extensions consist of
- extension identifier
- criticality indicator
- extension value
56Certificate Extensions
- key and policy information
- convey info about subject issuer keys, plus
indicators of certificate policy - certificate subject and issuer attributes
- support alternative names, in alternative formats
for certificate subject and/or issuer - certificate path constraints
- allow constraints on use of certificates by other
- have considered
- Kerberos trusted key server system
- X.509 authentication and certificates