Title: Inquiring minds want to know ...
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2Much ado about nothing the 30 minute guide to
the universe
NYSS-AAPT meeting SUNY - Brockport October 1,
2005 steven.manly_at_rochester.edu http//www.pas.ro
The intimate relationship between the very big
and the very small
3Inquiring minds want to know ...
Yo! What holds it together?
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5Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (near
7Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
8Event display from the SLD experiment at SLAC
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10What forces exist in nature?
What is a force?
How do they interact?
How do forces change with energy or temperature?
How has the universe evolved?
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13Mini-Ph.D. Quantum Mechanics 101
Lesson 1
Size actually does matter.
14Determine the postion and velocity of a car no
15Determine the postion and velocity of a small
particle no problem
16Problem! Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Cannot have perfect knowledge of both the
position and velocity
17The fundamental nature of forces virtual
?E?t ? h Heisenberg
E mc2 Einstein
18The Vacuum
-R. Kolb
Much ado about NOTHING Nothing is
something Nothing has energy Nothing interacts
with something
19The essence of inertial mass at the quantum
level (quantum field theory)
20On to the very big
Telescopes are time machines
1 Mpc 1 Megaparsec 3x1022 m 1 light year
9x1015 m
Light travels from NYC to San Francisco in 1/100
second . and it travels 1 Mpc in 3 million
21Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) discovers a surprise in
1929 Galaxies that are further away appear redder
Apparent Doppler shift
-From webphysics.davidson.edu
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23Light travels from NYC to San Francisco in 1/100
second . and it travels 1 Mpc in 3 million
Welcome to the expanding universe!! extrapolate
back in time find the age of the universe ? 13
billion years.
Type Ia SNe from Riess, Press and Kirshner (1996)
24-MSSL astrophysics group
25 Cosmic Microwave Background Penzias and Wilson
- 1964
Uniform and isotropic in as far as they could
27Very hot, dense primordial soup of fundamental
28At 0.000001 second after bang, protons and
neutrons form
29At 3 minutes, light nuclei form
30At 300,000 years, t 3000 degrees, atoms form
and light streams freely
31t13 billion years, Ben Affleck and Jennifer
Lopez break up
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33Many, many missing pieces
How can the universe be so isotropic? How did the
structure (galaxies, clusters of galaxies)
arise?? Do we know about all of the fundamental
particles that exist? Why 3 families? Why is
the mass spectrum of fundamental particles as it
is? Why is the universe matter instead of
Recent progress! But new puzzles
-R. Kolb
34We seem to be missing most of the mass in the
-P. Cushman
35Very exciting development in last decade Observed
fluctuations in the CMB temp
WMap data on the temperature fluctuations in the
why structure matters
36Einsteins field equations the modern laws of
-R. Kolb
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38One possible future of the universe
End of universe
Buffalo wins the Superbowl
Hell freezes over
Sun burns out
Million- billion years
12 billion years
17 billion years
100 billion years
1000 billion years
-R. Kolb
39Power spectrum (size) of temperature
fluctuations sensitive to different matter/energy
components of the universe
40WMAP composition of the universe
-P. Cushman
41The elusive neutrino
Mass eigenstates (3 or more)
?e target ? e- X
Flavor eigenstates relevant for weak
interaction with other particles
?? target ? ?- X
?? target ? ?- X
42The elusive neutrino
Quantum mechanical mixing of states ??gt
Weak flavor eigenstate
Mass eigenstate
Unitary leptonic mixing matrix Analogous to CKM
matrix for quarks
Neutrino with momentum p evolves with
time ??(t)gt SiU?i?igte-iEi(p)t/h
Neutrino of definite flavor is a superposition of
several mass eigenstates whose different masses
cause them to propagate differently changing the
mixture of the mass eigenstates, i.e. neutrino
oscillations in vacuum
43Solar neutrino puzzle
Solar neutrinos (only ?e produced in core of sun)
Homestake Mine, Davis et al. 100,000 Gal
tetrachloroethylene 37Cl ? 37Ar
?e(Homestake)/?e(theory) 0.34-0.06 Homestake
only sensitive to high E tail of ?e flux
Fisher, Kayser, McFarland, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part.
Sci. 49, (1999) 481.
44Neutrinos physics in the last decade
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) 1000 metric
tons of D2O in 12 m acrylic vessel
45SNO ?e???5.44-0.99x106 cm-2s-1 Bahcall
?total 5.05x106 cm-2s-1 SNO ?e/(?total )
Neutrinos oscillate and have mass solar puzzle
46Neutrinos physics in the last decade
SuperKamiodande 50,000 tons of pure H2O
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48Atmospheric neutrinos
Cosmic rays interact in atmosphere and produce ?e
and ?? neutrinos
49Accelerator neutrinos
K2K experiment
M.H. Ahn et al., PRL 90 (2003) 041801
50Reactor neutrinos
KamLAND experiment
D. Eguchi et al., PRL 90 (2003) 021802
51Evidence for a sterile neutrino? MiniBooNE
results in late summer or early fall
52The ? future
Long baseline Two detectors one near, one
far High statistics challenge for accelerator
and detector On and off axis Need to minimize
systematic errors
53Videos from ATLAS Collaboration website
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
54SuperNova Acceleration Probe
55We live in exciting times!
Thanks to Priscilla Cushman, CDMS, G-2, Univ. of
Minnesota Rocky Kolb, Fermilab and University of
Chicago Stanford Linear Accelerator Center CERN,
European Center for Particle Physics Fermi
National Accelerator Laboratory Brookhaven
National Laboratory Davidson University
webphysics project WMAP project Hubble Space
Telescope project Ned Wright, UCLA MSSL
astrophysics group Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg,
Plank, etc. And whoever else I forgot to mention