Title: To streamline employee expense reimbursement process with ACCPAC'
1Norming Expense Reimbursement
To streamline employee expense reimbursement
process with ACCPAC.
2Why Norming Expense Reimbursement ?
- For 80 of companies, 80 of vouchers are for
processing employee expense.
- We are tired of a huge chart of account with so
many segments, keeping the - hands of data processing department always
- We need to keep the employee expense under
control, on the other hand, we hope - that employee's cash advance or
reimbursement request can be met in time.
- A company with over 20 employees need to trace
all the details of employee expense.
- Employee need to submit the expense
reimbursement request at any time and anywhere.
3The Key Features of Norming Expense Reimbursement
- Developed using the ACCPAC SDK, support all the
standard ACCPAC features
- Seamless integration with ACCPAC Advantage
Series SM, GL, AP, CP, UP
- Supports Pervasive SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2
and Oracle
- Expense can be distributed to division,
department, cost center, region or job
- Support the tax calculation and distribution
for employee expense
- Full Multicurrency support.
4Whats new in Norming Expense Reimbursement 5.1
- Extended with eReimburse (web-based front-end
system), allow employee to submit - expense reimbursement request at any time
and anywhere
- Norming Expense Reimbursement (back-end system)
is integrated with the ACCPAC US/ - Canadian Payroll, using employee information
from these modules
- Integrated with tax service. Tax group can be
attached to each employee Flexible and - powerful tax calculation is enabled for
expense voucher Tax tracking reports is
- Division, region, cost center, department and
job can override the GL account segment.
- Print and email expense history report to the
responsibility of division, region, department, - job, cost center, or employee
5Norming Expense Reimbursement is developed using
the latest ACCPAC SDK, has the same look, feel,
level of integration as the ACCPAC modules.
6Employee expense can be distributed to
division,region, department, cost center or
job. We dont need so many expense accounts with
so many segments any more. If you have already
created a big COA, overriding the GL account
segment is enabled.
7Norming Expense Reimbursement is fully
integrated with ACCPAC Advantage Series Accounts
Payable. AP Invoice can be created from expense
voucher, and AP payment can be created from the
reimbursement and cash advance transactions.
8Norming Expense Reimbursement is also integrated
with ACCPAC Advantage Series General Ledger,
posting of expense or payment transaction batch
will create G/L transaction automatically.
9Set up employee register to maintain the employee
personal information, define expense distribution
option, expense control information and tax
10Expense voucher is used to book and distribute
employee expense.
Employee expense can be booked in any currency.
The tax related with expense can be calculated
and distributed automatically.
11Apply Document let you apply Cash Advance against
Expense Voucher.
Reimbursement and Cash Advance can generate AP
Miscellaneous Payment automatically.
12Multidimensional inquiry capability facilitate
the flexible tracking and analysis of expense
13What if employee expense reimbursement process is
extended to web ?
14eReimburse Typical Configuration Diagram
Norming Expense Reimbursement
Employees over the world
15eReimburse System Manager is used to maintain the
database, set up website, and define interface
16Lets log in Sample Company Ltd.
17The first page shows the current account status
for user
18Lets make a new reimbursement request
19Supervisor logs in Sample Company Ltd.
20Supervisor can view the reimbursement request
from staff, and approve / reject their request.
21eReimburse System Manager is also used to
transfer approved expense reimbursement request
to Norming Expense Reimbursement for further
22- Any technical problem can be emailed to
helpdesk_at_norming.com - If you want to place an order, please email to
sales_at_norming.com. - Your improvement suggestion can sent to