CryptographySecurity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... between two users and no key distribution center, which ... Prime density: the number of primes less than n (n) n / ln(n) For example, the prime density ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CryptographySecurity

Chapter 9 PKCryptography and RSA
  • 9.1 Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems
  • 9.2 The RSA Algorithm

9.1 Public-Key Cryptography
  • public-key/two-key/asymmetric cryptography
    involves the use of two keys
  • a public-key, which may be known by anybody, and
    can be used to encrypt messages, and verify
  • a private-key, known only to the recipient, used
    to decrypt messages, and sign (create) signatures
  • is asymmetric because
  • those who encrypt messages or verify signatures
    cannot decrypt messages or create signatures

Why Public-Key Cryptography?
  • Solve two difficult problems of secret-key
  • Problem I Key distribution
  • Goal need no key establishment between two users
    and no key distribution center, which knows the
    secret keys of users
  • Problem II Digital signature (universal
  • Goal wide spread commercial use

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Public-Key Characteristics
  • Public-Key algorithms rely on two keys with the
    characteristics that it is
  • computationally infeasible to find decryption key
    knowing only algorithm encryption key
  • computationally easy to en/decrypt messages when
    the relevant (en/decrypt) key is known
  • either of the two related keys can be used for
    encryption, with the other used for decryption
    (in some schemes)

Public-Key Cryptosystems
Public-Key Applications
  • can classify uses into 3 categories
  • encryption/decryption (provide secrecy)
  • digital signatures (provide authentication)
  • key exchange (of session keys)
  • some algorithms are suitable for all uses, others
    are specific to one

Public-key encryption
  • Key generation each (end) user X generates a
    pair of keys (KUX, KRX)
  • User X keeps secret his decryption key KRX
  • User X publishes his encryption key KUX in
    public directory
  • When a user Y wishes to send message M to X, it
    encrypts M with Xs public key KUX as CE(KUX,
    M).NOTE every one can encrypt messages
  • When X received the ciphertext C, it uses KRX to
    compute the plaintext MD(KRX, C)

Public-key encryption (cont.)
  • Key generation algorithm (probabilistic)
    security parameter ? a key pair
  • Encryption algorithm E public key ?
    plaintext ? ciphertext
  • Decryption algorithm D private key ?
    ciphertext ? plaintext
  • Equation MD(KRX, E(KUX, M))

Security requirements
  • Hard tasks
  • Given KUX, it is hard to compute KRX
  • Given KUX, E, D and a ciphertext C, it is hard to
    compute MD(KRX, C)
  • Secure against the chosen ciphertext attack
  • Given KUX, E, D, a ciphertext C
  • Allow queries of chosen ciphertexts query Ci and
    obtain MiD(KRX, Ci), Ci?C
  • It is hard to compute MD(KRX, C)
  • NOTE the attacker can mount chosen plaintext
    attack by itself

Digital signature
  • Key generation each (end) user X generates a
    pair of keys (KUX, KRX)
  • User X keeps secret his signing key KRX
  • User X publishes his verification key KUX in
    public directory
  • When user X wishes to sign (authenticate) a
    message M, it uses KRX to compute a signature
    SSign(KRX, M)
  • When Y wishes to verify S, it uses KUX to check
    validity of Verify(KUX, M, S)NOTE every one can
    verify signatures

Digital signature (cont.)
  • Key generation algorithm (probabilistic)
    security parameter ? a key pair
  • Signing algorithm Sig public key ?
    plaintext ? ciphertext
  • Decryption algorithm Ver private key ?
    ciphertext ? plaintext
  • Equation Ver(KUX, M, Sig(KRX, M))true
    if and only if (KUX. KRX) is a key pair

9.2 RSA
  • by Rivest, Shamir Adleman of MIT in 1977
  • RSA US. Patent 4,405,829 expired in 9/20/2000
  • best known widely used public-key scheme
  • based on exponentiation in a finite (Galois)
    field over integers modulo a prime
  • nb. exponentiation takes O((log n)3) operations
  • uses large integers (eg. 1024 bits)
  • security due to cost of factoring large numbers
  • nb. factorization takes O(e log n log log n)
    operations (hard)

RSA public-key system
  • Key generation algorithm
  • Input k
  • Randomly generate two primes p and q of length
    k/2 bits
  • Compute npq (n is k-bit long)
  • Randomly select e, 2?e??(n)-1, withgcd(e,
    ?(n))1 (Note ?(n)(p-1)(q-1))
  • Compute de-1 mod ?(n)
  • KU(e, n), KR(d, n)
  • (Note (1) p, q are not needed any more (2)
    e and d are symmetric, ie. ed-1 mod ?(n))

RSA public-key system (cont.)
  • Encryption algorithm E
  • Input ((e,n), M) (0?M?n-1)
  • Compute CMe mod n
  • Output(C).
  • Decryption algorithm D
  • Input ((d,n), C) (0?C?n-1)
  • Compute MCd mod n
  • Output(M).

RSA public-key system (cont.)
  • Why it works ?
  • Fact edr??(n)1
  • Eulers theorem a?(n) mod n1 for a?Zn
  • Case I M?Zn (i.e. p?n, q?n) D((d,n),
    E((e,n),M)) (Me mod n)d mod n Med mod n
    Mr??(n)1 mod n (M?(n) mod n)r M mod n 1r ? M
    mod n M

RSA public-key system (cont.)
  • Case II Mbp, 0?b?q-1
  • Since gcd(bp,q)1, (bp)r?(n) mod
    q(bp)r(p-1)?(q) mod q1.
  • Thus, (bp)r?(n) zq1
  • D((d,n), E((e,n), M)) (Me mod n)d mod n
    (bp)r?(n)1 mod n (bp)r?(n)bp mod n
    (zq1)bp mod n zbpqbp mod n bp M
  • Case III Mcq, 0?c?p-1 the same as case II

RSA example
  • Randomly select two primes p7, q17
  • Calculate npq717119
  • Calculate ?(n)(p-1)(q-1)96
  • Randomly select e5, since gcd(e,?(n))1
  • Calculate de-1 mod ?(n)77
  • Public key KU(5, 119)
  • Private key KR(77, 119)

RSA example (cont.)
RSA computational aspects
  • Recall (Chap 8) Randomly select primes
  • Prime density the number of primes less than n
    ?(n) ? n / ln(n)
  • For example, the prime density ?(10150) ?
    10150 / ln(10150) ? 10150 / 345
  • To find a prime of 150 digits
  • (A) Randomly generate a 150-digit number n
  • (B) If RPT(n)n is prime, then n is prime with
    high probability, else go to (A)
  • In average, it need try 345 times

RSA computational aspects
  • Compute de-1 mod ?(n)
  • Recall Chap 4 Extended Euclids algorithm
  • Find (a,b) such that aeb?(n)1
  • Then, a e-1 mod ?(n)
  • Encryption/decryption
  • Modular exponentiation
  • ab mod n

RSA security
  • Brute force
  • Try all possible decryption keys 1, 2, , d
  • d must be large d gt n1/4

RSA security (cont.)
  • Factorization of npq
  • npq is at least 1024-bit long for security

Note 129 digits gt 1600 stations require 8
months to factorize Now powerful
computers require less time
  • RSA-129(N) 11438162575788886766923577997614661201
  • p34905295108476509491478496199038981334177646
  • q327691329932667095499619881908344614131776429679

RSA security (cont.)
  • To counter factorization, we need select strong
    prime for p and q
  • npq is at least 1024-bit long
  • p and q differ in a few digits
  • p-1 and q-1 must have large prime factors, in
    particular, we choose p2p1 and q2q1, where
    p and q are prime
  • gcd(p-1, q-1) must be small

RSA security (cont.)
  • Timing attack
  • A ciphertext-only attack
  • By naive implementation, the time for decrypting
    a ciphertext depends on the number of 1s in d
  • We can measure the response time of a decryption
    to guess what d is.
  • Check if di1 then t?ta mod n. For some t and
    a, the execution time is very slow

RSA security (cont.)
  • Modular exponentiation algorithm
  • Input m, d, n (m, dltn, ddkdk-1d1)
  • Output md mod n
  • t?1
  • For ik to 1
  • t?tt mod n
  • if di1 then t?tm mod n
  • Return(t)

RSA security (cont.)
  • Countermeasures for timing attack
  • Constant exponentiation time
  • Random delay
  • Blinding of ciphertext
  • Compute CC ? re mod n
  • Compute MCd mod n
  • Compute MM ? r-1 mod n

RSA security (cont.)
  • Two users cannot use the same n
  • (n, e1), (n, d1)
  • (n, e2), (n, d2)
  • Given (n, e1, d1, e2), one can compute d2 with
    d2d2 (mod ?(n))
  • Compute e1d1-1k??(n)
  • Compute d2e2-1 mod k??(n)
  • Thus, d2d2 (mod ?(n))
  • Note Each user has different public-key KU(e,
    n) and private key KR(d, n)

Designing a protocol
  • Problem there are n participants who want to
    establish a secure conference, thus any legal
    participant may know the other participants
    sending messages, but no unauthorized user may
    decrypt the messages.
  • Pre-conditions/requirements
  • Each participant has a key pair (KU, KR), where
    KU(e, n), KR(d, n) and de-1 mod ?(n). (Note
    each participant has different key pair)
  • There is a chairman who is responsible for
    distributing a conference key and authenticating
    other participants.
  • Another requirement is that each participant may
    confirm the other participants joining the
    conference really.
  • Goal
  • Designing a protocol
  • Analyzing the protocol (Communication and
    Computation costs)
  • Security analysis
  • For simplification You may assume that there
    only are 3 participants.
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