Title: Workshop
1Domain Editor
- Workshop
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Rockville, Maryland
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- November 15-17, 2005
2Domain Editor
- Allows the user to define the tree structure of
the system and where the model may fit into the
system (e.g., Icon Type, Domain, Group, and
Subgroup, etc., but not Class, which is
3Tree DiagramDomain, Class, Group, SubGroup, Model
- Domain System, Environmental, 3MRA, Travel,
etc. - Class System, Database, Model, Viewer
(pre-determined in the system) - Group Fate Transport, Boundary Conditions,
Human Exposure Risk, etc. - Subgroup Air, Aquifer Source, Surface Water,
Vadose Zone, Overland Flow, etc. - Models RT3D, AT123D, MEPASAquifer, etc.
5Creating an Icon
FRAMES allows developers to create their own
icons to represent modules and models.
6Creating an Icon
Step 3 Change the icons file extension to .ico
and choose yes when the confirmation screen
End Result
NOTE The icon at Right is an example using the
NRC logo. Typically, images with white
backgrounds do not convert well into icons.
7Creating a New Domain
Created a new Domain Called Gene Whelan Domain
8A New Domain AutomaticallyAppears in the Module
(DES) Editor
9Selecting an Icon from anExisting Set of Icons
Class Icon
Domain Icon
10Developing a New Domain, Group, and SubGroup
with Icons
Use Change Icon to select an appropriate Icon
Use Add to add a new Domain, Group, and
11Assigning Modulesto SubGroups