Title: Java Security
1Java Security
- JDK 1.0 Security Model
- JDK 1.1 Security Model
- JDK 1.2 Security Model
- Some example codes
3JDK 1.0
- Original security model, sandbox
- Very restricted environment
- All incoming code is considered untrusted
- Access to limited resources inside the sandbox
- Local code is trusted
- Full access to system resources
- Security manager determines the access limit
4JDK 1.0
5JDK 1.1
- New concept Signed applet
- Digitally signed applet is treated like local
code - Packaged in a JAR file along with the signature
- Full access
- Unsigned applets go through sandbox
6JDK 1.1
7Check Points
- Compiler and bytecode verifier
- Allow only legitimate Java bytecode
- Classloader
- Defines a local name space for the code to ensure
its execution doesnt interfere with other
programs - Security manager
- Apply access restriction to untrusted code
8Check Points
Byte code verifier
Class Loader
Security Manager
A flaw in any of these subsystems may cause a
security hole
9Bytecode Verifier
- Bytecode Compilation of class file in a
platform-independent form - The applet bytecode is verified statically to
verify the bytecode format - Begins with right magic number
- attribute of all java class files
- Is not truncated or have extra bytes appended
- Contains recognized attributes of proper length
- Do not contain any unrecognized info
10Bytecode Verifier
- Static type checking is difficult to implement
- Hostile compilers can create instructions that
processor can execute but java compiler can not
generate - How should bytecode verifier detect non-standard
bytecode? - Flaws can be exploited
11Class loader
- Ensure that fundamental Java classes are not
replaced by other classes referenced by applets - i.e. replace the security manager and skip the
security checks - Class tag indicates which class loader has
installed it - Determine the privilege level
12Class Loader
- Built-in classes have a special class loader
- Applet Class Loader creates its own namespace
- Classes in one namespace can not reference
classes in another namespace - Predefined path for finding classes
- The built-in classes
- Applets own namespace classes
13Security Manager
- Provides dynamic security checks
- All access requests are sent to security manager
- Based on the classs privileges, the request is
denied or honored - Security managers are customizable
- Good or bad?
14JDK 1.1 - JCA
- Introduced Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
- Allows multiple and interoperable cryptography
implementations - Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) or provider
- Packages including concrete implementation of
subset of cryptography aspects of JDK security
15JDK 1.1 - JCA
- A provider implementation can contain one or more
- Digital signature algorithms
- Message digest algorithms
- Key generation algorithms
16JDK 1.2
- New concept Security policy
- Applies to all code
- Defines the permissions for the code
- Configurable by system administrator and user
- Each permission allows access to specific
resource - i.e. connection to specific port or read/write
access to a particular file
17JDK 1.2
18JDK 1.2
- Local or remote codes classes are organized into
domains - Each domain has a specific permission
- Instances of the classes in the same domain have
the same permission - Very restricted domains can be configured
- Applications run unrestricted
- But the policy can be modified to put some
19JDK 1.2
Security policy
a.class b.class c.class d.class
Domain A
Domain B
Classes in Java runtime
20JDK 1.2 - JCA
- In addition to JCA1.1 features, it provides
- Keystore key creation and management
- Algorithm parameter generation
- Algorithm parameter management
- Key factory support
- Certificate factory support (generation and
21JDK 1.2 - JCA
- Enables providers with a random-number generation
(RNG) algorithm - Includes a default provider (SUN)
- DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
- MD5 and SHA-1
- Certificate factory for x509 certificates
22Cryptography Architecture Extensions (JCE)
- An separate extension to JDK
- In accordance with US export control laws
- Includes API for
- Encryption
- Key exchange
- MAC Message Authentication Code
23JCA modules
24Engine Classes
- A class that defines API methods to access
specific type of cryptographic service - Abstract, no concrete implementation
- Applications use an instance of Signature engine
class and the actual implementation is in
Signaturespi class that, for instance, implements
SHA-1 with RSA
25Java 1.2 security API
- java.security
- General classes
- java.security.interface
- Interfaces for RSA and DSA
- java.security.spec
- Interfaces and classes for key/algorithm
specifications - java.security.cert
- Classes for managing certificates
- java.security.acl
- Classes for managing access control lists
26Key Generation (public key)
- Using RSA algorithm,1024 bit key pair
KeyPairGenerator kgen KeyPairGenerator.getInstan
ce(RSA) //prefer java.security.SecureRandom()
to java.util.Random kgen.initialize(1024, new
SecureRandom()) Keypair myPair
String plainText byte cipherText Cipher
encrypt Cipher.getInstance(RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding
) encrypt.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE,
myPair.getPublic()) int i for (i0
iltplainText.length-1 i1) cipherTexti
encrypt.update(plainTexti.getBytes()) ciphe
rTexti encrypt.doFinal(plainTexti.getBytes()
- Decrypt using private key
Cipher decrypt Cipher.getInstance(RSA/ECB/PKCS1
Padding) decrypt.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE,
myPair.getPrivate()) int i byte
decrypted for (i0 iltcipherText.length-1 i1)
decrypted decrypt.update(cipherTexti)
decrypt decrypt.doFinal(cipherTexti)
29Message Digest
- Java.security.MessageDigest
- The message digest object is automatically reset
after this call
MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance(SHA-
1) //supply input md.update(byteArray) //create
message digest Byte mdcode md.digest()
30Digital Signing
- Sender signs with private key
Signature rsa Signature.getInstance(RSA) //in
itialize with private key PrivateKey privateKey
myKeyPair.getPrivate() rsa.initSign(privateKey)
//update the signature object with the data to
be signed rsa.update(someData) //sign the
data byte signature rsa.sign()
31Digital Verification
- Receiver verifies data with public key
PublicKey pubKey aKeyPair.getPublic() rsa.initV
erify(pubKey) //update the signature object with
the data to be verified rsa.update(data) //verify
the signature Boolean isVerified
- Keytool
- Creates pairs of public and private keys
- Imports and displays certificate
- Export certificate
- Generate self signed X509 certificates
- Jarsigner
- Sign JAR files
- Verify the signature of the signed JAR file
- Policy tool
- Create and modify the policy configuration file
34Policy File
- Default policy files defined insecurity
properties file (java.security) - System
- policy.url.1JAVA_HOME/lib/security/java.policy
- User
- policy.url.2fileUSER_HOME/.java.policy
35Policy File
- Customized policy file can be considered as
- command-line argument
- appletviewer -J-Djava.security.policymypolicy
http//somepath/somehtml.html - Additional policy file specification in security
properties file - policy.url.3file/USER_HOME/test/myploicy
- Can be used to
- Create private key and associated public key
certificate - Issue certificate request
- Import certificate replies (from CA after
request) - Import public key certificates of others
- manage your keystore
- -alias - to refer to it in future
- -keypass - password for private key
- -storepass - keystore password
- More secure if passwords are given when prompted
Keytool -genkey -alias signEmail -keypass kpn10
-keystore myownstore -storepass fgh23
38Distinguished Name
- Previous command will prompt for
- First and last name (CN)
- Organizational unit name (OU)
- Organization name (O)
- City or locality (L)
- State or province (ST)
- Two-letter country code (C)
- This will constitute the distinguished name
- A password-protected database
- stores private key and its associated public key
certificate - Can contain trusted certificates
- Each entry is identified by an alias
- An alias may identify the purpose of the key.
i.e. signMyEmails
40Signing Code
41Signed Code Verification
- Exported public key needs to be verified for
authenticity before it can be used for
verification - Use of certificate is more common rather than the
public key itself - Trust chain/certificate chain
- Trusted certificates are kept in keystore
42Signed Code Verification
- Verification can be done by
- jarsigner tool (for jar files containing the code
and signature) - it retrieves the signers certificate and
certificate chain from keystore and puts them in
jar file - API methods
- Runtime system (checks the policy file)
43Receiving Signed Code