Title: The universe: dark matter and dark energy
1The universe dark matter and dark energy
2Cosmic Microwave Background was discovered in 1965
- This really is a map of the sky, black zero
emission, green that of a blackbody of 2.7K!
3To see ripples in the CMB, you really have to go
down in sensitivity
- Results from spacecraft WMAP, released on
February 11, 2003
4From these tiny fluctuations grew the structure
we see in the universe today
Clusters of galaxies, galaxies, and stars
5So what kind of universe do we live in? open,
- Recall that it depends on the mean density
- Via the parameter
6Determining the mean density of the universe
7The answer is.
- For bright matter omega 2.2E-03
- All baryonic matter (from abundance of light
elements), omega 0.02 0.05 - Taking account of dark matter in clusters of
galaxies, omega 0.33 - Best estimate is that omega lt 1
- Abstract of Turner article
8The truly weird feature of this is that most of
the matter in the universe is not even Baryonic,
and thus is of an unknown form. Taken at face
value, this result indicates that omega is lt 1,
and we live in an open universe. This was the
status a few years ago. Then things got even
9- For Omega 1, the fan out is the smallest
- For Omega 0.33, it is larger
- For Omega 0, it is larger still, and the
maximum for a Friedmann universe
10Use cosmological model to calculate m of z
11What is found for Type Ia SN
12The Expansion of the Universe is Accelerating
- Not explicable in terms of a Friedmann universe
- Behavior requires addition of Cosmological
Constant to the theory - Physically, corresponds to Dark Energy, an
energy field the produces long range, repulsive
force - Dark energy can contribute to Omega, make it 1
13Contemporary Precision Cosmology
- Omega of Baryonic matter 0.02 0.05
- Omega of all matter 0.33
- Omega of Dark Energy 0.67
- Age of Universe 13.7 Gyr
- Inflation occurred 1E-34 sec after Big Bang,
during which universe puffed up by factor of 1E25
Total 1
14In spite of precision, still some (very)
unsatisfactory aspects
- Nature of the Dark Matter unknown. When (if ever)
will we confirm its existence in a laboratory? - Nature of the Dark Energy is completely unknown
15Implications for our view of ourselves
The Realization that the majority of the matter
in the universe might be non-Baryonic is the
ultimate Copernican viewpoint not only are we in
no special place in the universe, but we arent
even made out of the same stuff as dominates the
matter density of the universe. Andrew Liddle
An Introduction to Modern Cosmology
16The Truth is out there