Title: MGMT 410/510
1MGMT 410/510 Topics in Organization
Development April 22
Developing Performance Measurement Systems
2Common Arguments For Why We Cant Measure
Here we go again. Ive seen it all, MBO, TQM, XYZ
You cant measure what I do. Even if you could,
we dont control the outcomes.
Im tired of being burned. Too many people misuse
3Reasons We Must Measure Performance
- Evaluation forces the definition of goalschange
objectives - Evaluation forces the definition of desired
outcomeschange outcomes - Evaluation defines how success will be measured
- Evaluation helps to signal problems
- Evaluation facilitates continuous improvement
4Performance Measurement Systems
Positive Reinforcing Loop
5Creating Successful Measurement Systems
- Leadership is critical in designing and deploying
effective performance measurement systems. - A conceptual framework is needed for the
measurement system. - Effective internal and external communications
are key. - Accountability for results must be assigned and
well understood.
Serving the American Public Best Practice in
Performance Measurement. National Performance
Review, 1997.
6Creating Successful Measurement Systems
- Performance measurement systems must provide
intelligence for decision makers, not just
compile data. - Compensation, rewards and recognition should be
linked to performance measurements - Performance measurement systems should be
positive, not punitive. - Results and progress toward program commitments
should be openly shared with employees, customers
and stakeholders
Serving the American Public Best Practice in
Performance Measurement. National Performance
Review, 1997.
7Developing Measurement Systems
- Lay the Groundwork
- Level of Involvement
- Support from above
- Knowing What You Want to Accomplish
- Measures Development Pitfalls
- How to avoid the output trap
- Reasonable, intelligence test
- When in doubt, ask
- Time whats the short and long term outlook
- Some better than one, none better than a bad one
- Efficiency/Effectiveness Balance
- Proceed for the Right Reasons
Walters, Jonathan. Measuring Up. Governing