Title: Controls for Blood Septicemia Nucleic Acid Tests
1Controls for Blood Septicemia Nucleic Acid
Mark Manak BBI Diagnostics, Inc. A Division of
SeraCare Life Sciences, Inc.
SoGAT XIX Meeting Berne, Switzerland June 15,
2Sepsis Infection of Blood Stream
- Bacterial infection (Bacteremia) Fungal
Infection (Candidemia) - Second leading cause of death among patients in
non-coronary intensive care units (ICU) - Tenth leading cause of death overall in US
- Usually diagnosed by culture using specialized
apparatus to detect and identify any viable
microorganisms. - Limitations of Blood Culture
- Relatively insensitive and time consuming 24 to
48 hrs to results - gt30 of septic patients are false negative by
blood culture
3Nucleic Acid Tests for Sepsis
- Roche SeptiFastTM Test
- Highly specific able to detect lt100 organisms
per ml blood - Detects microorganisms that cause gt90 of all
blood stream infections - Real Time PCR on Light Cycler Platform
- 3 parallel reactions gram positive, gram
negative, and fungus - Melting curve analysis of end product ensures
proper sequence - Rapid, automated results in less than 5 hours
- Design Specifications
- Manufactured from P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and
C. albicans - Inactivated to reduce viability gt6 logs.
- Diluted in negative human plasma
- Targeted at low concentration (about 300 CFU/ml )
- Intended Use
- Estimate laboratory testing precision
- Detect errors in laboratory testing procedures.
- Controls for the entire workflow
5Linearity of C. albicans in SeptiFast Test
6C. albicans
Quantification -Channel 640
Tm Calling Channel 640
100 cfu/reaction
100 cfu/reaction
7P. aeruginosa
Tm Calling Channel 670
Quantification -Channel 670
100 cfu/reaction
8Excellent Reproducibility Multiple Lots, Test
S. aureus P. aeriginosa
C. albicans
Test Site A Test Site B
Test Site A Test Site B
Test Site A Test Site B
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3 1 2 3
Mean 19.0 20.1
16.8 SD 0.8
0.6 CV 5
9Stability Studies
Accelerated Stability 37o C
Freeze-Thaw Stability
10ACCURUN 500 Summary
- Stable, low reactive independent quality control
material - Made from natural bacteria in plasma diluent to
mimic clinical sample - Controls for all test steps extraction,
amplification and detection - Well suited for the quality control of Nucleic
Acid assays for microorganisms in human blood. - Gram positive, Gram negative and fungal controls
showed amplification peaks only in the respective
channels for all lots - Negative controls showed Internal Control peaks
only - Excellent Reproducibility between Control Lots,
Test Runs, and Test Sites - Use of ACCURUN 500 will allow laboratories to
detect immediate testing errors and monitor the
long term performance of such assays.